Burundi: After the trafficking of human beings, the power of Gitega is also involved in the trafficking of narcotics.

Burundi: After the trafficking of human beings, the power of Gitega is also involved in the trafficking of narcotics.
The CNDDFDD power has always excelled in illicit businesses such as trade in humans prohibited around the world. In Burundi, it was impossible to stop this kind of business because they are high authorities as well within the police and within the ruling party who are the first officials. The proof is that despite the speeches of good intentions to combat this traffic, he continues in the sight of everyone. The case of extreme fragrance occurred on December 14, 2020, where 101 women were arrested by the police in a Shed in Buterere in Bujumbura, ready to board the Arab countries. Four days after, on December 18, 2020, about twenty of these arrested women ended up in a group of people who were flying to these Arab countries. Which means that those who make this trade are more powerful than those who order the arrest of these women or just that there is a disorder at the head of the state. Some of these Burundians who are sold to these countries have been regularly arrested in Kenya, Tanzania because it is a banned trade at the international level.
In parallel with this trade in human beings, the CNDDFDD power was also trade in narcotics. A mafia traffic, also prohibited at the global level, which has been done under the accomplice of the CNDFDD leaders for a long time, without doing noises. It is today that this file begins to be put in the opinion after the arrest of two individuals of different nationalities; One is Burundian, the other is Kenyan. The latter answers John Muyela, he would be technical director and operations within a Pona Pharmaceutical company and his Chief Executive Officer, it is the Burundian named Prosper Hakizimana, nicknamed Gisiga. An illiterate man, who has always been used by the CNDDFDD generals in many mafia files. The two men were arrested in Somalia while they were going to deliver amazing products, drugs. According to specialists, these products are similar to drugs and are used in Somalia as in the countries of the Middle East by terrorists who consume them before their operations. Since terrorism is fought around the world, this is why the countries of the European Union and the United Nations in general are more involved in the fight against this illicit trade.
The power of Evariste Ndayishimiye is therefore accused by these countries to be involved in this prohibited trade. It is said that his Minister of Health, Thaddée Ndikumana is directly involved in this issue even if he has not been arrested as the other two. It is within this Pona pharmaceutical company that some products are manufactured, others pass through to be sold worldwide via Somalia. According to our source, these products are routed in Somalia in the form of drugs provided to the Burundian military on peacekeeping mission. Some are directly consumed by Shabab, others continue their way to various countries like the US via the Indian Ocean (Mogadishcio being on the ocean). The two men would then be arrested in these circumstances in Somalia.
According to concordant sources, the file dates from a very long time. Former President Pierre Nkurunziza and the former chief of the Burundian police, current Prime Minister, Allain Guillaume Bunyoni gave the green light to this kind of business; surely they received their share of the cake. Evariste Ndayishimiye was also informed, but was not directly involved, say our sources. This traffic would be even at the base of the recession of Dr. Thaddee Ndikumana at the head of the Ministry of Health by Evariste Ndayishimiye. The latter would have liked it to continue this trade, which, no doubt, gave them dirty money that CNDFDD or power individuals use for personal affairs.
The power of Evariste Ndayishimiye is then taken hand in the bag by the European Union which provides the budget to pay the costs of the military deployed in Somalia. It will then be obliged to cooperate to conduct deep investigations to identify and arrest all those involved in this business; an effective way of fighting it.
URN Hitamwoneza is pushing the surveys to find out more and will share with you the information searched on this file. We remember the Burundian people that the time has come to get rid of the leaders who continue to tarnish the country image by getting involved in ladle files for their personal interests. Burundi deserves clean hands leaders who will lead it to the unity and cohesion of all Burundians and their development. We also call on the United Nations Security Council to set up an international independent commission to investigate the involvement of CNDDFDD power in trade as well as human beings and narcotics to punish all individuals (whoever they are) responsible for this trade that only reinforces terrorism in the world.

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