Burundi: Civil servant census marks the end of President Evariste Ndayishimiye’s days.

Burundi: Civil servant census marks the end of President Evariste Ndayishimiye’s days.
President Evariste Ndayishimiye counts his days on the fingers of one hand; but he wants to leave after having given the goods of certain officials (Tutsis) to the imbonerakure and interahamwe as a token of thanks.
In view of the questions to which the officials must give answers, the public has many questions about this census: the Tutsis threatened with genocide think that it is a way of seeking to expel them from their posts to replace them by young people recently registered unemployed Hutu; seek to identify them down to the smallest details (even ask them for photos, photocopies of the CNIs that are in their files), to locate them with precision (GPS) and knowing their activities outside of working hours suggests rather a project to easily eliminate them when the time comes. The Burundians are not looking from noon to 2 p.m., Ndayishimiye is at the end of his days. As his predecessor left suddenly, he too risks suffering the same fate. The late Nkurunziza said at the end of the cnddfdd’s electoral campaign at the Ets Kamenge field that whoever dares to cheat the elections will suffer an exemplary punishment from the Almighty. He left first. The leader of this orchestra, the big thief of the election results, is Evariste Ndayishimiye. Then it’s his turn.
The census of civil servants currently being carried out is intended to find out more precisely the property of all Tutsis (even the money they have in the banks because they are asked to specify their bank), to locate them in order to distribute them to the imbonerakure and interahamwe as a thank you when the time comes. It is a way of honouring the commitment made by the leaders of the cnddfdd, including Evariste Ndayishimiye, with regard to the imbonerakure
Indeed, in 2012, 2013, the leaders of the cnddfdd organized training sessions for all the workers domestic workers in Kamenge and Kanyosha. They told them that they had to work hard (kora = work by Reverien Ndikuriyo), because when the day came, they would themselves own the property of their Tutsi bosses. They taught them the techniques to open the doors of houses silently. One of the servants who disbelieved these messages from these leaders revealed it to his Tutsi boss.
Today, it is incomprehensible that a clique of soldiers who are in power, who refused to declare their property saying that it is a secret of everyone while the constitution requires it (art 95), can rise up a day and require the Minister of Public Service to take a census of all officials and force them to declare their property and even mention their ethnicities.
President Evariste Ndayishimiye will soon be eliminated by his entourage and that will be the beginning of the end of the cnddfdd system as he will rush to implement his plan of genocide of Tutsis and members of the CNL political opposition. In wanting to locate the Tutsi property to be eliminated and share them among the important figures of the imbonerakure, Neva believes that her men are immortal or that they will kill people like flies without any resistance.
Here Tutsi officials must be careful. If they seek to hide their possessions, the cnddfdd will uncover them and sell them to the lowest bidder because they will say they are now state owned (you see how they are seizing the houses of the so-called coup plotters).
URN HITAMWONEZA believes that instead of asking to suspend this census and discuss with the government as Celestin Nsavyimana says, who spoke on behalf of the workers’ unions, we should rather stand up as one man to outright refuse this game against the law and which prepares the implementation of the final phase of the genocide plan of the cnddfdd.

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