Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye installed in an armchair he does not deserve (third part)Balance sheet: Diplomacy

Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye installed in an armchair he does not deserve (third part)
Balance sheet: Diplomacy
We are continuing our approach to demonstrate that a year’s balance of Evariste Ndayishimiye’s power is largely negative in all areas of national life.
Today, we begin the field of diplomacy where Evariste Ndayshimiye has invested a lot of means, but, too, his interlocutors find in him a man who does not attach the acts to his words; And it remains without effects. The illustration is that of the European Union. President Ndayishimiye and his Foreign Minister Albert Shingiro stirred heaven and earth for the EU to suspend sanctions taken against Burundi in 2016; Albert Shingiro had to travel to Europe, but to this day, the wait has become too long on the side of the power of Gitega. They still managed to deceive the international community and, dated December 4, 2020, the withdrawal of Burundi from the United Nations Security Council’s political agenda. With the vote ” against ” of Burundi on the United Nations resolution on ” responsibility to protect and prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity ” buy General Assembly of the United Nations on May 20, 2021, they realize today that they were mistaken by taking this decision that had aimed at encouraging the Evariste Ndayishimiye power to more openness.
It is this opening that everyone recognizes him in relation to his predecessor former Pierre Nkurunziza who had made the decision not to leave the country. Also, its outings in other countries are beginning to worry more than one because its attitude in front of other heads of state and its actions do not reflect humility, but, a recognition of its inability to lead, either from hypocrisy, for being before a head of state as shuddered Burundians. His unprepared statements are also likely to tarnish the image of Burundi and Burundians. For a knees in front of John Pomp Magufuli , the former Tanzanian president, he called him dad and recently before President Ugandan Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, he said, in an approximate English, that Burundi considers him the father of the nation. Many comments went to say that Evariste Ndayishimiye had a gap at his English, or he does not know the true meaning of the ” nation ” and ” father of the nation ”. We had time, in our previous editions, to explain all these notions. Perhaps the media did not reveal other statements made before other state heads that he visited.
He made his first exit in Tanzania as of September 19, 2020, where he met former President Magufuli in Kigoma; He visited Equatorial Guinea on November 2, 2020, where he spent 5 days; He visited Egypt with 4 ministers and 10 businessmen from March 23 to 26, 2021. On 29 March 2021, he went to the Central African Republic to participate in the investiture of the President Faustin Archange Touderra and took advantage of the opportunity to visit the Burundian contingent deployed in this country; April 15, 2021, he went to Congo Brazaville to participate in the inauguration ceremonies of President Sassou Ngweso after his re-election at the head of the state; Then on May 11, 2021, he was in Uganda on the occasion of the investiture of Yoweri Museveni after his re-election for a sixth term at the head of his country.
Burundi has also been visited by Sahle-Work Zewde, President of Ethiopia from 9 to 10 February 2021 and a Moroccan delegation on February 8, 2021
President Ndayishimiye also participated, dated 20 November 2020, at a videoconferencing meeting of the Heads of State of CIRGL. He had boycotted a mini-summit, by the same channel, heads of state of the sub region held on October 07 2020 in Goma. Participated in the meeting Rwanda, Uganda, DRC and Angola.
In summary, the Evariste Ndayishimiye power has made a lot of effort in this area, but he always had a great obstacle: his promises are not held. The case of organized meetings, both at the level of the military officials and at the level of men in charge of diplomacy between Rwanda and Burundi to resolve the disputes between the two States have not resulted in the expected results and the aggression of the Negative forces of the FDRL / FLN on Rwandan territory through Burundi continued.
URN Hitamwoneza recalls once again to the international community in general and to all those who would like to start any partnership with Burundi that it is necessary to go with caution. The declarations of good intentions of Evariste Ndayishimiye are never followed by effects; His words are rarely concretized by acts; That he admits things that he is unable to achieve, or what he feels feasible is refused to him by the military clique that settled in this presidential chair while he did not deserve it. The relations between the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye and the negative forces that have committed the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis in 1994 should worry its partners and those who would like to support this power because the means allocated to this power may finance genocide projects in Burundi and in the sub region long planned by the CNDDFDD power. The Burundians are called to mobilize to block the road to this power which, instead of thinking about the development of the country, spends all its time planning its descent into hell.

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