Burundi: President Ndayishimiye is said to be gradually removing FDRL from his close security

Burundi: President Ndayishimiye is said to be gradually removing FDRL from his close security
There is undoubtedly something that scares President Ndayishimiye. Information reaching us tells us that for some time he has been firing FDRL members who lived and did their work from the presidential palace. According to the same information, these genocidaires were not thrown into the streets. The Prime Minister, Marshal Allain Guillaume Bunyoni and the Minister of the Interior, Public Security and Community Development, General Gervais Ndirakobuca alias Ndakugarika have reportedly found houses for these elements in the Kamenge district.
President Ndayishimiye would be afraid of what? He is from the cnddfdd system; he is among the big fish if he is not the first if you take into account his positioning. Yes, he is President of the Republic, but it seems that he is not free to make decisions that commit the country; his hands would be tied. Its first enemies are its direct adversaries. They imposed him as the cnddfdd candidate for the May 2020 presidential elections after ex-president Nkurunziza proposed the former president of the National Assembly, Pascal Nyabenda; they forcibly invested him as President of the Republic when he was defeated in the presidential elections by Agathon Rwasa; today, it is these greats of the system (who have the power and the money) who dictate the attitude to be taken at every stage in the life of the country. It is not Evariste Ndayishimiye in heart and soul, in collaboration with his advisers, who decides for the national interest; the interests of the cnddfdd party come first. And here is a president who announces measures to be taken and who fails to implement them because these Grand Masters said no.
It was to these men that he addressed on February 5, 2021, the 30th anniversary of the feast of National Unity when he said that “ we must not shed the blood of Burundians, who sheds blood will be cursed. ” “You can go out into the streets and hold demonstrations as you wish, but I forbid you to shed the blood of men, for man is not yours, he is a divine creature.” These are Evariste Ndayishimiye’s own words he apparently addressed to the authorities, including the Generals who were before him, regarding him as mentally disturbed. With good reason because, seeing what is happening in Burundi, this speech, although correct, was not appropriate. Corpses are found every day here and there in the country, people are regularly arbitrarily arrested, imprisoned, tortured, killed and thrown into rivers or gutters. The administration is in haste to have these corpses buried without prior identification; a general instruction given by the cnddfdd power. This means neither less nor more that it is the state services under the leadership of Evariste Ndayishimiye who are killing these Burundians. The president of Focode, Pacifique Nininahazwe, said in his analysis, that the fact that these killings do not stop while Evariste Ndayishimiye has publicly said these good words, may mean that he was not talking about the blood of Burundians, but that ‘he would probably have information that these Generals have a plan to shed his own blood. He recalled that the same sentences were uttered by President Melchior Ndadaye on the day of his assassination. He told the military: ‘Don’t spill blood, think of your families left on the hills’. President Ndadaye knew what was planned if there was a coup and / or his assassination. This was what had been planned by Frodebu if President Buyoya Pierre had thought of cheating the elections as some heads of state still did / still do. Systematically eliminate all Tutsis and Hutus from Uprona throughout the country. This is le ’the June plan’ ’. And it was implemented as planned even though these genocidaires did not succeed in killing all the Tutsis.
It remains to be seen if once these Generals managed to kill President Ndayishimiye, if their families would also be exterminated as the Frodebu Hutus of 1993 massacred the Tutsi families of the Uprona. Who will kill whom? Who would be behind Evariste Ndayishimiye who are not under the control of Allain Guillaume Bunyoni and Gervais Ndirakobuca? It is known that General Prime Niyongabo, the current Chief of the General Staff of the Army, remains Evariste Ndayishimiye’s right-hand man. Could it be him who would have been mandated by the president to avenge him just in case? Wait and see
In any case, if the information is verified, to drive out the FDLR recruited and hired by former President Nkurunziza under the blessing of the cnddfdd system, is to incur an ire; and those who can exploit this situation would not fail.
URNHITAMWONEZA once again advises Burundians to take shelter from this looming crisis because they would be the first victims. It is up to all of us to put in place strategies to put out of harm’s way all these leaders who recruit genocidal mercenaries at a time when we have members of an army and a police in sufficient number and that the young Burundians are always ready to enter these bodies to strengthen them in case of need. These visionless leaders are not looking for peace for the country, they are looking for war. We say no to war, we will stand up to fight all those who push us into the fire for no reason. Together we will win. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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