Burundi: The real sponsors of the assassination of President Ndadaye would be the France of Mitterrand and Rwanda of Havyarimana:Analysis (Part 2)

Burundi: The real sponsors of the assassination of President Ndadaye would be the France of Mitterrand and Rwanda of Havyarimana:
Analysis (Part 2)
Life sentences, imprisonment for 20 years were pronounced on October 19, 2020 by the Supreme Court of Burundi, on the eve of the commemoration of the 27th anniversary of the assassination of the late President Melchior Ndadaye. Politicians and officers, members of the former Burundian armed forces, were convicted, including former President Pierre Buyoya, Ndadaye’s predecessor.
On this memorable date of October 21, 2020, we allow ourselves to ask ourselves several questions about the real sponsors of the assassination of this first Hutu president, said to be “democratically elected”; elections that we have no hesitation in calling “ethnic elections”. The electoral campaign was carried out on an ethnic basis, door to door even at night was based on simple ethnic criteria, and slogans during the electoral campaign were based on ethnicity and threats of genocide against Tutsis. In short, an ethnic vote to sanction the Tutsis who had monopolized power, or even physically eliminate them as was planned in their “ June plan ”
What concerns us today is to analyse together the role of France of François Mitterrand and of Rwanda of Juvénal Havyarimana in the assassination of this president. No one would already think that the two would play no role in this assassination because they maintained that the ethnic majority came to power to crush the ethnic minority, the Tutsis. Yes, from the simple eye of an uninformed observer, this is the case. Beyond the truth that it was the famous Corporal Kiwi who cut his throat and who was imprisoned with other corporals, beyond the political trial which has just ended, comes the moment to try to discover the true sponsors. We base our analysis on facts observed before and on the very day of the coup, October 21, 1993.
We read in an extract from Diomède Rutamucero’s book: “The democracy of numbers, a weapon for the genocide against the Tutsi in Burundi (1959-2005)” that on the fateful night of October 21, 1993, the head of Havyarimana’s intelligence service was at the Source du Nil hotel and a French captain by the name of Paul Barril had spent his night at ‘’le Doyen hotel’’. The two watched with interest the attack on Ndadaye Palace. Is it a coincidence that the two men were in Bujumbura on the same night of the coup? Only the naïve can think so.
We also read that Rwandan President Juvénal Havyarimana was no longer on good relations with Ndadaye in October 1993. Here too, it is not easy to believe it when we know that he was the godfather of all the Hutu extremists, who wanted, like France and Belgium, the seizure of power in Burundi by the Hutu ethnic majority as at home. Havyarimana had helped Ndadaye in everything, but the latter had started to act like a real Head of State and not like Evariste Ndayishimiye in front of John Pompe Magufuli. We read that he had even committed a mortal sin towards Hvyarimana who wanted to consider him as his little brother: in 1993 he granted an audience to Paul Kagame, current Rwandan Head of State, who was in the bush at the moment to fight the government of Havyarimana. The guerrillas asked him to convince his Rwandan counterpart to accept the Arusha accords and adopt the policy of national unity. President Ndadaye conveyed this message to Juvénal Havyarimana in his welcoming speech at Ngozi stadium while he was visiting Burundi. Gratien Rukindikiza, then an ordinance officer of the late President Ndadaye, saw President Havyarimana scratching his hair in protest and anger. It is also said that in September 1993, President Habyalimana encouraged Kabura Cossane, leader of Palipehutu, to attack Burundi. You understand that Habyalimana’s hatred against Ndadaye was not unrelated to his assassination. His death would have a double purpose for him and for France. First, it was interesting to get rid of this president who had not until then been as virulent towards the Tutsis (until welcoming the rebel Paul Kgame to the presidency) as they wanted. Second, they knew that once killed, the ethnic majority would have had a pretext to apply “the June plan” and get rid of the Tutsis. This is what happened after his death. Thousands of Tutsis have been murdered by extremist Hutus from Frodebu and Palipehutu.
URNHITAMWONEZA therefore remains convinced, in the eyes of these testimonies, that the death of Ndadaye is not an affair of Lieutenant Kamana or a few Burundian military corporals, or of these only personalities condemned on October 19, 2020; there is also the smell of Habyalimana and his friend Mitterrand. We ask that this matter be taken further so that all the sponsors, such as the performers and anyone involved are known and tried by competent courts. We also demand that all the planners and executors of the Tutsi genocide (they are known) which followed this assassination be punished in accordance with the crimes committed.

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