Burundi: Tanzania is another country that directly supports the final preparations for the on-going genocide (PART THREE).

Burundi: Tanzania is another country that directly supports the final preparations for the on-going genocide (PART THREE).
Tanzania and its president John Pompe Magufuli has become almost like the godfather of the Gitega regime and the military clique that runs it. They even created alliances between the CCM (chama cha mapinduzi: ruling party in Tanzania) and the ruling CNDDFDD in Burundi. The imbonerakure militia of this party has forged solid relations with the youth of the CCM; an official visit by imbonerakure to Tanzania was organized to strengthen these friendships. It is then clear that Tanzania has no embarrassment in supporting the projects of this military clique in power in Burundi, up to support for the preparation of the final phase of the on-going genocide, if it is to get rid of any element embarrassing to maintain power. Tanzania benefits from this.
The Tanzania of Nyerere which has helped most of the countries in Southern Africa which fought against white domination including apartheid and which waged wars of liberation is very different from that of Magufuli which supports dictatorial regimes which are killing their people. It seems that Belgian colonization transformed the Tutsis, in the eyes of Hutu extremists, into new colonizers who had to be got rid of at all costs. Kayibanda’s social revolution in Rwanda in 1959 has always been a dream for Hutu extremists in Burundi, so much so that this genocidal ideology has been taught from that time until today in some Hutu circles. This ideology was taught in Hutu circles in Rwanda and particularly in Tanzania in the refugee camps. The Palipehutu only had this role. Although Gahutu Remy died in Tanzania, this country for several years hosted Hutus who fled Burundi after bloody events. History shows us that Captain Biyorero who was among the organizers of the 1965 coup which aimed not only to dethrone King Mwambutsa, but above all to kill him, had it not been for the vigilance of Captains Micombero and Paul Rusiga; he fled to Tanzania after his failure. He is the one who allegedly organized the rebellion that attacked the country in 1972, triggering another serious crisis that further pushed thousands of Hutus to seek refuge in Tanzania and elsewhere. Biyorero is said to have even made children in Tanzania who are currently military leaders in Magufuli’s army. Everyone knows that all these Hutu extremists who fled to Tanzania left families there, some received Tanzanian nationality, they became Tanzanians. Do not be surprised if you find members of the government or parliamentarians of Burundian origin in Tanzania.
You will understand why Magufuli supports extremist dictators who dream only of exterminating Tutsis and all those who oppose the cnddfdd; it is probably that around him are advisers who have been steeped in the ideology of Tutsi genocide from a young age.
He is the only one in the sub-region to have maintained privileged relations with Pierre Nkurunziza and his system for a long time. As the heads of state in the region tried to convince Nkurunziza to sit down with the opposition to find a peaceful solution to the crisis triggered by his illegal third term, mediated by Yoweri Museveni and Benjamin Mkapa, Nkurunziza rejected all the proposals and preferred to shut himself up in the country. He went out only once to Ngara in Tanzania with a large delegation (Minister of Defence, Minister of Public Security, Chief of Staff, Minister of Finance, etc.). They met President Magufuli there. Remember that Nkurunziza had just escaped a coup, and Tanzania played a big part in it. Subsequently, the general secretary of the cnddfdd (Evariste Ndayishimiye, current president) went there. As they strengthened their relations, the Burundian refugees who were in Tanzania were mistreated, some killed, others imprisoned in Tanzania, others were handed over to the SNR to be thrown into the Maragarazi, or transported to the Burundi where they were killed, the luckiest find themselves in the prisons of Muramvya and Bubanza.
Tanzania is the country that sent delegations twice in a row to Burundi when the country lost Supreme Leader Pierre Nkurunziza and for the inauguration of the new president. These delegations had a dual mission: of course to support this genocidal regime, but also and above all, to talk with the new authorities about how to continue to manage Mafia economic files that they were dealing with the late president. Where did the appointment of Allain Guillaume Bunyoni as prime minister come from (which was not chosen voluntarily by Evarste Ndayishimiye, as we have already written in one of our previous publications, but imposed by these men of Tanzanian affairs who have the final to say on the country’s economy).
For those who have capital in the Tanzanian bank installed in Burundi (Diamond Trust Bank Group, DTB), be careful: it is through this bank that all the money of the mafia passes between the military clique in power in Burundi and handful of Tanzanian businessmen. It is enough that things change in Burundi so that those who are not informed (those who invested there without knowing it) lose everything because these “big” can take everything with them.
URN HITAMWONEZA reminds Tanzania and particularly the government of Magufuli that support for the Gitega regime automatically exposes him to assume, in the days to come, his responsibility in a genocide that he is planning to put an end to the Tutsis and the cnl opponents. Magufuli will also have to answer for acts of violation of the rights of Burundian refugees of which his men are guilty, in collaboration with the imbonerakure militia and members of the SNR (by letting them enter Burundian refugee camps in Tanzania). We are determined to knock on all doors to hold everyone (country or organization or individual) to account for their actions before the appropriate international courts. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237 Email: [email protected] Twitter: URN HITAMWONEZA

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