Burundi: The CNDDFDD power confirms in front of UN General Assembly his genocide project of Tutsis and Hutus of the opposition

Burundi: The CNDDFDD power confirms in front of UN General Assembly his genocide project of Tutsis and Hutus of the opposition
The CNDDFDD Representative at the United Nations General Assembly has confirmed what Urnhitamwoneza has always said that the CNDDFDD power is preparing a large-scale genocide that will not only affect Tutsis and the Hutus of the opposition. (This one is already on a small fire), but also the Great Lakes sub region (especially Burundi, the East of the DRC and Rwanda).
It is difficult to hide its nature. A group of Hutu extremists who currently have the power in hand in Burundi have always dreamed of exterminating all Tutsis and Hutus who bother them in their project. It is the same group, most of which were at the School of Juvenal Havyarimana of Rwanda, who prompted Hutus to commit the genocide of Tutsis in 1993 after the assassination of President Melchior Ndadaye by a group of military non mandated by Tutsis; It is the same group that prompted Hutus to take up arms under the pretext of defending democracy while the main objective was to continue to slaughter the survivors and other Tutsis in ambush on the roads, in their households and in schools; It is the same group that continues to selectively kill Tutsis and Hutus of opposition until today; It is the laboratory of these extremists who have the power in Burundi who, in contact with the negative forces of the FDLR / FLN who committed the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994, plans the attacks of Rwanda by these negative forces by passing through Burundi and benefiting from this country of the multiform supports, finally to push Rwanda to use his right of pursuit to finish they say they are attacked by Rwanda, and from the Tutsis to move on to final phase of their macabre plane of large scale genocide. The Rwandophone Tutsis of the DRC will not be spared either, according to their plan.
Hunting the natural, he returns to gallop, said Philippe Néricault. By the adoption of a resolution by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 May 2021 on the responsibility of protecting and preventing genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, The CNDDFDD power representative voted NO. 115 countries voted ” for ”, 15 countries among them Burundi voted ” against ” and 28 countries abstained.
We would not like to linger a lot about the reasons that pushed the different countries to vote ” for ” or ” against ” or ” abstention ”. Each country can justify its position in its own way and according to its political line. We are interested here on the ” NO ” of Burundi
The power in Burundi prepares a large-scale genocide of Tutsis and Hutus of the opposition using all the levers of the state as Juvenal Havyarima in Rwanda since the 1990s; He managed to implement it in 1994. Such criminal powers do not like to hear from possible interventions by always putting forward the question of sovereignty of the State. Does the power of a sovereign state have the right to kill part of his people as he wants? No. The bare have the obligation to use all means to protect the population against crimes committed by power over its people. We read on the UN Security Council website that ” since the perpetration of criminal atrocities is a threat to peace and security and generally occurs in a context of armed conflict, it is the responsibility of the Security Council of Taking collective measures to prevent and stop criminal atrocities in cases where the peaceful means are inadequate and where the national authorities clearly do not insure the protection of their populations against these crimes. The collective action may take a coercive or non-coercive form, depending on the means available in the framework of Chapters VI, VII and VIII of the United Nations Charter ”.
Voting against this resolution means for the power of Gitega that not only does it not want to protect its people from genocide and any form of exclusion, against war crimes or crimes against humanity because it poses itself this kind of acts every day; But also because he thinks he will be able to do everything he wants without any external intervention and that no one can ask him accounts. Far from there, if the group of extremists who runs the country thinks thus thinks he is very mistaken. His first partners, China and Russia also voted ” against ”; And the power of Gitega believes that the two powers will be able to help him to escape the consequences of the acts he plans to ask. Its leaders without vision forget that these powers have interests to defend in the country and that when things go down, they are on the side of the strongest. The Government of Havyarimana and its Interahamwe fled then that they had the support of France and its allies. The determination of the people who get up is a formidable force that cannons cannot overcome.
It was therefore unnecessary to appear on the ground before the United Nations; Even if he had voted ” for ”, he would not change his plan. Probably he was afraid of a possible shipment of prevention forces. But, too, the CNDDFDD power is used to refusing a deployment of such strengths; He did it more than once, and the Security Council refrained from using force to do so while it was capable. The genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis was executed in 1994 without any intervention while everyone shouted that a genocide was in preparation.
Faced with this refusal of the power of Gitega to vote this resolution, the United Nations Security Council should realize that it was much wrong by removing the Burundi from its political agenda in December 2020, arguing that security and the Human rights situation has improved with the new power of Evarist Ndayishimiye. Things were against worse. It is also the African Union that should draw a lesson because, too, has just decided the suspension of all its missions of observing human rights violations in Burundi for the same reasons. Once again, a bad appreciation of Burundi’s security situation. The European Union that has not yet made a final decision to lift the sanctions imposed in Burundi since 2016, finally realized that the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye multiplies the words of good intentions when in reality it is not ready to respect human rights in Burundi, and by cons it plans the worst.
URN Hitamwoneza believes that it is good that the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye displays in the eyes of the whole world its genocidal intentions. It remains for each other to react. We have always alerted the world on the preparation of large-scale genocide of Tutsis and Hutus of the opposition in Burundi and Tutsis in general in the sub region. No preventive measures have so far been taken. Some countries continue to support this power by circumvented means. These are documented; that they are preparing to assume the responsibility of this genocide in preparation. We are not waiting for the United Nations Security Council, nor the African Union, nor even fewer from the EAC countries the intervention in the event of the start of genocide when they have done nothing to prevent it. Instead, we ask Burundians, Hutus like Tutsi, members of the CNDFDD or not, to get up and say no to this military clique that prepares the hecatomb for the children of the country. Our means of prevention is to take away this power on which they rely to dig the grave for Burundi. Our most formidable strength is our union and our determination to free our country. And we will succeed. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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