Burundi: Is Burundi a democratic or dictatorial state(3rd and last part)

Burundi: Is Burundi a democratic or dictatorial state
(3rd and last part)
We were able to demonstrate in our previous editions that democracy, imposed by Europeans, was limited to elections in a blind multiparty system. And the one man, one voice ’electoral system has in many African countries resulted in the crushing of the minority by the numerical majority. The uneducated population elected their leaders only on ethnic or clan, regional or other criteria. These opportunists elected officials, without any social project, without political experience, without national vision, rather began to consider themselves as little kings by grabbing all the property of the States to get rich as quickly as possible leaving the people in their own misery. Instead of thinking of involving all human resources in the management and development of the country, they rather began to crush any opponent; which leads to the end of the birth of conflicts and wars. This is what La Baule with François Mitterrand and his European friends brought to Africa.
A poorly thought-out democracy, which replaces a well-structured administration by unprepared and inexperienced leaders, elected on ethnic, clan or regional criteria; a democracy which keeps the people in underdevelopment so that they continue to beg aid from Europeans. Hence, they will keep a grip on governments that they will control as they want and those who do not accept it will have their taps closed. Without economic independence, there is no political independence.
The policy of “Divide and Conquer” introduced by the settler in the sub region carried all the dangers. The Belgians destroyed a well-organized administration that united all social classes in our countries, with the aim of dividing us and weakening us. Thus, by saying that the Hutus cannot govern, that they do not have sufficient intellectual capacity and flexibility for this, thus excluding him from the administration, was a way of pushing them to revolt un day against the Tutsis; a numerical minority, which according to the colonist, dominates a numerical majority. It was from there that the idea of Kayibanda’s social revolution in 1959 was born, which resulted in the killing of Tutsis and driving others out of the country. Hutu extremists in Burundi have long tried to copy this model without succeeding in the image of Rwanda, but the ideology has stuck in their minds.
The Europeans reluctantly let go of independence in our countries; their influence would diminish; it was necessary to find other ways of penetrating our States; the European-style multiparty system therefore made it easier for them. With the exception of Prince Rwagasore’s party, which is based on a Unitarian ideology, the other parties were more Hutu in audience and enjoyed a lot of European support. It is ultimately these extremists, taking advantage of the one man, one voice system, who led Burundi and Rwanda after the introduction of multiparty politics and who committed the irreparable genocide of the Tutsis (in Burundi in 1993 and in Rwanda in 1994)
Today, Burundi is ruled by the same people who committed the 1993 genocide, and who continued to kill Tutsis during the war period, and who plan to complete it with the means of the state in power. This is why they have always refused to step down from that power even when that majority voted for change in May 2020.
Burundi then finds itself in a semblance of democracy (only because there were elections), but really, it is the only cnddfdd party that is in business, members of other parties are not only excluded from the administration, but are also called enemies of the Nation to eliminate. And yet, the same European countries which pushed us to a multiparty system, with the famous freedom which François Mitterrand alluded to in his speech at the La Baule summit in 1990, are the first to support such a regime. Would they want to support the genocide of the Tutsi and opposition Hutus in Burundi as the French supported Juvénal Havyarimana until the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis in 1994? Time will show it to us.
URNHITAMWONEZA once again reminds Burundians (without distinction), that it is high time to take matters into their own hands, without expecting anything from the outside, to change the system of governance of our country. Drive out from power those who only seek their interests by eliminating the others on the pretext that they were elected by the people when they did not do anything positive for this people, in order to establish a system of governance, democracy adapted to our reality. We must adopt a management system of a “ right man in the right place ” (all companies, parastatals in bankruptcy because they are run by incompetent sympathizers of the ruling party and not professionals.) so that we can get out of this underdevelopment

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