Burundi: The imbonerakure and interahamwe are more considered by the power of Gitega than the defence and security corps (5th and last part)

Burundi: The imbonerakure and interahamwe are more considered by the power of Gitega than the defence and security corps (5th and last part)
We will close our analysis on the CDS by the aspect related to the conditions of appointment and execution of peacekeeping missions abroad. We begin our analysis with this quote from Martin Luther King: “what scares me is not the oppression of the wicked; it is the indifference of the good ’. It’s not because CDS members don’t feel and deplore this humiliation they are being subjected to by the military clique in power, some are fed up with it. But, no one dares to lift a finger to say a word for several reasons. Of course, there is this risk of being targeted and mistreated or even physically eliminated by this bloodthirsty power, but the big reason for this inaction is the wait for a mission abroad. On the one hand, this can be understood because they are unhappy, they only touch the equivalent of 5 bags of coal; therefore, they cannot afford a one-month food ration for their families. Think about other family obligations and put yourself in their shoes to imagine what kind of life they are leading. They who have agreed to sacrifice their lives for the good of the whole country and its people. How to ask for professionalism from such a person who does not know how to support his family. With a chance that presents itself to participate in a peacekeeping mission, CDS members are ready to endure all the penalties in the world, to be humiliated, mistreated; some agree to carry out illegal missions to gain the sympathy of these criminal leaders so that they are put first on the lists. The power of Gitega has never tidied up these kinds of missions to actually take the opportunity to thank above all the zealots he uses in all these criminal missions. This is how our country has lost its brand image in these missions, some positions formerly reserved for Burundi have been given to other countries because the leaders of the cnddfdd highlight their dunces to thank them for the crimes they have committed instead of sending professionals (and there are many). Since in such missions the assessment is not made by membership of the presidential party but by the competence of the individual, here is that many were, some expelled from the missions, others deprived of certain positions of responsibility because they are shown to be incapable.
Another element no less important and which many do not dare to denounce is the presence of imbonerakure among CDS members who participate in peacekeeping missions. Each group that goes on a mission must contain a good number of imbonerakure in military uniform. You will understand that the results of the mission also depend on it.
It is also probably from this moment that we began to observe behaviours unworthy of the members of the CDS where people in international mission dare to engage in theft and the sale of work equipment, food ration provided by the United Nations. What is unfortunate is that this kind of theft is organized by responsible officers. What kind of officers? Not different from troops in terms of their training levels; same reasoning and same actions. Here is the descriptive table of CDS members available in the country. Would it be a justification for the power of Gitega to put forward the imbonerakure and interahamwe militias? We said no right away because they are worse than the first ones. And we have shown that having a militia and non-professional CDS members is a deliberate will of the ruling military clique; weak elements easy to manipulate as she pleases and use to silence everyone with terror and maintain power by force. They steal power from the people and everyone is silent; even the Catholic Church which dares to denounce the irregularities ends up being silent because everyone is silent. Poor Burundi!
URNHITAMWONEZA believes that Burundi does not deserve this kind of leaders, does not deserve this dishonour. Voltaire said that the political thief is the one who steals your future, your dreams, your knowledge, your salary, your education, your health, your strength, your smile etc. The Burundian people must stand up and fight together against this descent into the underworld of our country. And this will be done by changing at all costs the power of a handful of men who are taking all Burundians hostage. It is only on this condition that we will have the opportunity to form professional CDS and reform all sectors of national life because they are all paralyzed. We need to come up with a “one man in the right place” system that is the only key to improving performance and therefore developing the country. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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