Burundi: More evidence of the involvement of cnddfdd power in the destabilization of Rwanda

Burundi: More evidence of the involvement of cnddfdd power in the destabilization of Rwanda
It was known to everyone that the cnddfdd power has always supported the Rwandan rebels who first erected positions in the DRC and secondly in Burundi; with the intention of destabilizing Rwanda. These rebels are at the origin of the FDRL genocidaires who committed the irreparable in Rwanda in 1994 who dreamed of reconquering the country after their defeat in front of the RPF troops who were able to stop the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis in 1994. They were qualified as negative forces by the United Nations.
It was not that evidence of the cnddfdd power’s support for these negative forces was lacking, but, much of it was not readily available to everyone. Tin cans marked “FDNB, FABRIQUEE EN CHIME” have been seen on social media in the hands of Rwandan rebels captured by the Rwandan army in their June 27, 2020 attack on southern Rwanda. This revealed, in the eyes of the whole world, that these negative forces were receiving logistics from the stocks of the National Defence Forces of Burundi (FDNB).
Moreover, after the new power of President Felix Tshisekedi took the decision to harass them in their old positions in eastern DRC, they chose Burundi as the new country of their “rear base”. This is how they moved their Strategic Headquarters to Bujumbura, and their men became firmly established in the Kibira of Burundi which borders that of Rwanda.
Today, the public has just received further evidence of this implication of the power of Gitega in the destabilization of its neighbour Rwanda, during the trial of former Rwandan rebels including Nsabimana Calixte, nicknamed Sankara. It is a trial in which there is also a well-known politician by the name of Paul Rusesabagina who found himself in Kigali while he was going to Bujumbura supposedly to meet members of a church of Pastor Niyomwungere Constantin, so that in reality, he had a mission to meet the Burundian authorities, President Evariste Ndayishimiye in the lead, in order to study together, the ways and means to better coordinate the activities of the FDRL / FLN which continue to disturb the peace of the citizens Rwandans in the south of the country.
During this trial, these rebels asserted that Generals Prime Niyongabo, Chief of the General Staff of the FDNB, Ignace Sibomana, former Chief of Military Intelligence (current Chief of Logistics) and Marius Ngendabanka, Chief of The Joint Staff within the General Staff of the FDNB, are the main military officers who facilitated collaboration between the Rwandan rebels and the power of the cnddfdd. They notably cited two RNC delegations from Kayumba Nyamwasa who went to Bujumbura. The first was led by Major Nkubana, alias Kadogo, a former Rwandan soldier and Kabuto Kassim, while the second included Ben Rutabana and Epimac Namushobore, mobilization commissioner within RNC. These are only testimonies that confirm what was known to all those who have always been interested in relations between Rwanda and Burundi since the cnddfdd came to power.
Despite this situation, the authorities continue to use all stratagems to see how to improve relations between the two countries; but, the bitter observation is that when “one step” is marked forward, it follows “two steps” back; at the end, instead of moving forward, we go back. This is evidenced by the recent clashes in February 2021 at the border between the two countries when FLN forces attacked Rwanda and retreated to Burundi. However, meetings between delegations of heads of intelligence services and heads of diplomacy officially took place at the Gasenyi / Nemba border towards the end of 2020, other unofficial meetings were said to have taken place in Kigali and Bujumbura. Social networks report another meeting between military leaders of the two countries during this month of March 2021 in Bweyeye in Rwanda.
But, we say that as long as the cnddfdd power has not given up on its regional genocide project; Until he decides not to support these negative forces attacking Rwanda, these meetings will come to naught. Evarsiste Ndayishimiye knows how to be clever, he does not hesitate to say one thing and its opposite the next day, but it will be difficult for him to improve relations with his neighbour Rwanda and keep his good relations with the FDRL / FLN. You cannot serve two Masters at the same time. It’s up to him to choose.
URN HITAMWONEZA calls on the Burundian people to help their president choose the side that provides them with interest for their survival. It is Rwanda that has been, and will remain, a neighbouring and brother country. To choose the camp of its destabilizers is to choose suicide for the Burundians. And the Burundian people must refuse collective suicide; rather, he must fiercely oppose whoever or those who would seek to light the fire in the country. We must therefore say no to these hypocrites who govern us and force them to resolutely engage in seeking the interests of all the Burundian people as a whole.

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