Burundi: The Tutsis Land Recovery Policy by the CNDDFDD has already begun in Mugongomanga commune

Burundi: The Tutsis Land Recovery Policy by the CNDDFDD has already begun in Mugongomanga commune.
Do not interfere with this case, otherwise you will have serious trouble with Ndakugarika ”. This is the sentence pronounced by Nduwimana Coscas, a Hutu, member of the Mugongomanga CNDDFDD Imbonerakure Militia, in Rural Bujumbura Province. He was addressing two members of the administration at the base in Mugongomanga commune who tried to advise him to return to reason. It has appropriated a tree plantation on a hill already sold by its grandfather in 2002 and bought by a Tutsi. He even signed on the contract of sale among the witnesses of this sale. In front of Diomede Ndamanisha, then administrator of the municipality Mugongomanga, the sale of the property was done in good and due form on May 2, 2002. The old man Bavugempite Stany who sold the hill at 500.000frbu with a payment of an amount of 50.000Frbu representing the communal taxes under the receipt No 419825 was represented by Sofia Ndayiragije, one of his daughters. The money has been paid in full as shown by the sales contract of which we have a copy. NDUWIMANA Coscas is one of the 4 witnesses of the sale. The sale was therefore made on a regular basis and did not contain any ambiguity.
The new owner of the hill has immediately planted a lot of trees that have pushed well. As it was not present at the place, that Nduwimana Coscas began to sell them as if they were. As it was a stolen thing, he would have sold them to a sum of 17 million Frbu while their true value was estimated at 70 million FRBU. Some trees were bought by the company Regideso to use them as electric poles, others would have been used to draw planks etc.
The owner hired lawyers for legal proceedings but the file has made a single step forward: sometimes it was the magistrate that was not present, sometimes it was Nduwimana Coscas who was absent. Two files, one Civil RCA 4694, the other Criminal D15 No 2883 / NDP, were finally opened for this purpose. Until today, everything is at a dead point.
What makes the record fail? The answer is in the first sentence: ” Do not interfere with this case, otherwise you will have serious trouble with Ndakugarika ”. Ndakugarika is this name given to the Super Minister of the Interior, Public Safety and Community Development for its exploits in the serious violations of the human rights of which he is guilty of and who have earned him sanctions by the EU and the USA. According to the words of the people, the wife of General Gervais Ndirakobuca would be a kinship close to Mr. Nduwimana Coscas and these trees were sold under the supervision and protection of this minister in charge of the interior. This is why the different administrators and judges are afraid to mingle in this case while theft is flagrantly done.
On the other hand, the buyer is a Tutsi, the thief is a member of the Immbonerakure militia, the various state services are entirely occupied by the members of the CNDDFDD, they see no interest in continuing and finishing this file for Tutsi to be returned to its rights. The President Evariste Ndayishimiye will have been heard again that all the mountains of the country that are not exploited (pointing with that of Mugamba and Bururi) must return to the hands of the state. The policy of no longer allowing the payer cows on these hills in Bururi Province aims to recover these properties of Tutsis under the pretext of wanting to exploit them while it is the implementation of the CNDFDD policy to impoverish Tutsis in all sectors of the country’s life until the state of beggars; A real small genocide, before the triggering of large-scale genocide.
URN Hitamwoneza will never get tired of showing the world the genocidal plans of the CNDDFDD system so that on the one hand the concerned awaken and take certain preventive measures, and that on the other hand, Burundians, the sub region, the African Union and the United Nations Security Council cease to be blinded by the attractive speeches of President Evariste Ndayishimiye and his team while in his interior, he prepares the worst for Burundi and the Great Lakes sub region. It is a man capable of talking about the unity of all Burundians while walking with, in his pocket, a plan to exterminate all the Tutsis and the Hutus of the opposition. Prince Louis Rwagasore said, “You will judge us by our actions and your satisfaction will make our pride ”. And Burundians, and Burundi’s partners have already found that Evariste Ndayishimiye is able to achieve. Do the various assignments in state positions reflect a sense of national unity or pure and simple exclusion? It is time to realize that its lies have exceeded the limits of the acceptable and take measures that are needed before it is too late.

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