Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye installed in an armchair he does not deserve (fourth part)Balance sheet: socio-economic

Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye installed in an armchair he does not deserve (fourth part)
Balance sheet: socio-economic
It is difficult to draw up a balance sheet in the socio-economic field of a year of power of Evariste Ndayishimiye when Burundi has just been classified first poor in the world by IMF. Everyone understands that the average Burundian, the citizen Lambda has no sufficient means of sustenance within reach. Moreover, the level of poverty of a country is measured with respect to the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.
We like to hear the leaders of the country, members of the CNDFDD, say that the Burundian population is safe, some zealous faithful of this party continue to sing it. If some of them sleep without being awakened by policemen, members of the NRS or by the immbonerakure to be tied and conducted in unknown prisons to be tortured there, it does not happen to all the citizens of the country. And it’s called ‘physical security’ ‘. Ames all among the members of the CNDFDD have sufficient daily meals for them and for all their families? Are they find drugs when they need it? Their children are studying in good conditions? Some children do not sit on stones in sheds not well covered, without doors or windows? etc …. It is when the people bring together all these living conditions that it can say that it is safe. It’s human security. This is the one that is missing for the citizens of a poorest country on the planet. This is the general picture of the socio-economic situation of Burundi.
Today, the country traces the disaster in this field with the natural disasters that have hit the country with recent diluvia rains that have damaged almost all road infrastructure, bridges; Not to mention the historic rise of the waters of Lake Tanganyika who left the riparian population in distress, especially that of Rukaramu and Gatumba who was submerged in the water. It is unfortunate to see the ways of communication between the different neighbourhoods become like rivers where people cross by boats. These people have lost everything and find themselves in displaced sites and need urgently assistance. This concerns all those who lived next to the lake, from Bujumbura to Rumonge. The military clique in power that used to boast, for no reason, that they are in an independent country, that they can finance the elections without external assistance (when in reality they ruin a population already poor in their asking for contributions of all kinds); Today, the Super Minister Gervais Ndirakobuca Alias Ndakugarika admits that the country needs partners to help them manage this situation.
Citizen’s income decreases daily and commodity prices are exponentially. For example, with the paralysis of lake fishing activities, the price of the kilo of fish (Ndagara) today passes at 40, 000 FRBU, the lack of commodities makes that the price of beer also increased; This leads to a decrease in consumption and the taxes that the company initially paid to the state will be frozen, the employee wages may miss tomorrow if the situation continues to worsen. The sugar became a rare commodity while the Sosumo continues to say that its production was good. It is nevertheless hidden by CNDFDD leaders who seek to sell it outside at exorbitant prices to get rich on the back of the Burundian citizen. The poor continue to sink and the rich continue to get rich more. And Evariste Ndayishimiye will never misunderstand people with whimsical speeches like ” every mouth must find something to eat, every pocket must have money ”. How? Where does it come from? The Burundian people may lack what to feed their children once a day if Burundi’s partners do not have ten to support Gitega’s power. The European Union that has engaged talks with Evariste Ndayishimiye and his team cannot lift the sanctions imposed in Burundi in 2016 because ” Ask the CNDFDD leaders to respect human rights, it is comparable to ask the dog not to eat meat “.
URN Hitamwoneza asks Burundians to no longer be blinded by the attractive speeches of Evariste Ndayishimiye and his team, but to realize the reality of the country that is increasingly ruined by these leaders without vision and who enrich themselves when the peasant Lambda did not eat twice a day. The country is rich, but its richness is insufficiently exploited, and what is produced is found in the pockets of these big fish of the CNDDFDD. To remedy this situation, there is no thousand solutions. You have to get rid of it and choose other cleaner and patriotic that could take care of the interests of the people before their own interests. Together, we will succeed. And the sooner the better.

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