Burundi: The country is ranked 10th in the world in rare earth extraction; But remains the poorest because of bad governance

Burundi: The country is ranked 10th in the world in rare earth extraction; But remains the poorest because of bad governance
Rare earths of Gakara, a rare ore around the world. Burundi has many natural resources, very varied and dear minerals, but the country remains on the low level of development. Some do not stop asking the question ” why? ” And the answer is simple and unique: bad governance. The country is led by unlit, non-patriotic leaders, which are beginning to use before thinking about the interests of the people and the country in general. It is amazing to hear Parliament and the Senate of Burundi adopt a law establishing and granting the status of the supreme guide of patriotism to former President Pierre Nkurunziza when we know everything that happened as crimes of blood and crimes during the entire period of his power; It is incomprehensible to hear President Evariste Ndayishimiye teach patriotism with his acts of exclusion from state affairs for all those who are not members of the CNDFDD when the SNR, police officers or his imbonerakure do not chase them; killing each other, torture and imprisoning others; It would be surprising to hear Allain Guillaume Bunyoni say that he loves the country when children in the country lack the benches desks in classrooms not covered while it is not even able to control the wealth he owns . Our leaders do not care about their interests and those whom they call ” Abanegihugu ” are just bridges that facilitate them access to the country’s resources
Allain Guillaume Bunyoni did not fail to pay the Crocodile Tears in front of Parliament and the Senate by telling them that rare lands of Gakara did not report anything to the country’s economy and that they have decided to suspend the right of exploitation to society that has operated it for years. And now our poor parliamentarians did not even dare to ask questions to this Prime Minister who became the strong man of the country after imposing Evariste Ndayishimiye at the head of the country during the election holdup of May 2020. The mutama2 became, of bypass, Mutama1 after the death of Pierre Nkurunziza.
The Prime Minister said that the operators of these minerals said they want to change the method of exploitation because they did not receive enough at the moment when the rare earths of Burundi were heard at the London Stock Exchanges. According to him, these operators should pay to the state 500 thousand US dollars of operating law a year without talking about dividend sharing from the sale of these minerals. It was when they forbade them to continue the exploitation they told them that they were ready to export 25 tonnes the current week and 100 tonnes the week that was going to follow. And Guillaume Bunyoni to add that the government has taken the serious decision to hold them to suspend the exploitation because ” they have seen in many countries where governments have had difficulties with their peoples because foreigners extract from the resources of the countries and the peoples remained poor ”. We tell him that this is the case in Burundi, except that the Burundian people do not dare to lift the finger and ask the government to account because it is intimidated. When a parliamentarian who normally represents the people cannot ask questions, what would it be for a simple farmer? Allain Guillaume Bunyoni was clever, he knows what happened. It is not possible for these people to exploit rare earths as many years without giving anything to the government or others. If it is not the public treasury that is beneficiary of this money, it has been paid into the pockets of the leaders not yet known, otherwise, they would not have continued the operation. Or again, these so-called “patriotic” leaders found another company that will give them more “commissions” and decided to suspend the former operator. In any case, there is a hic in. Corruption, Economic embezzlement: This is the own CNDDFDD power.
Rare earths are a group of 17 chemically related mineral elements, including scandium, yttrium and fifteen lanthanides (including neodymium and praseodymium). These metals have useful magnetic and optical properties by several sectors. They are used in high-tech fabrications, in electric and hybrid cars (to lighten batteries and engine components), photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. They are also found in smartphone chips, laptop screens, stadium display boards, robotics, aeronautics, medical lasers. The defence industry uses them to manufacture radar or sonar sensors, but also weapons and targeting systems.
Burundi ranks 10th among the main rare earth extractors in the world, behind China (ranked number 1), which produced only in 2019, 132,000 tons of rare earth oxides; The US produced 26,000 tons; Then Burma that made 22,000 letters; Australia with 21,000s; India that has extracted 3000ton; Russia: 2700tonnes; Thailand with 1800tonnes; Brazil with 1000tonnes; Vietnam who had only 900 tons and finally the Burundi who exported 600 tons in 2019. Behind the Burundi comes from Malaysia with only 200 tons the year 2019. And the prices of the components of rare earths such as the oxide of Scandium revolve around $ 48.07 USA by Kg ; Yttrium oxide: US $ 3.87 per kg and lanthanide oxide: $ 1.69 USA per kg
URN Hitamwoneza once again asks for the Burundian people to overcome fear and ask the current leaders where rare earths already extracted in Gakara until today. Tell us that nothing has entered the public treasury is not enough, we must tell us who took this money because this Prime Minister and his government, as President Evariste Ndayishimiye are the first responsible of this cheating unnamed. It is regrettable that representatives of the people are silent in front of such fraud because they are members of the ruling party. How do you want Burundi to develop? With the military clique in power, the country will continue to sink into underdevelopment and peasant Lambda will remain in total misery. The people should stand up and say no to these corrupt leaders; Hunting them from this power to bring them to justice to be judged for committed crimes.

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