Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye has chosen a man in his image to lead the new parliament .

Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye has chosen a man in his image to lead the new parliament .
His name is Gélase Ndabirabe, alias Ndasubiramwo (I repeat). He is the one President Ndayishimiye and his military clique has chosen to lead the new National Assembly for a five-year term. Do not think it is a mistake to say that he was chosen by the ruling military clique. That’s right because there is no democracy in cnddfdd. In any organization, independent it can be, it is the clique that chooses the leaders and they get elected. They must pass because all voters are warned in advance. They know that they have an obligation to elect only the candidate presented by the government. In all state institutions, this is the rule.
Gélase Ndabirabe who is the head of the National Assembly was a refugee in Rwanda in 1993, when the genocide of the Tutsis in 1994 began, he fled to the DR Congo (ex Zaire) where he joined the nascent rebellion whose heads thinking were at the time Leonard Nyangoma, Christian Sendegeya, Augustin Nsanze. He is presented by his wrestling friends as a lonely man, difficult to live with in society. This is why he was at one point removed from the command of the men to be entrusted with more administrative functions. A situation that caused him a lot of frustration.
We say he is a man like General Evariste Ndayishimiye because despite these frustrations, he is someone who likes to speak like his boss. The two have in common the character of speaking a lot and most often speaking accusing words from their mouths. It’s always the other who’s bad. If it’s not the settler, it’s the neighbour. Both are considered sounding boards because they dare to say out loud what those around them always think low. Burundians and the international community were shocked to hear President Ndayishimiye accuse neighbouring Rwanda of a “hypocritical state that takes Burundian refugees hostage and lodges criminals instead of extraditing them to Burundi.” It was August 6, 2020 in Busoni commune, Kirundo province. Our leaders need a minimum of courtesy or diplomacy. However, the Rwandan government and the UNHCR had just reminded anyone who wants to hear them that any refugee who wishes to return to his country need only register individually.
But, this does not surprise anyone because the man has always made such statements to such an extent that his wrestling friends gave him a special name of ” Kirogorogo ” (someone who talks too much and about anything).
Gélase Ndabirabe is therefore of this calibre. Former senator, former spokesperson for the cnddfdd, his speeches have always scared more than one. Journalist Ruvakuki will be charged with being a rebel; he also accused journalists in general of being at the root of all the crises that have regularly plagued our country. In a statement on the eve of the celebration of Easter in 2016, Daniel-Gélase Ndabirabe, criticized the Catholic Church “for having deviated from its spiritual role to take on a purely political aspect”.
He added “the behaviour of a number of prelates of this religious denomination of the Catholic Church since 2010 and especially since April 26, 2015, has disappointed the Burundian democrats in particular and all the Burundian people in general”. Gélase was saying all this because the cndd fdd did not want people to denounce all the misfortunes he was inflicting on the Burundian people. The Catholic Church has always cried out, except it does not go through with it. Remember the presidential elections of May 2020. They showed in black and white that Ndayishimiye and his cnddfdd party cheated, but the law of force forced them to close their mouths. Thus, the Burundian people are ruled by those they have not chosen; everyone knows it and no one talks. And we sing that there is democracy in Burundi!
Gelase Ndabirabe will have at his side in the office of the National Assembly, Mrs. Sabine Ntakarutimana, former Minister of Health (cnddfdd) and Abel Gashatsi, the man described as the ‘’Ventriote’’ of Uprona who has, in collaboration with the cnddfdd, completely destroyed the Uprona and moreover which plundered all the heritage of this party. He has just been thanked by the cnddfdd because he occupies a place he himself knows he does not deserve.
The CNL, which has 32 parliamentarians, was not so lucky to have a seat in the office of the National Assembly because it remains the sworn enemy of the cnddfdd; a party that must be side-lined at all costs. In cnddfdd, the ruling clique will never and will never tolerate strong opposition. Soon the montages will begin to divide the CNL, with a high probability of removing its leader at the head of the party, at worst imprisoning or killing him. Everything is possible in the eagle kingdom.
URN HITAMWONEZA once again warns the Burundian people that they have no leaders who love them, who seek their fulfilment. These are people who have blood on their hands and who only seek to protect their power because they know very well that once ousted, their final destination would be The Hague. This is why the people must be careful, not to believe their flattering words, observe the facts and gestures to react when the time is right.

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