Burundi: Evariste Ndayishimiye did not win the May 2020 elections; He is a putschist president.

Burundi: Evariste Ndayishimiye did not win the May 2020 elections; He is a putschist president.
Everyone knows it, but no one dares to talk about it. Evariste Ndayishimiye has not been elected by the Burundian people, he has established himself by the military force; It is therefore a putschist president, an illegal and illegitimate president. With its CNDDFDD system, the Burundian people vomited them because this party posted a very poor result for 15 years of power. The Burundians then chose the change, but the military clique of the CNDDFDD in power decided otherwise; they gave the power by force to their Ndayishimiye Evariste candidate, while Agathon Rwasa, CNL candidate was largely in mind. The CENI (National Independent Electoral Commission) and the CNC (National Council of Communication) played the game of power when, to their surprise, they noticed, despite the shenanigans organized and perpetrated to win these elections, they saw that the people widely elected Agathon Rwasa. Catholic bishops have in a first shouting electoral scandal, but seeing that even the first victims of this flight (CNL members) are only satisfied with making declarations without results in front of ruthless and shameless thieves, that the international community is saying anything, when it was fragrance, they themselves closed the mouths, leaving the Burundian people under the direction of thieves.
A few weeks of the first anniversary of the thief’s victory (when the thief arrives at home with his booty without being caught, he shouts victory and he thinks very intelligent and very strong), the newspaper La Free Africa has just spread the results of a work done for some six months by a group of Burundian researchers on Mai 2020 Presidential in Burundi. They did not dare to talk to themselves because they knew the rest was death; They then preferred to entrust the results of their search to this newspaper while keeping anonymity. The conclusion of their research is clear; It is not new, it confirms everything that has been said for a long time, that Evariste Ndayishimiye has accessed the power by electoral fraud. And they demonstrate, numbers in support, their affirmation.
Indeed, some illustrative cases of this study are to be mentioned: In Bujumbura City Hall, CENI gave Agathon Rwasa 52.11% and Evariste Ndayishimiye 36.7% while according to the study by these experts, Agathon Rwasa has got 58.83% and Ndayishimiye Evarings 28.79%. In Bubanza, the CENI granted 80.77% to Evariste Ndayishimiye while the study shows that it did not harvest only 54.47%. And she gave Rwasa 15.56% while the study gives him 38.90%. In Cibitoke, the CENI gave Rwasa 27.79% while the study found 52.87%. Evariste Ndayishimiye, CENI gave 64.99% while the study shows that it had only 37.64%. In Kayanza, the CENI published that Evariste Ndayishimiye got 73.23% while the study shows that he had only 42.27%. Rwasa had 21.03% according to CENI and 49.21% according to experts. In Makamba, Ndayishimiye had 63.47% according to CENI and 37.40% according to the study and Rwasa had 28.78% according to CENI and 58.31% depending on the study of experts. These are some illustrative figures published in this newspaper.
The whole world saw the results of the counting just after the elections and it was visible that the CNL candidate was largely in mind. These are the results that surprised the CNDDFDD and that have made the whole military clique mobilized to say no to these results. CENI has been summoned to make results for the CNDDFDD and, dated May 25, 2020, 68.70% (winning the first round) while on its website was other different figures from those announced. Pierre Claver Kazihise will say later, on May 28, 202 in a press conference, which he published what was on the Draft (draft). The ridicule does not kill, we say. The CNC, which had organized a synergy of the media with journalists who had signed a code of conduct prohibiting them publishing the results before the CENI, has been asked to demand that this synergy publishes parcel results just after closing the vote offices while the CENI still recapped the results. It was a way of countering the first results, office per office, which had escaped the vigilance of polling stations and who were already circulating on social networks.
It is clear that the study has just confirmed what was known to all, but that, since the power could impose terror, and that no one has dared at least manifest his fed up. The world preferred to close your mouth, accepting by constraint to be led by a president who has cheated the elections fragrantly.
URN Hitamwoneza has always told Burundians that they are led by leaders who only seek to stay in power by force for their interests and that the general interest of the population is not their concern. That is why the country is the poorest of the world because this military clique in power is only filling their pockets and deprives the human resources country that should produce, by sowing the hatred between Burundians and taking advantage of this state of affairs to kill, trap and force to exile all those who are not from their political party. The country is in perpetual political instability, which constitutes a brake on any social development. It is time, if it is not late, to drive out the power these putschists and put them in front of the independent jurisdictions to answer the crimes they have committed since 2005. We must concentrate our energies to study the less bloody modalities of ‘get to this goal. United, we will overcome.

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