Burundi: Of national unity, all that remains today is a political slogan(Part Six).

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Burundi: Of national unity, all that remains today is a political slogan
(Part Six).
We continue our analysis of President Ndayishimiye’s speech on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Charter of National Unity adopted on February 5, 1991; an anniversary which comes after the death of its initiator, Pierre Buyoya.
Today we are going to look at many points not yet analysed in depth. We begin with a very important point which guides the smooth running of any human society. This is justice. “Justice is the guarantor of national unity,” said President Ndayishimiye. He added: ‘’Where there is no justice everything is stalled’. Injustice is the basis of all wars, all conflicts. According to the Supreme Magistrate, “If those who had committed crimes in the past had been prosecuted and tried, we would not be here today”. Very well said. If all the criminals had been tried and punished according to the law, you would not be President today. You would have been hanged as the Director of Kibimba High School because many testimonies say that you were among the people who put too much pressure on this director to do what he did (burn Tutsi students alive). You were a student on vacation during that time. No doubt you remember it. If these witnesses lied to us and you have no responsibility for this heinous murder, God will not blame you. And if it’s true that you played even a small role, sooner or later you will have to answer for your actions. The blood of these innocent people as well as that of many others that you would have spilled during your journey through the bush will pursue you.
On this point of justice, Evariste Ndayishimiye did not forget to challenge the men of the law: If a judge refuses to render justice for a crime and the relatives of the victim exercise revenge, it is this judge who should be held responsible for this situation. '' That’s a good theory, Mr. Speaker. In our countries, the judges' fault is shared. Looks like it's up to you the politicians who manipulate them. Since you have the right of life and death over them, they do the justice you dictate to them. On the other hand, the share of their responsibility is also important because a man of honour would not agree to say what is outside the truth, he would prefer prison or exile, why not death when the said truth is used to save many human lives. President Ndayishimiye added in his speech that such a date must be an opportunity for introspection, we remember the adoption of national unity to put an end to our dark past, and also be able to do our self-criticism so as not to give in to our demons. ” Mr. President, what is preventing you from freeing yourself from the demons of ethnic divisions, exclusions, injustices of all kinds, since you are aware of the dark past that our country has gone through? Yet you always say that you are a believing Catholic. God is love. Who does not love the men he sees does not love God. You must have read these bible verses. How can a power of which you embody use a so-called truth and reconciliation commission, not to show the truth that reconciles hearts, but just to remind the Hutus that it was Tutsis who killed Hutus in 1972, just to give them a wink so that they prepare the revenge? Yet the truth is that the Hutus who died in 1972 were not killed by the Tutsis, but by a power. No Tutsi took a machete to kill their Hutu neighbour. Everyone knows that well. This is contrary to 1993, when Hutus systematically eliminated their Tutsi neighbours at the instigation of the Frodebu (Hutu) administration. What do you gain, Mr. President, now that you have the power, by once again sowing hatred between Hutus and Tutsis? Your Kenny Claude Nduwimana never stopped insulting Tutsis for no reason and you condoned that because he was saying aloud what most of you (the military clique and other Hutu extremists) think low or talk to each other in their lounges or bistros. And you dare say, without any shame, in your speech on the National Unity Day that ‘’ leaders must be good parents and a good parent rule for all’’. Stop manipulating opinion. What you say and what you do are diametrically opposed. The ethnic census that you had done, the appointments to positions of responsibility that we observe falling every day, clearly show that you have created two blocs in Burundi: a bloc of members of the cnddfdd to whom all the responsibilities of the country are entrusted and who receive all the benefits and another block of non-members of this party that must be starved, that must be physically eliminated at any opportunity that presents itself. We will come back to this in detail
URN HITAMWONEZA once again reminds those who want to hear from us, and especially those who believe they are powerful today, that things change. They won’t be tomorrow. Those who are persecuted will not stand idly by for long. If they are willing to take a hard hit today, their patience is limited. The people should stand up to say no to these leaders who persecute the Burundians, saying that they are not of their ethnicities or political tendencies because their anger will spare no one. When a conflict, a war breaks out in a country, everyone suffers the dire consequences in one way or another. Let’s avoid getting to this point by forcing our leaders to be fair to everyone and if they don’t want to, forcing them to give way to those who can.

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