Burundi: Similarities and differences between the 1993 genocide and the 1972 killings

Burundi: Similarities and differences between the 1993 genocide and the 1972 killings
Our country has experienced a lot of violence which has swept away many citizens, Hutu as well as Tutsis, Ganwa or Twa; all are children of the same nation, with the same language and the same culture. It is regrettable that our country is always in turmoil, never of stability which should lead us to development. All of this is the work of unenlightened, power-hungry leaders who, instead of bringing Burundians together, instead rely on baseless divisions to maintain that power. And here, power becomes synonymous with wealth. Sadly, the people they rely on for that power, are the same people who are being manipulated into tearing each other apart while not benefiting from that power.
We have already demonstrated in our editions the origin of these repetitive ethnic quarrels in our country; we have also shown that all powers have always tried to have the majority of members of the defence and security forces on their side, some to protect themselves and their ethnic group threatened with extermination, others to strengthen their powers to stay there.
We tackle this subject which consists in identifying the similarities and the differences between only two bloodiest events in the history of our country. Our aim is to enlighten those who are satisfied with the statements of certain malicious politicians who want to exploit these events for selfish interests; exploitations that only further widen the gap between the components of society, instead of telling them the reconciling truth.
The great resemblance between the two events is that everywhere, it is Burundian citizens who died, killed by other Burundian citizens (in all their differences). The other small resemblance is that for both there has always been a trigger in an atmosphere of temptation to acquire or retain power. Indeed, an attack by the so-called mulelist rebel elements on the south of the country made the power of Micombero, (who believed that the monarchy wanted to regain power when they were Hutu extremists) reacted in the most atrocious manner. The 1993 Tutsi genocide (we call it genocide by reference to UN report S / 1996/682) was triggered by the assassination of President Melchior Ndadaye by a group of soldiers during a coup d’état on the 21st October 1993. The genocide that followed took place after thinly veiled threats from the Hutus of Frodebu to the Tutsi throughout the electoral campaign. Another resemblance which is important is that during the two events, we find Hutus who saved Tutsis and Tutsis who hid Hutus.
The differences are the most numerous. The 1972 attack on so-called “mulelist” Hutus affected only one region of the country. And, it only targeted Tutsis without distinction of political parties. The indiscriminate repression of the Hutu by the Micombero power has spread over almost the entire country; but she was selective. The targets were mainly the most influential male Hutus (civil servants, students or pupils, shopkeepers, administrative heads, etc.); they were rounded up by the administration and killed. Women and children were spared. Note that no Tutsi citizen has taken a machete to kill his Hutu neighbour. Some opinion suggests that these killings were planned in advance by the government, referring to the time required to draw up the lists of people to be killed. But, the same bad guys are wondering what happened so that soldiers do not intervene as quickly as possible when a country is attacked (they want to make it appear that the attack was a Micombero mount). Indeed, in some places like Vugizo the intervention was very late to the point that the rebels had time to even hoist the flag including the emblem of the “rising sun”. It is therefore understandable that during this wartime and post-war period the administration finished drawing up these lists. We all regret that innocent people end up on kill lists and actually get killed. Certain Tutsis were also found on these lists; a history of settling scores. It is also unfortunate that there has never been an independent investigation into these events to clear responsibility and punish those responsible.
The 1993 Tutsi genocide targeted Tutsis from Uprona and was carried out by Hutus from Frodebu (ethnic groups and political parties intervene at the same time). It is the investigative report of a United Nations commission that mentions it. But the reality on the ground is that the genocide targeted all Tutsi, from the oldest to the foetus in his mother’s womb. Only some Uprona Hutus who tried to hide the Tutsis were killed, the others would only have to pay pots of beer to ask forgiveness for joining the Uprona (so-called Tutsi party by Hutu extremism) ( kwimenjura). Our investigations never revealed to us any Frodebu Tutsis who would have had their lives (perhaps those who were in the upper echelons of the party). Let’s underline that in this case of 1993, it was Hutu citizens who took the machetes to kill their Tutsi neighbours and it was the entire administration, from the base to the top, which activated the killers and sometimes which set the example to incite them to overcome fear. Some who had Tutsi wives set an example of their own wives and children.
These are the few similarities and differences noted; they are not exhaustive; your additions are welcome to enrich this document which could serve as references for other generations.
URN HITAMWONEZA regrets that Burundians, men and women created in the image of God, always think of taking the lives of their brothers at the instigation of politicians lacking visions for their well-being and the future of the country. That the Hutus of the ruling party (or those who call themselves Hutus power) never think that as long as it is the Hutus who are in power, they will always be safe and at peace as this same power continues to harass others opposition Hutus and Tutsis. Remember the adage rundi which reminds you that when a neighbour’s house burns down, yours is also in danger. You better go help put out the fire before it’s late. The Hutus and Tutsis of the diaspora who would be wide awake to understand this theory of our ancestors should come together to cry out for what is being done in Burundi; otherwise, our country will always remain in endless cycles of violence. Burundi is for all of us, Hutus, Tutsis, Twa and Ganwa. We have the same rights and duties; we will have to live together in mutual respect. This is the only way that the country will regain its social harmony and stability before the colonial period. Development will follow automatically. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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