Burundi: The military clique is doing everything it can to remobilize its troops at a time when internal divisions are gnawing at the cnddfdd (2nd part).

Burundi: The military clique is doing everything it can to remobilize its troops at a time when internal divisions are gnawing at the cnddfdd (2nd part).
We announced it in our edition yesterday, the cnddfdd opened today a week dedicated to the fighter, from 16 to 21 November 2020. It began, as planned, with a mass that was celebrated in Gifugwa in Mpanda , in memory of the fighters of the cndd fdd killed. President Evariste Ndayishimiye was represented by his wife, according to our sources at the scene. Many members of the cnddfdd met at the party’s national office in Ngagara. This year’s theme focuses on the support of the famous Mvyeyi government, Nkozi to fight the enemy of development, poverty. It is just a slogan to show the public that everything has been done, that all that remains is to work on the development work of the country. Here, too, the military clique keeps loudly proclaiming that Burundi is rich, at a time when it is the first poor country in the world. This means that all the wealth of the country is in the hands of a handful of men (some generals and politicians of the cnddfdd). They are therefore not able to see that the bulk of the people eat only once a day, lack of medicine, their children sit on the floor in class for lack of desks. When they are in abundance, with safes filled with currency in their homes, they think that everyone is in this situation.
This fighter’s week is an opportunity to remobilize the members of the cnddfdd and especially the activists at the base because this ruling party has already noticed, with the elections of May 2020, that it is no longer loved, that on the other hand the people want change. Indeed, they have already seen that the peace and democracy that this party advocated is only a dream; that, on the other hand, the Burundian of today has not gained anything with the power of the cnddfdd, that on the other hand he has lost everything. The people showed those who want to see that it was time to change power, but military force won over democracy. And everyone knows that the cnddfdd and Evariste Ndayishimiye did not win these elections, that they are now head of state by force. Going through the fighters by reminding them of the highlights of the scrub is a good strategy to moralize all party members.
It is a job that is not easy at a time when the party is now comparable to a fruit already penetrated by a worm and gnawing from within. What is more serious is that the virus started with the leaders. There is a semblance of calm today, but tomorrow we don’t know what’s going to happen; there is a risk that the whole system will collapse like a house on the floor that collapses starting at the top.
Let’s just talk about a few signs that don’t deceive and are just illustrations. What place does the late President Nkurunziza occupy today in the hearts of the cnddfdd in general and of the current leaders in particular? What places do the people who were around him occupy today in the power Of Evariste Ndayishimiye and Allain Guillaume Bunyoni? Except that Burundians know how to shed crocodile tears, who actually killed Pierre Nkurunziza? No one knows yet because we have not had the results of the autopsy if it was done or simply, it is possible that the new masters managed to convince the family not to have it done. And if it was made, it is the secret of the family. But, she should also know that when you become President of the Republic, you are no longer just a member of the restricted family, you automatically belong to the people. It is ultimately an abuse of language to say that the president is the father of the nation. The people also need to know the truth about their death; whether it is a natural death as the government has said, or if it is poisoning. This thesis has also been put forward. And he would not be the first poisoned leader in the world, especially since he had won an honorary title that was almost above the honours of the President of the Republic. It would be better, according to some politicians, for it to be below the ground rather than an obstacle to the governance of the new boss.
Frustrated by this confusion surrounding his death, his followers (whatever members of the cnddfdd) are not today welcomed by the new leaders. Think of Pascal Nyabenda who saw no place in the representativeness of the people; think of Gaspard Sindayigaya who had a surprise visit to his home “special thieves” to retrieve huge quantities of gold bars and suitcases filled with green notes hidden in his house. Our sources of information say that this wealth belonged to the late Pierre Nkurunziza and that it had been hidden in his home (no one knows the relationship between him and the late Pierre Nkurunziza); also think of Anicet Niyonkuru who returned from exile deceiving the opinion that he goes to the elections as a political opponent when his mission was to make the elections credible by showing the participation of exiled opponents. After Nkurunziza’s death after seeing his running mate Pascal Nyabenda rejected the presidential bid for the May 2020 elections, what happened to Anicet Niyonkuru in the Ndayishimiye government? What position did he get? (There too, you know well that he is little brother to Gaspard Sindayigaya). In all this, what is the share of the great Marshal Allain Guillaume Bunyoni? What relationship does he have with General President Evariste Ndayishimiye? It has been said, it is to be verified, that he would have been forced to propose him to the post of prime minister by the big financiers like Kikwete because he is the one who knows all the mafia files that this Tanzanian dealt with the late President Nkurunziza. Seeking to replace it would not be an idea to be rejected either. By what means? He himself knows; but it’s not impossible. There’s worm in the fruit.
URN HITAMWONEZA gives a nod to the people by telling them that when there is a confrontation between two elephants, it is the grass that suffers the most. The break-up of this situation will certainly leave a legacy within the party, but its militias will take the opportunity to complete the genocide that has already begun long. They will find excuses to say that it is the Tutsis or the Hutus of the opposition who are at the root of this crisis. So you have to coalesce to stand in the way of these bad leaders who want to get involved in conflicts whose ins and outs you don’t know. May those who accept to be their tools to achieve their goals know that they will answer alone before the law because sooner or later the truth will win over the lie, the good will overcome evil. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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