Burundi: Chao at the head of state: Who is really ruling Burundi today?

Burundi: Chao at the head of state: Who is really ruling Burundi today?
The question deserves to be asked for several reasons because it is obvious that Evariste Ndayishimiye, who now occupies the presidential chair, is president only in name. An administrator of a WhatsApp group carries more weight than him. He gives guidelines for all group members to follow and they are followed; anyone who dares to break the rules of the game is warned first and if they do so again, the administrator removes their name and number from the group. A measurement taken and executed without any interference. This is what is missing from Evariste Ndayishimiye, who is supposed to lead Burundi today.
Before talking about some illustrative cases, let’s take a look back to see the why of this fact. Indeed, no one is unaware that Evariste Ndayishimiye occupies a place he has stolen; It is by law of force that he is seated in the presidential chair and name by force of law. It was a military clique, a member of the cnddfdd, which imposed him as a presidential candidate (it is known that the late president Nkurunziza proposed the former president of the national assembly, Pascal Nyabenda); the people voted for change because they were tired of so many years of state party rule, cnddfdd, which has made the country the second poorest country in the world. The same military clique said: ‘’proclaim the cnddfdd the winner, we are dealing with the consequences of whatever comes next’’. No sooner said than done. The reaction of the camp of the real victors was not immediate because everyone knew the heaviness of the violent repression which should follow, knowing that the imbonerakure militia and certain members of the zealous defence and security corps had been prepared by the military clique for that.
Today the same military clique has succeeded in tying Evariste Ndayishimiye arms and legs, he cannot make any decision that commits the country without their agreement. The first and big scandal was the refusal to declare the assets of the leaders before they take office when it is an act provided for by the constitution. Ndayishimiye was forced to deny himself during his first public conference in Gitega when he had asked during a prayer crusade in Ngozi all state officials up to the orderly to prepare for this exercise. He will say that someone’s possessions are a secret to him. Evariste Ndayishimiye was ridiculed by those who refused his order and moreover a constitutional act; he made a fool of himself by agreeing to change his mind.
At the moment when Burundi turns its eyes to the European Union which had started the dialogue with the government in order to agree on the modalities of resumption of the cooperation suspended since 2016, it became impossible for Evariste Ndayishimiye to respect the preconditions especially in terms of respect for human rights. The 27 had apparently agreed to turn a blind eye to the killings, arbitrary arrests and imprisonments of the past; but he was not even able to honour a few commitments made. For example, he should release political prisoners before the end of 2020, he even promised the Burundian people, he did not. Rather, his power has continued to kill other innocent people (more than 20 bodies discovered in January 2021 alone); Christa Kaneza, the widow of Thierry Kubwimana (assassinated in November 2020 by an invisible but powerful hand of power) was arrested and imprisoned without trial. Evariste Ndayishimiye would have liked to have her released twice in a row, but the planners (very powerful men in the regime) of her husband’s death have always opposed her release. It is clear that Christa Kaneza is innocent, that she is the victim of a montage of these big boys who do not want the truth to come out.
Today Evariste Ndayishimiye finds himself between a rock and a hard place. He is trying to honour his commitments to the EU and the military clique he is supposed to lead says no to him. He becomes a liar and he is unable to do anything to them if he doesn’t want to leave his skin there. He doesn’t even have the courage to resign so that the real masters can rule the country. He will continue to lie to the people and the international community until when?
About forty European parliamentarians who have understood the real situation in Burundi and who know that European taxpayers’ money cannot be given to a criminal power which does not respect any human rights, have just sent a letter to Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative of the EU, to tell him that it is unacceptable to normalize relations between the European Union with Burundi as long as no improvement in human rights is observed. Let’s wait for the EU’s reaction. Two possibilities: the EU countries can, despite this alert, follow in the footsteps of France (which has already violated all the conventions and which has started cooperation with Burundi) and start to help Burundi; or, these countries may decide to continue to impose sanctions on Burundi until the military clique is forced to respect the basic rights of Burundians
URN HITAMWONEZA has always shouted and will continue to shout until all those who want to hear us understand that Burundi is ruled by monsters who have no qualms and who can in no way give peace to all Burundians because they have too much innocent blood on their hands, they know that if there is a rule of law in Burundi, their place becomes prison. They will do everything to keep this chaotic situation in the country; that the Burundians are dying of hunger, disease, and war is none of their business. They are even ready to provoke national and regional genocide if they find themselves cornered. A nod to the countries of the EU: that they leave alone France which seeks to correct its failure of Rwanda to support a power which plans a genocide not to share this historic responsibility. From the Burundian people, we ask for solidarity in order to get rid of these criminals who never stop mourning our families and who continue to oppress the country’s daughters and sons. United, we will win.

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