Burundi: Who would have launched grenades in the capital Bujumbura and what would be his goal?

Burundi: Who would have launched grenades in the capital Bujumbura and what would be his goal?
It is difficult to know exactly the one or those behind the attacks at the Grenada of this May 25, 2021 around 19hoo in the capital Bujumbura. The power of Evariste Ndayishimiye qualifies as terrorists have targeted bus stops (Southern neighbourhood bus stop, bus stop between Bwiza and Buyenzi called ” permanence ” and that commonly called ” Cotebu ”). 19 Hoo is a moment when the majority of people who use public transit are gathered on the bus stops; This is the time when transportation activity is very intense, buses are coming and coming without interruption because there are many passengers waiting. Dare to throw grenades in these places is a crime
Who has an interest in doing these kinds of acts? Only a criminal used to pour the innocent blood can do it. Two hypotheses are possible: the first and most likely would be that these grenades would have been launched by commando’s members of a CNDFDD new rebellion, and which is specially supervised by General Gervais Ndirakobuca alias Ndakugarika, the current Minister of the Interior, Public Safety and Community Development. Its goal is to disrupt security in several places and enjoy it to stop and trap or kill all Tutsis and the Hutus of the Opposition. The privileged targets are Tutsis, and especially former members of the Burundian armed forces called FAB and members of the CNL of Agathon Rwasa. The newest case is the ambuscade tense by armed men, moved by private vehicles, on the road Bujumbura Muramvya. Apparently, the ambush aimed at an officer of the FDNB; He was killed with his child, his wife wounded; the ambush has taken away more than 10 people. These are acts posed by criminals without fear of killing whoever, as long as they come to their goal. The other case is that of the attack by armed men in a cabaret of the commune of Rusaka on April 16, 2021 where 7 people well targeted were coldly murdered. Our investigations revealed that it was a matter of account settlement between CNDFDD members. But, in both cases cited, the police and the SNR have made systematic arrests of young Tuts, former FAB retired or demobilized and influential CNL members.
Let’s go back to the case of attacks at Grenade in the city of Bujumbura on May 25, 2021. The hypothesis of the CNDFDD-mounted rebellion members who make protected attacks to give the opportunity to power completely all opponents, is most likely. It was, for the present case, to give an attack in Grenade in the economic capital where a major meeting of the delegations of 11 countries in Africa stands; A criminal laboratory strategy to effectively understand its hosts that what is called opposition in Burundi is neither less nor more than the terrorism that needs to be fighting. It is for this reason that after the explosion of the first grenade, the whole world received via social networks, audio alert messages from the WhatsApp groups of the CNDDFDD Imbonerakure; While telling the facts, they called the other imbonerakure by this same channel for more vigilance to stop any suspect. President Evariste Ndayishimiye, the CNDFDD as a political party have released directly from the press releases to condemn these qualified acts of terrorists. All tags are asked for the acts that will follow these attacks are not considered, in the eyes of these representatives of these African countries present in Bujumbura, and in the eyes of the entire international community, such as violations of the human rights. According to the information at our disposal, these state services started this morning to search the neighbourhoods, stop traffic vehicles to identify the occupants. Hundreds of people were reportedly arrested; everyone should worry about their fate.
The second hypothesis is that of an attack by armed groups of the opposition. The one who is now active in statements through the media is the Red Tabara. He has not yet claimed the attack; it cannot happen at all that it is his men who did it. But, none could ask the question of why someone who is called the opposition would pose such a criminal act. Throw grenades in an audience closed eyes does not mean fighting the power in place. It is giving rather to a criminal power like that of the CNDDFDD the opportunity to exercise much more pressure on those who could play the political or armed opposition is necessary. It is neither less nor more play the game of power. We believe that this hypothesis is the least likely because no strategists can imagine that killing 10 or 100 people and injure as much can have an impact on the CNDDFDD power. Evariste Ndayishimiye, Allain Guillaume Bunyoni, Ndakugarika and others will not spend a white night or will not cease to take their Heinekens or evening wine. But the citizen Lambda who lost a family member will never forgive the one who made such an act if he managed to know him with precision because he will simply have ruined his life.
URN Hitamwoneza condemns with his last energy all those (whoever they are) who would have committed these atrocities of this 25 May 2021 in the economic capital Bujumbura and promises to the Burundian people to make independent investigations to identify these criminals so that the time coming be brought to justice to answer their actions. We remember once again to all Burundians to combat criminal, genocidal power, does not pass by paying the innocent blood. It is necessary to focus on strategies aimed at systematically dismantling this military clique that takes hostage the people and who continues to make shameless montages to physically eliminate all those who are not their political trend in order to stay in power eternally and continue to suck the country’s resources at the expense of all of us. When we see that the common enemy is not Hutus or Tutsis, CNL or CNDFDD or other party; that it is simply a handful of CNDDDFDD men and women in power, drive them out of this power and bring them to justice will be a matter of a few days. United, we will overcome. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
Email: [email protected]  Twitter: URN HITAMWONEZA

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