Burundi: Beware of President Ndayishimiye; far from being a man of his word, he is distinguished by double talk and hypocrisy.

Burundi: Beware of President Ndayishimiye; far from being a man of his word, he is distinguished by double talk and hypocrisy.
We were talking to you yesterday about how President Evariste Ndayishimiye and his government violated article 95 of the constitution which they had themselves voted on- same in 2018. The president had ordered on August 23, 2020 to all concerned to prepare to declare their property. The military clique told him no and he was forced to justify the non-execution of his order, in his public conference of September 25, 2020. The president of OLUCOM is right when he says that in Burundi, thieves are stronger than the president. These are the same thieves who put him in the presidential chair, so he is not free to take any action without their consent. What a misfortune for the Burundian people!!
This is the first serious case of violation of the constitution by the president himself. The second serious case concerns this time the verbal attacks of European countries and especially of Rwanda, a neighbouring and brother country. Evariste Ndayishimiye called the country “hypocritical” and accused it of taking Burundian refugees hostage by preventing them from returning home. He said so in a speech in Busoni, in Kirundo province, bordering Rwanda. It was August 7, 2020 when the new governor was introduced to the people of Kirundo. President Evariste Ndayishimiye said: “We cannot cooperate with a country which shows hypocrisy towards us”. Now, during his public conference on September 25, 2020, Ndayishimiye refuses that he did not speak about Rwanda while his spokesperson, Jean Claude Karegwa Ntenzako confirmed to BBC radio journalist Gahuzamiryango on August 15, 2020, that the president was indeed talking about Rwanda. To a specific question from the journalist, which was whether the president was really talking about Rwanda, here is Karerwa Ndenzako’s answer: “Burundians like to speak in parables like Jesus Christ; it is indeed Rwanda that he was talking about, that whoever does not understand it understands it, it is the truth “. Who would be more hypocritical than President Ndayishimiye? Yet after refusing that he was not talking about Rwanda on August 7, 2020 in Busaoni, he continued to use the same words in his public lecture. He accused Rwanda of supporting people who staged a coup, who killed people and burned vehicles and houses, and that Rwanda was preparing them to attack Burundi. He did not forget to throw flowers at himself, saying that they always handed over the criminals who cross into Burundi to go and disrupt Rwanda.
To this lying and hypocritical president, we invite his entourage to ask him what the Fdrl interahamwe are doing on the Twinyoni, Kumugozi and Kwibuye hills and why the position of the FDNB (Burundian army) in Ngonzi gives them all the necessary supplies. Ask him why the genocidal Félicien Kabuga, recently arrested in France, had a Burundian diplomatic passport? Ask him what were the discussions he was going to have with Paul Rusesabagina if he had the chance to land in Bujumbura as he had planned? Let him stop his tantalizing speeches, Burundians are tired of his lies.
To those young people who were promised a job, you should know that this is also a lie. There is no country in the world that has been able to hire everyone. Countries that have means set aside a certain amount for the unemployed to enable them to live. It is not Evariste Ndayishimiye who will find work for all the unemployed in Burundi as he says. This is pure manipulation.
The information at our disposal is that the military clique is in the process of making a census of all the young people (letting them understand that they are going to find them work), so that they are well followed by his imbonerakure militia because they have fear that they might join armed groups. They officially say that these groups do not exist, but in reality they tremble when they hear attacks carried out on military positions; which justifies the movement of General Prime Niyongabo towards the Kibira (Kayanza side).
The military clique blames itself in their hearts for the blood crimes they have committed and know very well that if things happen to change in Burundi, either death or Hague.
URN HITAMWONEZA once again calls on the Burundians to remain vigilant, to beware of the tantalizing speechless speeches of President Ndayishimiye which lull you to sleep as his killing machine continues to slaughter your brothers and sisters. The military clique silences everyone and continues to loot public property making the country the poorest in the world, where your children sit on the floor in class for lack of desks while Ndayishimiye declares that he and his group do not have sufficient time to declare their goods (because there are so many). Burundi needs honest and patriotic leaders. It’s time to get rid of those who manipulate us for their own interests

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