Burundi: The military clique is doing everything it can to remobilize its troops at a time when internal divisions are gnawing at the cnddfdd (6th part).

Burundi: The military clique is doing everything it can to remobilize its troops at a time when internal divisions are gnawing at the cnddfdd (6th part).
The week dedicated to the cnddfdd fighter was closed on Saturday, November 21, 2020 as planned in Karuzi province. Would Evariste Ndayishimiye have succeeded in remobilizing the members of the cnddfdd behind him? This is a question that is not easy to answer because Burundians know how to show their outside face when in their inner strong, they think otherwise. Everyone saw it in the May 2020 elections; for adults, you saw it with the June 1993 elections between Uprona and Frodebu.
Indeed, it is not because the cnl of Agathon Rwasa – a new party even if neither its leader nor the members are new to politics, – which had more members than the cnddfdd, party in power since 2005. It is simply because there were members of cnddfdd by the name, but who voted for the cnl because they wanted change. In 1993, Pierre Buyoya had huge crowds in every meeting. Not everyone who wore Uprona caps was a member of the uprona. Members of the Frodebu participated in his meetings, just to distract him and make him believe that he will win the elections so that he does not think in advance, cheating. Good strategy. It is in this kind of trap that the cnddfdd fell in 2020; he believed he had stopped all strategies to win elections (movement restrictions during the campaign to leaders, harassment and intimidation of cnl members). He was surprised by his failure to count the tracks, which is why he cheated foolishly, until the NIC was unable to justify the parachuted figures. Blatant cheating.
That Evariste Ndayishimiye organizes military parades of imbonerakure (such as the parades of the interahamwe observed in Rwanda in 1994) and the children of the eagle, ”ivyana vy’inkona” (future imbonerakure); that he distributes prizes to all those imbonerakure who have done the job in question (i.e. who have stood out in harassment, arrest, torture, rape of Tutsi girls and women, extrajudicial executions etc.), he will not cure the evil that has plagued his system since the disappearance of the Supreme Leader of Patriotism, the late Pierre Nkurunziza.
We have been able to demonstrate this in our previous editions, there is the worm in the fruit. The leaders of the three groups tearing each other apart within the Eagle party will not allow members of that party to all look in the same direction. Yes, they agree to eliminate the Tutsis they do not want to see in power yet; they do not all agree on the treatment of the Hutu of the opposition who can take away their victory if credible elections are held; but they cannot accept that a group of generals and a handful of politicians alone take over all the wealth of the country while the others are starving. The harassment that is done to the former faithful of the late Pierre Nkurunziza in the form of anti-corruption, economic malfeasance will leave the box intact; there is a risk of bursting.
You would have heard Evariste Ndayishimye, in his closing speech of the week of the cnddfdd fighters, say that from now on, the fight against corruption and economic malfeasance has begun, especially among state officials; that those found guilty of economic malfeasance will no longer have a place in the public service; that his property will be sold to pour the money into the public treasury; that it will even happen that repeat offenders are expelled from the country as our ancestors did (see Speech Evariste Ndayishimiye in Karuzi on 21 November 2020).
For those who can read between the lines, the targets are only people who were around Pierre Nkurunziza . Otherwise, the reality is that such speeches have always been held in the reign of the eagle, but they have never been followed by effects; thieves have continued to get rich, they are the masters of today. Evariste Ndayishimiye can’t do anything without consulting them. They have stolen money, they have power. What can he do with them? Will he be able to stop the small fish when the big fish around him (which he covered himself by saying that someone’s property is a secret, that they cannot be declared when it is a requirement of the constitution) are flowing it soft? And they’re known to all. Just expect Neva to change her speech tomorrow to other circumstances.
We will continue to provide our analysis and comments on this warning from Evariste Ndayishimiye to public servants who will engage in corruption and economic malfeasance; on the imbonerakure military parade in Karuzi; the reason why the cnddfdd chose this province to host this week’s closing ceremonies and the awards that were given to the most deserving.
URN HITAMWONEZA believes that the mobilization of imbonerakure fighters of the cnddfdd does not bode well. Aligning battalions of imbonerakure militiamen is a show of strength of the cnddfdd party. We all know that they are armed even though they did not march with weapons. Are they mobilized to fight which enemy? The current job is to closely follow all the Tutsis and political opponents they describe as enemies of the country to stop them, exterminating them while waiting for a whistle for a large-scale genocide. Everything is ready; there is only one trigger left. The people must be vigilant and look for all possible means to block the way to this military clique that is ruining our nation. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
Email: [email protected]  Twitter: URN HITAMWONEZA

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