Burundi: Pierre Claver Ndayicariye, CVR President, decorated by President Ndayishimiye for having successfully concealed the evidence of the genocide of Tutsis

Burundi: Pierre Claver Ndayicariye, CVR President, decorated by President Ndayishimiye for having successfully concealed the evidence of the genocide of Tutsis
His name is Pierre Claver Ndayicariye, current president of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CVR). It is a mission entrusted to him by the cnddfdd as a sign of thanks after having supported with much zeal this party in the organization and the cheating of the elections of 2015. Remember that these elections were organized in full contestation of the third illegal and the illegitimate mandate of the late President Nkurunziza, protests which have been suppressed in the blood by the police. Thousands of people opposed to violations of the Constitution and the Arusha Accords have been killed, others arrested and tortured, women and girls raped, thousands more forced into exile. This is what drives Evariste Ndayishimiye to throw flowers to Pierre Claver Ndayicariye. He then decorated him, this July 1, 2020, on the occasion of the 58th Burundi’s independence anniversary, with “ the order of merit of work, class Commander ” and gave him an envelope of 2million Burundi francs.
Pierre Claver Ndayicariye was appointed president of the truth and reconciliation commission to thank him first, and then entrust him with another mission more important than the first. It is not about knowing the truth about the different crises that the country has gone through and reconciling the Burundian people as stipulated by law. Rather, it is to orient the truth desired by the cnddfdd. Hide all signs of the genocide of Tutsis planned and carried out by Hutu extremists since 1993 until today. Then show the Hutu people the denigration of power towards the Tutsis and make them understand that only the cndd fdd was able to unearth and bury with dignity the remains of the Hutus killed in 1972 by the power of Micombero, what they called “1972 Hutu genocide”. Today’s Hutu makes it a pretext to exterminate Tutsis who have nothing to do with these events of 1972. Instead of trying to reconcile the Burundians, Evariste Ndayishimiye and his clique use it to mobilize Hutus to kill Tutsis whenever an opportunity arises, supposedly for revenge, and above all, he uses it as a tool to mobilize Hutus for electoral purposes. It is for this reason that Pierre Claver Ndayicariye was particularly active in this work during the year 2019, a year before the organization of the elections in May 2020.
On 14 February 2020, Pierre Claver Ndayicariye went to explain to parliamentarians at the National Assembly how he is organizing his work to search for the remains of the victims of the cyclical crises that Burundi has experienced. He said 4,163 mass graves had already been identified by his group across the country. Gitega was presented as the most affected province with 640 mass graves, the municipality with fewer mass graves being Cankuzo with 41 mass graves.
On March 3, 2020, Ndayicariye and his team presented 7348 bones of human remains found in 8 mass graves on Buzirasazi hill in Shombo commune in Karuzi province
Even though Evariste Ndayishimiye thanks Pierre Claver Ndayicariye for presenting these discoveries in a reconciling manner, public opinion knows very well that it is only the remains of the victims of the 1972 genocide that the authorities are in the process of unearthing and burying them with dignity. This is what they announced to the Hutus to seek their votes in the elections. Ndayicariye is trying to sow amalgam in the media. His team has no technical capacity to know if a particular bone is from a person killed in 1972 or in 1993 or in 1988 or even in 2015. They are content with information collected from the population. However, we know how much the cnddfdd system manipulates the people for their electoral interests and moreover.
For example, Shombo commune borders with Buhiga where more than 5000 Tutsis were killed in 1993, Nyabikere with more than 1200 Tutsis killed, Gihogazi with more than 1861. This commune also borders with Gitega province where more than 4256 Tutsis have were killed in Bugendana and more than 800 in Giheta commune. There is no indication that these people killed in these localities were not buried in neighbouring communities. It should also be noted that the people massacred during the war between the fdd (defence forces for democracy) and the regular army would not be thrown into mass graves in these communes as well.
On January 31, 2019, Pierre Claver Ndayicariye presented with great emotion the remains of bodies unearthed in Kamenge commune. There, he claimed that these people were killed in the midst of the crisis of 1993, following the assassination of the late President Melchior Ndadaye. What evidence did he have to prove it? It has already been said that people who give testimonies can be easily manipulated by the authorities for their interests. Adequate technical means are needed to prove this. For example, a suit which was presented as unearthed was still in good shape, showing no tears. What kind of clothes can resist underground for more than 27 years? Here, it can be imagined that even the mass graves of 2015 are also involved in this kind of operation. And it is even the objective of the ruling military clique which seeks only to use the instruments of the State to manipulate opinion for its interests.
URNHITAMWONEZA asks the Burundian population to understand that the CVR is not there for the discovery of truth and reconciliation; rather it’s an instrument of power to assuage political and genocidal interests. The international community should put pressure on the military government of Gitega to stop the work of this commission so that material suitable for this work is first available so that we know exactly the identities and the periods of the people who were killed. Otherwise, the CVR is being used as an instrument of hatred for the preparation of large-scale genocide.
We will talk to you tomorrow about how Gitega’s power is waking up today to manipulate the figures of the COVID-19 infected when yesterday he prevented Burundians from wearing masks.

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