Burundi: Cnddfdd power continues to mobilize its troops to maintain tensions on its border with Rwanda

Burundi: Cnddfdd power continues to mobilize its troops to maintain tensions on its border with Rwanda
After the failure of the attempt by elements of the FDNB to enter Rwandan soil in the company of elements of the FDRL / FLN, the population around the Kibira forest reports relative calm. This means they don’t hear the terrifying sounds of heavy guns like they used to. However, the movement of troops remains visible, reports Burundian citizens contacted in the commune of Mabayi.
We said in our previous edition (March 3, 2021) that the 60th Amisom Battalion was urgently deployed; these soldiers left Camp Mudubugu in Bubanza province on foot to the Cibitoke centre. The 61st Amisom Battalion made the trip to Kayanza, still on foot. Soldiers from both Battalions told us that they arrived there very exhausted, so much so that they could not hold out if forced to fight. They did not understand why the command did not want to provide vehicles for these trips.
Today, these men have not been deployed to the battlefield as planned. The 61st Bn soldiers who were in Kayanza were loaded onto the trucks last night around 3:00 am and arrived in their unit in Mudubugu around 5:45 am. As for the soldiers of the 60th Bn who are currently at Camp Cibitoke, they held, on March 4, 2021, a moral talk with their Battalion commander; just to talk to them about discipline without telling them the mission that made them urgently walk to this place. As if to encourage them to always be ready for combat at all times without telling them who the enemy is, the Battalion commander let out a very meaningful sentence: ” Naho umwansi azoba ari Singapore, tuzomusongako ” (even if the enemy was reported in Singapore, we will assault him). This means, even if the military authorities do not want to be clear, that Burundi is preparing for a war whose nature they do not want to say. Does Evariste Ndayishimiye still intend to support the FDRL / FLN to once again attack neighbouring Rwanda? Would he not have learned a lesson from what just happened during the clashes observed in recent days?
In any case, the Burundian soldiers have become quite mature and understand that it is useless to venture into unfounded political bickering. This emerges from this question which was asked by a soldier of the 60th Amisom Battalion to his Battalion commander (imagine that he is from the cnddfdd). The question was worded as follows: “You often say that Rwanda attacks Burundi every day. Is there no way that high-ranking politicians (abanya politique bo hejuru) can dialogue and find solutions instead of pushing us into deadly wars? ‘’. The Battalion Commander’s response was: ’Shut up’’
These soldiers are right. Nothing serves, in the present century, to provoke unnecessary wars. Neither the military, nor their families, nor the general population, no one ever benefits from these conflicts if it is only a few politicians who are only looking to defend their selfish interests. The soldiers of the 54th Amisom Battalion who were deployed first had just returned from their mission in Somalia. Coming back from this mission alive is already a divine blessing; these soldiers needed to enjoy the money they were able to get even if the power was to use it first before giving it to the owners. They can set up small projects that allow them to support their families because the government pays them a salary that does not allow them to adequately feed the families and educate their children. The soldiers of the 60th and 61st Amisom were preparing to leave for a mission in Somalia in April or May 2021. When they saw their brothers in arms who fell on the battlefield during the last fights and an impressive number of those who have been injured, they have felt discouraged, especially since they do not see, as they say, the need to fight when there is a way to find a negotiated solution.
URN HITAMWONEZA is always on the side of those who oppose any military solution; war is not necessary. But, we are always against injustice and we will support all those who will always fight for peace, equity, justice for all without any exclusion. It is for this reason that we have branches everywhere even in the services of the Presidency of the Republic because everywhere there are men of integrity who do not agree with the injustices of certain authorities. We will always fight for justice for all. We urge the military to refuse the illegal orders given to them by these warlords. Your mission is clear: to defend territorial integrity, to defend the Burundians (without exclusion) and their property. Always say NO to anyone who urges you to kill members of such an ethnic group or political party. Show yourself professional and make yourself respected by refusing that the leaders of the cnddfdd make you replace by the militia imbonerakure. The peace of the Burundians is at this price. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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