Parole du jour

You may say to yourselves, ‘I have become wealthy by my own strength and by my own ability.’ But remember the LORD your God, because he is the one who gives you the ability to produce wealth, in order to confirm his covenant that he promised by an oath to your ancestors, as is the case today.
DEU 8: 17-18

Garde-toi de dire en ton coeur: Ma force et la puissance de ma main m’ont acquis ces richesses. Souviens-toi de l’Eternel, ton Dieu, car c’est lui qui te donnera de la force pour les acquérir, afin de confirmer, comme il le fait aujourd’hui, son alliance qu’il a jurée à tes pères.
Deuteronome 8: 17-18

Kandi muze mwirinde, mwoye, kwiyumvira mu mitima yanyu, mut’Ubutore bgacu n’inkomezi zacu ni vyo vyaturonkesheje ubu butunzi. Ariko muze mwibuke Uhoraho Imana yanyu, kukw’ari we azobaha ubutore bgo kuronka ubutunzi, kugira ngw’ashitse isezerano yasezeranye arahira ba sogokuruza banyu, nk’uko biri n’uyu musi.
Gus 8: 17-18

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