Burundi: Martyrs of the Fraternity of Buta ignored by the CNDDFDD power while they are the model of the unit.

Burundi: Martyrs of the Fraternity of Buta ignored by the CNDDFDD power while they are the model of the unit.
On April 30, 2021, the Association AMB (Friends of Buta Martyrs) invited people to associate with them to honour the memory of Buta’s martyrs; These young people murdered by CNDD criminals, 24 years ago. The 40 seminarians were awakened in sleep by CNDD criminals who have become CNDFDD after, who asked them, weapons pointed to them, to separate, the Hutus apart, the Tutsis apart. They wanted, as they did where they passed, kill Tutsis and let Hutus alive. It is the genocide of Tutsis who started in 1993 who continued and who is in progress until today. Young students refused to separate, Hutus preferring to die with their Tutsi brothers. A model of fraternity and irreproachable unity. That’s why they are called the martyrs of fraternity. And they deserve it. They should be a real model of the unit between Burundians. Unit lived and not the unit daily sung.
When President Evariste Ndayishimiye speaks of unity between Burundians, we wonder which unit he speaks. Unit between Hutus and Tutsis and TWA as late Pierre Buyoya? Hutus units between them? None of this is true. It is only a political slogan that has no foundation. Tutsis have been persecuted since the 1993 genocide. Those who committed this genocide have noticed that they have not achieved their goal because foresee the extermination of all Tutsis. This is how they joined the bush and continue to chase the rescued Tutsis that were gathered at the IDP sites; Others have been killed in ambushes on roads and others in their households and in schools as is the case for the children of the little seminar of Buta. The CNDDFDD that returned by the negotiations with the Arusha agreements as a peaceful cohabitation pact has done everything to mistreat the Tutsis, accusing them of all evils; They were killed, imprisoned, forced with exile; A real small fire genocide that continued. Today, Tutsis have been completely annihilated, there remains the final phase to exterminate those who still alive. And it is from this unit that Evariste Ndayishimiye was talking about, he who has been at the school of Rwandan genocidaires, Interahamwe. There is no unity between Hutus because the Hutus of the CNL are treated in the same way as the Tutsis. The two categories are completely excluded from the management of state affairs. This is the unity of which Evariste Ndayishimiye speaks.
It is then normal that the CNDDFDD power totally ignores these martyrs of fraternity because it just the opposite. He seeks to sow hate between Hutus and Tutsis and draws, by the Commission of Pierre Claver Ndayicariye, the Hutus of the CNDDFDD against Tutsis, unfairly accusing these to have killed their fathers and fathers in 1972.
Today, criminals who killed these innocent children in Buta are in the decision-making bodies of Ndayishimiye. They are known to the majority of people, but they do not worry because they are with other genocidaires who killed everywhere in the country of innocent
The tactic adopted today by the criminal rafter in power is to make all the signs and monuments reminiscent of the crimes they committed. Pierre Claver Ndayicariye had the mission to dig up all the bones of Tuts killed in 1993 by taking them for those of Hutus killed in 1972. Eyewitnesses were prepared to show where these common pits of Tutsis are found because they know themselves where they throw them. Imbonerakure received instructions to gradually destroy the monuments of Tutsis built all over the country; They have already tried to Kibimba and Gatumba (where Tutsis Banyamulenge were buried); Nothing says that CNDDFDD’s fools will not one day destroy the martyr’s monument of the Fraternity of Buta
URN Hitamwoneza once again asks Burundians to no longer lend to the lie trees who speak of unity found in Burundi when they continue to kill, to imprison, torture and hunt out of the country the Tutsis and the Hutus of the opposition. Instead, we must focus our energies in search of strategies to drive them out of power to translate all criminals to the skill courts to respond to the innocent blood they paid.

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