Burundi: From 1993 Tutsi’s genocidaires was born the cnddfdd’s military clique on power

Burundi: From 1993 Tutsi’s genocidaires was born the cnddfdd’s military clique on power
It cannot be said enough; the ideology of genocide of Tutsis by extremist Hutus has long been prepared and taught. The palipehutu taught from primary schools the extermination ideology of the Tutsis, who he presented as a domineering people from elsewhere.
The same ideology was taught by the Parmehutu in neighbouring Rwanda. Already between 1988 and 1992, young Hutus were doing military training in Tanzania and Rwanda. Besides physical training, they also learned to shoot with arrows. Otherwise, the deadliest weapon was the machete and it was within their reach.
In 1992, extremist Hutus began to distribute machetes among the population. These machetes were purchased by the National Documentation Service. Some primary school principals asked students to bring ropes to school, which were used by Hutus to tie the arms of Tutsis to kill. Many do not know: an engineer Frodebu (whose name will not be released today), as part of a project to build primary schools funded by France between 1990 and 1993 built schools with windows which cannot be open. The objective was to prepare the places where the Tutsi will be gathered before killing them. All these tips were imported from neighbouring Rwanda because there too the genocide of the Tutsis was in preparation. This means that the Hutus of Rwanda and Burundi had the same project; that of ending the Tutsis in the two countries and thus having a purely Hutu empire. These are the triggers that only differed. In Burundi, the pretext was the assassination of President Melchior Ndadaye in October 1993, while in Rwanda; the death of Havyarimana Juvenal, after the plane on which he had descended over Kanombe was a pretext to start the genocide on a large scale in 1994.
Was on board this presidential plane of Havyarimana, the Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira, who had replaced Melchior Ndadaye after his death. What was he going to do in Rwanda on the Havyarimana plane when he had his own plane in good condition? Why did he not want to go to Rwanda with his own plane and take a lift from his counterpart? The reasons can be many, but everything suggests that they wanted to discuss secret things between themselves. Otherwise, there would be nothing to justify Ntaryamira demanding that his orderly officer return to Bujumbura. He would have resisted because the regulations required him not to leave him. But, he was forced in spite of himself to return to the country without President Ntaryamira. At least, the officer’s life was saved by respecting an “illegal” order. A certain opinion says that the two presidents planned together the mass genocide of the Tutsis in the two countries. Why?
Havyarimana negotiated with constraint with the RPF, he saw that he was politically in a weak position when he did not want to share power with those whom he called enemies, but also he feared very much the advance of the forces of the RPF even if the national army had the support of France. That is why he wanted to start genocide and kill all the Tutsis in such a way that even if the RPF were to win, would rule over “the ashes of the Tutsis” (without any Tutsi alive). This is Havyarimana Juvenal’s plan. He had well prepared his interahamwe, his soldiers and his administration, with all the equipment necessary to take action
Ntaryamira Cyprien had the plan of genocide of Burundians Tutsis which had not been well finished by the Frodebu in 1993, it was necessary to speak with his counterpart to agree on the terms of mutual assistance so that, once the Rwandan genocide started, how to complete the one in Burundi. He was no doubt afraid of the Burundian army which he did not control, which is why he thought he could rely on that of Rwanda which had the solid support of the French army. The extremist Hutu population which had committed the genocide of 1993 still had the ideology in mind; it should take final action.
After the deaths of the two presidents, in Rwanda the plan was carried out as worked out because the killing machine was already in place. This led to the genocide of Tutsis in 1994. In Burundi, the case was nipped in the bud, but the ideology remained in the heads of Hutu extremists who were always looking for an opportunity to do at least the equivalent of what has been done in Rwanda, at best putting an end to all the Tutsis in the country.
After Ntaryamira, Sylvestree Ntibanyunganya, then president of the National Assembly, took over as head of Burundi. It was very hard for him to manage a totally divided country, where confrontations between Hutu Tutsi ethnic groups were frequent. He was president but he did not have full power over the army because the army accused him of being in league with the FDD rebellion. The latter was born out of a desire to avenge President Ndadaye Melchior killed by a group of soldiers qualified as Tutsis. The Tutsi from Kayogoro knew nothing about Ndadaye’s death; why he should suffer the consequences of this death. Any pretext was good for killing the Tutsi. We saw this rebellion kill Tutsis on the roads in vehicles; displaced survivors of the 1993 genocide were killed in the middle of sleep. No less than 648 Tutsis were killed the night of July 19-20, 1996 in Bugendana. President Ntibantunganya who participated in their burial was going to die if it was not been the bravery of the Tutsi soldiers in his guard who made good decisions at the right time (do not respond with arms to the anger of the population). Upon his return to Bujumbura, he found the rest of his guard changed. He decided to flee to one of the embassies in Bujumbura until his bloodless dismissal on July 25, 1996.
URN HITAMWONEZA requests that investigations be carried out to establish Sylvestre Ntibantunganya’s responsibilities in supporting the FDD when he was president of the Republic; which means that he should be tried first for high treason, but also on the deaths of thousands of Tutsi survivors of the 1993 genocide killed in the various camps for the displaced. We take this opportunity to awaken the awareness of Tutsis that the genocide under way today is an extension of that of 1993 remains unfinished. We must therefore be vigilant because Evariste Ndayishimiye and his clique have only one objective, to complete it.


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