Burundi: The power of Evariste Ndayishimiye is unable to cope with the rise of the waters of Lake Tanganyika and the Rusizi River.

Burundi: The power of Evariste Ndayishimiye is unable to cope with the rise of the waters of Lake Tanganyika and the Rusizi River.
Everyone wonders about the abilities of the power of Evarist Ndayishimiye and his military clique to deal with this imminent danger represented by this rise of the waters of Lake Tanganyika which is overflowing even the rivers that spilled there. The damage already registered are enormous. And no one knows if the lake will calm down tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. If it is true that the rainy season is ending, in the time limit, we do not know what can happen. The government alone is not able to cope with this humanitarian catastrophe; it takes multiform aids. The Super Minister of the Interior, Public Safety and Community Development has recognized it on Monday, May 17, 2021 in front of the people of Gatumba and Rukaramu, affected by this natural catastrophe. With its ordinary brutality in language and in acts, it did not fail to threaten this population by announcing that the government will take steps they will have to execute without asking any questions. Evariste Ndayishimiye and his clique, however, should have taken preventive measures to protect this population and its property because it is not the first time it arrives.
Indeed, according to several concordant sources, the waters of Lake Tanganyika continuously rise since the past year 2020. Starting from the average level of 772.7m, they reached 776.45m in April 2021. An increase of More than 4 m who led to an overflow
The waters have overflowed and invaded the beaches in Bujumbura. The lake rejected solid waste as if it revolted against its pollution. Hippopotamuses and crocodiles are threatened in their natural habitat. The macadamized road along the lake is not spared. The population of Gatumba is affected because the houses bathe in the water. Most of the inhabitants of Gatumba and Rukaramu are farmers or fishermen who have lost their food stocks for the year and whose fields are now destroyed. The rivers Mpanda, the great and the small Rusizi spinning in the lake had to make their way, to spread to Gatumba, not able to continue their trajectory following the rise of the waters of the lake. This is not all: this rise in waters has blocked the activities of the tourism and fishing sector, leaving hundreds of unemployed people. Specialists say it would suffice from a rise of 0.55m so that the port of Bujumbura is flooded. This would paralyze port activities. What does the CNDDFDD government do to protect this important infrastructure for the country’s economy? The Japanese government provided funding for the protection of this port. Did they build a wall against the lake? We believe that this solution would not be the best because the water cannot miss where to spend once overwhelmed significantly. Preventive measures for the protection of important material should have been taken because it is likely to wave one day finding all the important documents and materials flooded.
Another very important damage is the schools that have ended up in the water. Some had to close; Others work under very harsh conditions that may put the children of the country endangered. This is the example of the BES School (Burundi English School) located at the bottom of the ‘’avenue du large’’ toward Lake Tanganyika and continues to operate while even to get there, people spend in the water, which can cause children’s diseases to children, but also to those who accompany them. As it is a private school, the founding members, the parents, the legal representative and the Ministry in charge of education should take adequate measures to protect these children. A child who studies in such conditions cannot give positive results. We will come back in detail.
This phenomenon of rising the waters of Lake Tanganyika would simply be natural because it is not new. In 1878, the lake would have reached a height of 783.60m; In 1964, 86 years later, the lake level was up to 777.08 m; The lake is still talking about him in 2020-2021.
URN Hitamwoneza believes that the risk is great that all those who built close to the lake find themselves tomorrow in the water. The people of Gatumba and Rukaramu are already in difficulties and deserve assistance. For those who are not yet affected, preventive measures must be taken, including by evacuating valuables that may be damaged in case of flooding. The government, meanwhile, instead of declaring all the time that it is autonomous, that it is self-sufficient, should turn to friends and partners to find ways to survive all this world in distress because of From this rise in the lake waters while waiting for water to decrease. Here too, will come a time of repair of all it will have damaged. And they are not the means of the state alone who can; exterior supports are always needed. That Ndayishimiye and his clique cease to glorify, but that they show humility to seek what to save the victims of this natural disaster and take serious measures of protection of Lake Tanganyika against all those who violate the environment’s roles.

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