Burundi: Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye, a repatriate not like the others

Burundi: Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye, a repatriate not like the others
Never seen in Burundi. Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye returned from Exile Monday, September 20, 2021 aboard an airplane from Uganda Airlines with a protocol and a safety of a white man. In addition, his repatriation was a report of TV5 World, from the beginning of his residence hotel in Kampala into his biological family in Bujumbura.
Why this show? Why this particularity? Who organized this extraordinary repatriation and for what interest? As many questions as an observer may arise.
His background
Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye is a Hutu native of the Municipality of Songa in Bururi Province. He shows the face of a moderate Hutu, but those who rubbed him from his young age recognize in him a very extremist Hutu, who has a visceral hatred towards all that is called Tutsi.
He has studied, first at the Ets Kamenge (just a year), then pursued them at the High School of Rutovu where Leonard Nyangoma taught mathematics at the time, also native of the same locality as Ndayikengurukiye. Great professor of mathematics, Nyangoma formed him in maths with great interest with other Hutus (training made especially in the MMR club: Rutovu mathematics module) and in physical education and sport, with a view to preparing them to enter them in ISCAM (Higher Institute of Military Frameworks); a military area that many Hutus said it is exclusively reserved for Tutsis.
At the end of its secondary school in 1989, while Nyangoma had already been appointed in 1988 UTB Secretary General (Union of Burundi Workers); a position entrusted by President Pierre Buyoya (intention to silence him) after a meeting held in Bururi during which Nyangoma demonstrated to President Buyoya, an example in support, that the Hutu are excluded from the military field and especially the entry in ISCAM. This is how Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye entered the ISCAM with a dozen other Hutus. Note that 5 of them have been co-opted (they were not the following on the list of results); an injunction from President Buyoya to increase the number of Hutus within this 25th promotion called ” Promotion of Unity ”. Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye will leave the ISCAM without having presented his graduation work after the death of President Melchior Ndadaye in 1993 to join the nascent rebellion in 1994. He left with almost all Hutus officer candidates who were in this institute.
Without going into detail of how this band of criminals called FDD rebellion, then CNDDFDD has evolved, from Kamenge (with the Savimbi, the late Adolphe Nshimirimana and others), via the hills of Bujumbura into the Kibira of Musigati in Bubanza Province and in the eastern mountains of the DRC, we must emphasize only that Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye has been one of the chiefs of these genocidaires after evincing his former Professor Leonard Nyangoma. He will also be hunted at the head of this criminal organization by Radjabu and former Pierre Nkurunziza with the entire military clique currently in power.
Acts of genocide committed during the rebellion
After noticing that the Genocide of Tutsis of 1993 was not perfect as they had planned, all these genocidal gathers in a band of criminals called FDD saying to defend democracy in Burundi. Their actions really showed that they wanted to complete the genocide of Tutsis started in 1993: Tutsis killed on the public roads, at home, in the schools (especially in Buta), in the camps of the displaced (Bugendana, Teza, etc.). Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye is the first responsible for all these crimes because he was a military leader of this band of criminals. What earned him the refusal of his exile in Europe when he fled the country in 2015; He returned to the Uganda from where he left the day of his recent repatriation.
His political career
Following the Arusha Agreement and the Global Ceasefire Agreement between all armed political movements, Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye returned at Kaze FDD head, a political organization close to the CNDFDD; Which is completely logical because having the same ideology. It will later be appointed by the CNDDFDD Consul of Burundi to Kigoma in Tanzania.
He is among the CNDFDD puppets who voted against the third term of office President Pierre Nkurunziza and who were forced to dodge a little by taking the path of exile. The first have already returned, others are behind.
Political opponents or intelligence agents of the CNDDFDD?
