Burundi: Of national unity, there is only one political slogan left today(Part Three).

Burundi: Of national unity, there is only one political slogan left today
(Part Three).
We continue our analysis of the unfolding of the feast of National Unity that we celebrate on February 5 of each year; and we will especially insist on the speech given by President Evariste Ndayishimiye. He spoke of the unity of the Burundians, the fight against impunity, justice, the fight against corruption and economic embezzlement and especially the fight against blood crimes. These are good ideas, very good theories; if they were implemented, Burundi would be a travesty.
One impression analysts got of Evariste Ndayishimiye’s speech was that he seemed to be speaking to people who did not understand his language; he was even more explicit in reminding them that he was speaking to them. They are leaders around him who have a lot of responsibilities in the country. He seemed to accuse them of all these evils (economic malfeasance, injustice, blood crimes etc …). President Ndayishimiye was talking about what he knows well. The cnddfdd system in which it operates includes leaders who have always been guilty of these crimes (blood crimes, economic crimes) but who have gone unpunished. And these leaders are not ready to change. According to information gathered from those who knew Evariste Ndayishimiye, he has a lot of other flaws, but he doesn’t like chasing dirty money.
As President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye should change this state of affairs, respect the minimum principles of good management and good governance and above all respect for human rights. If he does not want to shut himself up like former President Nkurunziza and isolate the country regionally and internationally, President Ndayishimiye will be forced to do violence to himself and change the country’s management system. This is what the EU is asking him to be able to resume cooperation with Burundi and above all to unblock direct aid to the government. Will he be able to succeed in this great project? What are the consequences that would result from this attempt? It is clear that some big fish in the cnddfdd system will never be able to accept that the country is governed according to the principles of good governance and respect for human rights like other civilized countries. There are many warning signs.
President Evariste Ndayishimiye spoke in his speech about justice. He insisted on the role of justice in national harmony. “Where there is no justice, everything is at a standstill… .. >>> If those who had committed crimes in the past had been prosecuted and tried, we would not be here today… . >>> Any crime or offense must be punished. If a judge refuses to deliver justice for a crime and the victim’s relatives exercise vengeance, it is this judge who must be held responsible for this situation … >>> justice is the guarantor of unity’’. Well done Mr. President for these words so important in the life of a country.
But, the reality in our country is different. Many innocent Burundians are in prison; some even spend one to two years and even more without records. Others have served their sentences but have never been released from prison. Still others are tortured by imbonerakure teams in charge of security, others are deprived of health care and others suffer various acts in connection with serious violations of prisoners’ rights and the human’s rights in general. All this is injustice organized and implemented by state services.
We return once again to the case of the death of Thierry Kubwimana and the imprisonment of his widow Christa Kaneza because it would have been one of the crimes orchestrated by state services on the instruction of a high-ranking and very powerful leader in the state hierarchy. It was also this mighty hand that ordered a shameless assembly to imprison his widow. It is this big fish that prevented Christa Kaneza from coming out of prison after the prosecutor decided on February 2, 2021. We have many unanswered questions; we are addressing them to President Ndayishimiye. Mr. President, theoretically, we are talking about the independence of the judiciary, which is not the case in Burundi. But still, you should have a stranglehold on this institution like so many others and especially those in charge of the security of the country. Could you get involved to find out Who had Thierry Kubwimana killed? For which motive? Who gave the orders to OPC1 Claver Nduwayo of the criminal investigation to do everything to distort the investigations into the death of Thierry Kubwimana when he had in hand all the evidence to arrest the real criminals and the sponsors? Who made Pierre Nkurikiye go and say in the media that it was Christa who killed her husband without any proof, without any judgment? Who gave the order to CP Bertin Gahungu, head of the judicial police, to put Christa Kaneza in prison after questioning? Who sent OPC1 Alfred Museremu in charge of internal documentation within the SNR to Mpimba prison on February 3, 2021 to stop the process of christa’s release when the prosecutor Albert Bucumi himself had conducted the authorization of out of prison? Whenever these bad decisions were made, the implementers said the order came from above. We thought it was you, Mr. President, who occupies “upstairs” in Burundi. Our sources of information confirm to us that you are not directly or indirectly involved in this matter. Mr. President, who are the national police and the SNR for? If these two institutions are not yet under your command, the country is no longer under your command. Your physical security is also at risk. It’s up to you to react before the vase overflows. Your speeches of good intention mean nothing to those in charge today; they laugh at you. You must either dismiss them if it is not a game (mucezo wa ndani) that you have planned with them, or resign immediately if you are really right; tomorrow may be too late.
URN HITAMWONEZA asks all Burundians to follow closely where the current leaders who govern us are leading the country. Do not wait for the total collapse of our country; it is already on a slippery slope. It’s up to us to stand up as one man to save him. We must adopt all the strategies necessary to achieve this.

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