Burundi: Who between Evariste Ndayishimiye and Allain Guillaume Bunyoni actually leads Burundi?

Burundi: Who between Evariste Ndayishimiye and Allain Guillaume Bunyoni actually leads Burundi?
The question deserves to be asked after the iron arm between the Minister of Commerce and three Directors General: Albert Maniratunga, Director General of Transport, Ngendakumana, Director General of Trade and IR. Emmanuel Manirakiza, Director of Petroleum Product Management and gas.
The three major executives constituted a commission that looked at the analysis of the increase in the public transport price after the rise in fuel prices that could not be found in the country a few days ago. The Commission has published new tariffs that should be implemented on February 1, 2022 with an increase of 12%, and this has been quickly respected despite the lamentations of the population. This is all the more logical as if there is an increase in the transport price, there is automatically increased all other necessities.
In its correspondence of February 04, 2022, the minister stated that he was surprised to see the social networks circulated a public transport price increase taken by a commission ” irregularly convened and which does not have the prerogatives’ ”. The minister then noted 6 irregularities contained in this decision and recommended its cancellation. What the three Directors General refused. The new rates continued to be implemented despite the suspension of the measure by the Minister. A real arm of iron that does not say his name.
But how is it a commission analyses a file as sensitive as the rise in the public transport price and publishes a decision without the minister with the transportation? Incredible but true. Under other skies, the report of the Commission should be sent to the Minister and the latter should transmit it to the Presidency of the Republic (as it is a very sensitive issue that affects all the areas of national life). The Presidency should in turn send it to the Prime Minister for programming the file to the Council of Ministers after consultations with all partners in this area. It is the Council of Ministers who should decide on this issue and the decision taken should be referred to the Minister for implementation.
Why has not all this procedure been respected? Why even the minister has not been informed by his general managers? On what force do these DG rely to rebel against their minister and against all the government? One thing is sure and certain: they did not do what they did on their own initiative. It’s impossible. They obeyed the orders of a formidable chef, which is not President Evariste Ndayishimiye.
If they had acted on Ndayishimiye Evarist’s instruction, they would not have been summoned to the National Intelligence Service on Monday, 7 February 2022. Our source of information reported to us that they were released and were at their own Offices today on February 9, 2022.
In Burundi, Allain Guillaume Bunyoni, Prime Minister and the well-known businessman of CNDDFDD, Ziranotse, would be the largest investors in the transportation field. By circumventing the Minister with Trade and Transport in his attributions, the three DGs would have obeyed the Prime Minister’s orders by hastily publishing this decision. The three DGs would have worked under the instruction of this formidable personality, why they immediately ignored their direct leader.
Today, prices are slowly returning to the old rate; And the DGs who have committed such a great mistake remain unpunished. Yet Evariste Ndayishimiye will not fail to break the ears of opinion by his speeches of good governance and fight against corruption. People remember that the famous Albert Maniratunga has been publicly removed from the OTRACO by President Ndayishimiye who then appointed sometime after on this position of Director General of Transport
URN Hitamwoneza finds that instead of continuing to lie to the people that everything is fine; that Burundi is taken by African countries as a model of security and democracy; That he is fighting the bad governance while those around it benefits from total impunity, it would be better than President Evariste Ndayishimiye resigns to leave those who have weight to direct the country. But if he agrees to stay in this armchair in which the military clique has installed him to keep screaming without visible results, that it knows that tomorrow, this same military clique will oust him, why not kill him. The Burundian people should find that they do not have leaders at the head of the country and drive out this military clique that takes up a whole people and lead it to the competent jurisdictions to answer for crimes that they have committed.

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