Burundi: Colonel Gélase Daniel Ndabirabe never misses the opportunity to attack people and institutions with each speech.

Burundi: Colonel Gélase Daniel Ndabirabe never misses the opportunity to attack people and institutions with each speech.
Newly appointed head of the National Assembly of Burundi, the demobilized colonel, Gélase Daniel Ndabirabe was yesterday in Rumonge , with his Senate counterpart, to support Pierre Claver Ndayicariye in his presentation of the bones of the victims of the events of 1972. This is what the Hutu extremists call “the genocide of the Hutus of 1972”. Do they have the quality and the right to qualify these events as genocide? A real pretext used to kill Tutsis who know nothing of what happened during this period, or to justify the crimes they have always committed and that they commit until today on Tutsis and Hutus of the opposition.
No one has ever denied that Hutus and many Hutus were killed in 1972. Tutsis also perished, and particularly in the southern regions of the country where Ndayicariye and his team have spent many days digging up bones in mass graves. But, what is revolting is the political exploitation that the cnddfdd power for which Pierre Claver Ndayicariye rolls makes of these events. It was not all the Tutsis who killed Hutus in 1972. So why do they attack all Tutsis as if to avenge these Hutus? Does Ndayicariye have the technical capacity to distinguish the bones of Hutus from those of Tutsis? We dare to tell him that there is no way to know the truth about this issue when you are already politically oriented like him. The result of his work, and this is what the military clique in power is looking for, is to strengthen the gap between Hutus and Tutsis, to encourage Hutus to take revenge on Tutsis, why not complete the genocide that began in 1993. It is up to Pierre Claver Ndayicariye to prepare himself to assume his responsibility for this genocide for which he is giving his contribution in his preparation.
Let’s come back to our demobilized colonel, Gélase Ndabirabe. He spoke in Rumonge and the highlights of his speech were devoted to attacking Senegalese Doudo Diène, chairman of the UN commission of inquiry on Burundi. For Gélase Ndabirabe, her committee is more political than a human rights committee, as if the reports it presents each year are fabricated from nothing, have no part of the truth. Yet Gélase knows that no day goes by in Burundi without the discovery of the body of a man or woman killed after being tied up and thrown either into a river, a gutter or a bush. And those who commit such crimes are members of the defence and security forces guided by the military power of which Gélase is a part or the imbonerakure militia.
Ndabirabe asked in his speech where was the UN commission when these Burundians were massacred in 1972 as if what it is doing today has no value if it did not intervene in 1972. This suggests a feeling rather ethnic which has always characterized the military clique in power. The commission reports cases of human rights violations in Burundi, crimes committed against Hutus, Twa and Tutsi and even foreigners living in Burundi, no exceptions. It is as if, for Gélase Ndabirabe, the Hutus of 1972 are more valuable than the Hutus or Tutsis who are regularly killed by the cnddfdd power today.
But, Mr Ndabirabe’s inappropriate words should not surprise anyone. This is his nature. He has always made provocative, inflammatory and divisionist statements. People remember the frontal attacks directed sometimes against the European Union, sometimes against neighbouring Rwanda and its leaders, sometimes against the United Nations, not to mention the Catholic Church. It was in his speech of February 17, 2016 that he spoke of physical genocide committed by Michel Micombero, intellectual genocide committed, according to him, by Jean Baptiste Bagaza and democratic genocide committed by Pierre Buyoya. This is pure Ndabirabe Gelase, not anyone else. He is the same who dared to attack the Catholic bishops, accusing them of playing politics instead of preaching the divine word. They were insulted by this demobilized colonel, simply for having spoken of the violations of the rights of their faithful.
URN HITAMWONEZA finds that the military clique lacks too much diplomacy, discipline in their language, especially lacking in intelligence to know what to say, what to shut up. This include bushman or simply shepherds is not likely to attract friends of Burundi, investors or tourists, which deals a hard blow to both bilateral and multinational relations with other states or organizations and therefore on the economy of our country. This is why we remain at the bottom of the world in development. It is time for all Burundians to become aware of this and think of the fastest and most effective means to get rid of this leadership which only sullies the good reputation of our country and ruins the entire nation.

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