All those who claimed political opponents were grouped into the CNARED, a political platform that had at his head the Dr. Jean Minani ( who had called via the radio thousand hills, the Hutus to rise as a single man to exterminate Tutsis in 1993) with Secretary General Anicet Niyonkuru. He will do everything to keep himself at the head of this organization to have enough time to negotiate with the CNDDFDD his triumphal return after successful mission: breaking this alleged political opposition. He will be replaced by Charles Nditije for a moment before resuming the control of the platform that has never formed a political force capable of shaking the CNDDFDD power. On the other hand, Jean Minani continued to negotiate in a stash with this power to accept to rehabilitate his hotel located in Kirundo destroyed by the Imbonerakure militia of the CNDDFDD and many other benefits before returning. He did not manage to get everything; Which still maintains him in exile. Otherwise, he managed to completely annihilate the CNARED. Successful mission! Was born then CFOR-ARUSHA who gathered those who still wanted to make an effort to shout up and strong to make their voices heard with a view to asking the international community that supported the negotiations and the signing of these agreements so that they should be restored. This group of politicians was also infiltrated by some politicians like Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye, Jeremiah Minani and others. After the mandate of Chauvineau Mugwengezo at the head of this organization, Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye struggled heaven and earth to force himself to his head, but he did not succeed in in redrawing Fréderic Bamvuginyumvira who had been elected by his members. Ndayikengurukiye will not stop there. He even arrived to build a parallel organization that did not make long fire. After he will put in place another organization called ANR (National Alliance for the Restoration of Democracy in Burundi) that he will lead without competitive with Prosper Nzobambona as Secretary General of the Alliance.
From the ANR to a Gospel singer
Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye will then be ousted at the head of the ANR by Jeremie Minani. It will be said that Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye was forced to resign and Jeremiah Minani and his team took over. It is from that moment that Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye started out of the videos where he was seen singing religious songs; What surprised more than one and who pushed a lot of observers to ask the question of what the former rebel leader Jean Bosco Ndayisguirikiye prepares. That is, the answer fell: he prepared his return to the country to give the mission report to the CNDDFDD who had sent him and that gave him means to realize the job requested.
His return at home was exceptional. Never seen in Burundi. A refugee voluntarily returns to his native country when he feels that his safety is guaranteed. Never has a refugee asks security agents to return to his country, let alone white mercenaries. In addition, the Canadian organization facilitated its return of exile would have paid for a revival of TV5 world, a very recognized TV channel that covered its return, from its departure to the Kampala Hotel in Uganda until His arrival in Bujumbura in his biological family.
What hide the organization of such triumphant return in the country?
Time will tell us. But, according to the information at our disposal, the replacement of Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye at the head of the ANR by Jérémie Minani is a game known to the two concerned. Jeremiah Minani has always said he has a Canadian nationality and lied to the opinion he has a law degree he has obtained in this country. And everyone knows it’s a man who has always had financial means to travel everywhere. From who? Some said from the CNDFDD power. A young lady would have seen an Allain Guillaume Bunyoni’s visit card falling from her wallet when he was going to pay his hotel bill. True or false. We will know it. It’s just a matter of time. It should then be thought that the return to the fold of Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye, facilitated (as he is heard in this revival of TV5 world) by a Canadian organization, would have been negotiated by Jeremiah Minani for him to come and negotiate the return of other so-called political opponents who remain in exile. Getting out of the religious songs on the videos would also have been a condition imposed by this organization that has negotiated its return with President Evariste Ndayishimiye. Ndayikengurukiye had to be transformed into a servant of God instead of continuing to pretend to play political opposition. To paste a custody of a white man was accepted by Evariste Ndayishimiye to encourage all the politicians who remain outside to return under any conditions.
URN Hitamwoneza reminds all Burundians in exile to pay attention to these men who are very virulent in the heart of CNDDFDD. Some of them are on an intelligence and destruction mission of any political or military structure that would attempt to combat the CNDDFDD system. They come closer to all the victims of this power and are also opposed to the violent acts of the military clique to prevent you from taking a step towards the fight against this power. When their mission is over, they negotiate with the same power to return. It’s not even negotiation, it’s just trick the opinion to enable them to return mission report without being disclosed. But all these traitors have to know that above all, there is a God who sees their actions and who will give them deserved rewards.

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