Burundi: All means are good to force the Burundian refugees in Tanzania to return.

Burundi: All means are good to force the Burundian refugees in Tanzania to return.
The power of Gitega, in collaboration with the Tanzanian government have always used and still use all possible illegal means to permanently close all the Burundian refugee camps in Tanzania. They have deprived them of almost all the rights granted to refugees, they have mistreated them by all means; they have not yet succeeded in bringing them all back.
Today they are trying to use the carrot instead of the stick. Malignantly, the refugees were deprived of 3kg of flour and 1kg of beans per month, but they almost doubled the money usually given in terms of return packages. One way to motivate them to return in large numbers. For an adult over 18 who received 140,000 frbu, he currently receives 280,000 frbu and 3 months of ration. At one point, they even received a small telephone set per household. Some sources indicate that this money would be donated by the historical partners of power cnddfdd, China and Russia. This money would have passed through NGOs which participate in the maintenance of the refugees and the distribution of the return package for those who want to return.
One would wonder why a cell phone. Who needs to stay in touch with returning refugees? What is certain is that these mobile phones were not distributed to all groups. There is reason to believe that the groups which benefited from it have a direct link with the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye and his military clique. It is known that the latter have distributed to their imbonerakure militia throughout the country cell phones and units to be better coordinated in its many despicable acts known to all. And no one is unaware that among the refugees there are people sent by the authorities to provide information on everything that is done in the camps. When the time comes for repatriation, they are the first to encourage others to return.
Tanzania does not want any more refugees on its territory. It is for this reason that when a household decides to return, their home is directly destroyed after its departure. In the past, according to the refugees who gave us the information, as the refugees returned, the others were regrouped in other villages, leaving their homes intact. URN HITAMWONEZA once again calls for the rights of refugees to be respected; that no refugee is forced to return when their safety is not yet guaranteed. UNHCR should make the governments of Evariste Ndayishimiye and John Pompe Magufuli understands that they are flouting international laws regarding the management of refugees by forcing them to return by any means possible. Otherwise, he will share this responsibility when the time comes to do justice to all these abused refugees. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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