Burundi: The search for Burundian rebels is a false pretext of the presence of men in Burundian military uniform in the DRC

Burundi: The search for Burundian rebels is a false pretext of the presence of men in Burundian military uniform in the DRC
Since the defeat of the Rwandan negative forces FDLR / FLN, supported by the Burundian military and the militia Imbonerakure, in their attempt to attack Rwanda towards the end of February 2021, people report every day movements of men in military uniforms Burundian and in arms crossing the Burundian border to the east of the DRC. Others are already reporting them on Congolese soil in the territory of Uvira. A week ago, men in Military Uniforms of the FDNB had been reported by our sources in the DRC in a locality called ” Rubanga ” in a hurry; They probably had another destination. This morning, social networks once again mentioned fighting in the localities called Gahororo, Kageregeri, Kahundwe and Rwikubo. Everything is possible, it is information not yet confirmed by our sources. What seems to us a pure propaganda is that those who gave the information say that these fights opposed the resistors of the Red Tabara and a coalition FDNB-Imbonerakure-Interahamwe-the Banyamulenge.
We wrote it and we repeat it once again, there is no well-constituted and organized group today in the DRC preparing to attack Burundi. The groups that have existed and who have organized at a certain moment in this part of the Congolese territory have been all dissolved with the FARDC offensive since the arrival of President Felix Tshisekedi. Those who would still be there scattered in nature and make their business. The powers of Kinshasa and Gitega are aware of it.
The men in uniforms of the Military of the FDNB who are still visible on Congolese soil are not Burundian military as their spokesperson so well said, Colonel Floribert Bieyereke. We wrote it well in one of our editions, our investigations in this body showed us that there are no organically constituted units that are parties in the DRC. The elements that are on mission in eastern DRC have been selected from the members of the FDNB, GNP, Imbonerakure and FDLR / FLN militia battalions. In their movement in the forests and the mountains of this vast country, they can enter into confrontation with a group or groups of rebels among the multitudes circulating it, no one knows. But, say they are fighting Burundian rebel groups who intend to attack Burundi would be disorienting the opinion. The only mission of these men in FDNB uniforms is to deceive the vigilance of men who track all the negative forces that are in the DRC by moving forward for Burundian military, in order to accompany the FDRL / FNL in the search of the staff and additional necessary logistics to return to Burundi in their old bases in the Kibira to resume the attacks on Rwanda again.
Let people remain vigilant: it is not the meetings organized between the authorities, both military and political of Burundi and Rwanda, (without external observers who could put pressure on a party that refuses to put the conclusions into practice), which will convince the power of the Gitega military clique not to support the FDLR / FLN negative forces. They have in common a lot of files which bind the two parties. The Burundian side will continue to participate in these meetings just to create a diversion in order to give time to these negative forces to strengthen themselves and adopt other strategies. President Evariste Ndayishimiye will not miss opportunities to deliver good-intentioned speeches while ordering his Chief of Staff and close friend Prime Niyongabo to do everything to support the actions of the FDLR / FLN. This is his nature. Hypocrisy dominates among its many qualities and faults.
URN HITAMWONEZA will never stop alerting national and international opinion to the danger facing the Burundians and the sub-region if adequate measures are not taken to prevent the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye from supporting groups of criminals already qualified as negative forces by the United Nations. Either, the Burundians can do it themselves and peacefully by standing up as one man to say no to this power; either the EAC states can organize a force to deal with the total annihilation of these forces, or the international community, in agreement with the EAC, can put pressure on Gitega’s power to withdrew from these FDLR / FLN and refused them passage and the necessary support. What would be the most effective scenario? Destroy power by all means the military clique and bring its members before independent courts to answer for their acts. It is from this moment that the Burundians will be able to choose leaders capable of bringing them all together under reliable projects of society and to cooperate with the men and the States that are necessary for the national interest. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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