Burundi: The military clique is doing everything it can to remobilize its troops at a time when internal divisions are gnawing at the cnddfdd (8th part).

Burundi: The military clique is doing everything it can to remobilize its troops at a time when internal divisions are gnawing at the cnddfdd (8th part).
The week dedicated to cnddfdd fighters was closed by a military parade of the imbonerakure militia, organized in military structures; Evariste Ndayishimiye himself spoke of a marching battalion. He promised them 50 million Burundian francs, which he planned to collect from the great tenors of the cnddfdd gathered in the grandstand of the Karuzi stadium.
The closing was also marked by a speech full of promises that will remain without results. Indeed, the fight against corruption and economic malfeasance has been a slogan of the cnddfdd since he came to power, but nothing has been done. People are plundering the country’s resources to the point of becoming richer than the state at a time when the country remains the poorest in the world.
Here, there are questions about the source of the money that has been distributed as ‘prizes’ to activists who have stood out more than others. From the cnddfdd party or the state coffers? We are in the party system state, it is not even necessary according to the current leaders to separate them. It is for this reason that those who are not cnddfdd are completely ignored in the affairs of the state.
Apart from this money that was distributed to the imbonerakure to thank them for the work done, Evariste Ndayishimiye had recently given 4 million to each player of the national team; Reverien Ndikuriyo also gave as much. Eight million francs drunk per player to encourage them to play well and get to CAN 2021; it is a good gesture of the authorities who care on the honour of the country. The question that remains is: where do these hundreds of millions come from in a country that is getting poorer on a day-to-day basis? Is it a priority to buy the benches for the children of some schools in Ruyigi or Bubanza who sit on the floor in classrooms whose walls are in danger of collapsing on the children of Burundians? Does this Gisuru child who is studying in a school without a door or a window, with all the bad weather in the world and who sits on a stone, deserve to be called ”umwenegihugu” like that of Willy Nyamitwe who studies in the best schools in the USA? Evariste Ndayishimiye should start sweeping in front of his door before demanding cleanliness from others; it should start by punishing all those big fish that have squandered the state’s assets before thinking about the small civil servants. Unfortunately, even if he had the good will to do so, he cannot venture into this slippery terrain. These people have a lot of money, they’ve become stronger than the president, and they can even get him overthrown or have him killed. He would have done well not to declare it because he knew in advance that he was not going to do it.
Another excerpt from his speech that attracts the attention of many people and which has circulated on social networks concerns injustice. Evariste Ndayishimiye dared to say that an oppressed people, feeling an injustice on the part of leaders, of those who should deal with its problems, is entitled to take up arms and fight them. Maybe he was referring to what he and the other fighters would have suffered before joining the scrub. Understandable. Would he at least have thought of the injustice that the majority of the Burundian people are suffering today, as they are in business? Would he be aware of the grumblings within his army as a result of the injustices that the military suffers (especially with the Amisom’s money not paid to the military)? And if this world took up arms, what would happen? Evariste Ndayishimiye needs to turn his tongue 7 times77 times before speaking. She was telling Denise Bucumi truth in one of the evangelistic sessions when she said, “Is luckless this people who have leadership that lacks wisdom and intelligence.” Probably she was speaking to Evariste Ndayishimiye who listened attentively.
URNHITAMWONEZA once again calls on the Burundian people to mobilize citizens to fight the injustice they are suffering from a handful of men who are only targeting their own interests at the expense of the public interest. The remobilization of the fighters and imbonerakure of the cnddfdd cannot alleviate the suffering of an entire people, including members of the cnddfdd. The lack of food, medicines, and chemical fertilizers is a problem shared by all. The money of the Amisom military not paid by the government when the skill authorities have already paid it to other states including Burundi, the sale of the property of people judged arbitrarily (defenceless), are all injustices that should call on any Burundian to do what Evariste Ndayishimiye advised you: Use all means to claim your rights. To give in to fear means to accept to remain slaves to a handful of men in power and to die in total misery. You must all stand up and act together as one man to free our country from this leadership without wisdom or intelligence.

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