Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye known as a practicing Catholic but in reality extremist and more fetishist than his predecessor.

Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye known as a practicing Catholic but in reality extremist and more fetishist than his predecessor.
We will never stop saying it. Burundi has been ruled since 2005 by a monster system that will never let Burundians live in peace. It is unfortunate that the cnddfdd all the time deceives public opinion, wastes the country’s resources which should be used to buy medicine, to feed its poorest citizens in the world, to organize prayer crusades saying that God is their main Guide (at the same time they call the late Nkurunziza the Supreme Leader). This is only possible if the God we are talking about is a ‘’’god’’ with a little ‘’d ‘’. Otherwise, how would one believe in the God of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and continue to kill, torture, rape and arbitrarily imprison Burundian citizens with total impunity? How Evariste Ndayishimiye would believe in God of love and continue to divide a people for a long time united into ” benegihugu = hutu ” and ” banyagihugu = Tutsi ” to say that there are Burundian citizens who have more rights that others? Suppose their god is a god with a little ‘’d ’’.
Everyone was saying behind the scenes that the late President Nkurunziza was praying to this god, the cnddfdd system finally invested this god as its master. Indeed, the thousands of Burundians who were being killed, by the cnddfdd death squads, by natural disasters, all this blood was the demand of their god. And we understand then why killing was their pleasure and the late Nkurunziza Pierre never joined the Burundians who had lost theirs (even when there had been natural disasters, even when it was a question of burying fallen soldiers. field of honour in Somalia). People said he kept a great eagle, which represented their god (cnddfdd god).
Today, it is quite astonishing to learn that Evariste Ndayishimiye would be the one who worships “the gods” the most. And he dares to come to the Catholic Church and reach out to receive “the body” of CHRIST. Even if one is not a judge, for God is the only Judge, if this turns out to be a reality, he must expect exemplary punishments.
According to well-informed sources around him, Evariste Ndayishimiye can do nothing without consulting his witch doctors. Even if his system is sold for having built, with the help of the Chinese, “Ntare house”, the new presidential palace, Ndayishimiye rarely sets foot there; he spends all his time at his native hill in Giheta. He would have deployed two battalions for the protection of this locality which became his HQ (headquarters), from where he left for prayer crusades (recently in Ngozi, at his predecessor’s home) or for community work elsewhere in the country
These are the same fetishists who would have advised him to move to Busoni to attack verbally and head-on in neighbouring Rwanda, accusing him of a hypocrite who harbours the enemies of Burundi and who takes Burundian refugees hostage. However, public opinion is witness that this country, in collaboration with the UNHCR, has declared loud and clear that any refugee who wishes to do so only has to be individually registered in order to benefit from the necessary support for his return to his native country. And everyone knows that there are in Rwanda more than 130 Burundians stranded in this country by the coronavirus, but that the government of Gitega has refused to accept. It is wanting one thing and it’s opposite.
According to our source, Evariste Ndayishimiye has a very dangerous macabre plan. Tutsis who agree to return are welcome. They will feel safe, just long enough for the cnddfdd system to show international opinion that there is total peace, that all the refugees have returned home. Afterwards, they will be eliminated one by one. This is the sanction reserved for them for having fled and tarnished the image of the country. Evariste Ndayishimiye hopes that the Tutsis who will not join this first current perish outside the country. That is why he allegedly sent teams of people with poison to the countries where all these Tutsis are refugees, and particularly to neighbouring countries, to kill all the distracted.
URN HITAMWONEZA once again draws the attention of all Burundians to the criminal attitude which animates the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye and asks for everyone’s contribution to unmask his hypocrisy and thus give it its true place in our minds. The time will come to implement it. The majority of Burundians had shown this system that they no longer want it; yet by the law of force he is still in place and continues to kill, imprison and hunt whoever he pleases. United, the force of the law and the efforts of each will lead us slowly but surely to a country where everyone without exception will live in peace.

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