Burundi: Would there be a military dictatorship in the world comparable to that of the CNDDFDD system?

Burundi: Would there be a military dictatorship in the world comparable to that of the CNDDFDD system?
The question deserves to be asked when we look at the measures taken by some leaders who are today at the head of the country. For not notified, they would say it’s a way to put things in order. Yes, we can say that it’s their way of putting things in order. And that’s where exactly the problem is. The way to do so really shows the lack of knowledge of the management rules of society and reminds whoever wants to understand that it is always the rules of the rebellion that are so far in force. That’s why we dare to say that there can be no dictatorship that would be comparable to that which the CNDDFDD system has imposed on Burundians since 2005. With the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye as President of the Republic, with his Prime Minister and his super Minister of the Interior, Public Safety and Community Development (both under penalties of the international community for crimes committed), the situation went bad from day to day. It is a chaotic dictatorship, not coordinated, because the captain of the ship is discerned, he only speaks, launch speeches of good intentions, but the others do what they judge themselves necessary without worrying about the speech given to the public by telling them boss. When the dictatorship is disordered, it becomes too heavy to the people because each leader does what he wants and how he hears it, especially when he knows there is no prosecution; It is enough that it is in the circle of the untouchables of the CNDDFDD system.
We say all this from the most recent example of the Super Minister Gervais Ndirakobuca Alias Ndakugarika who has just made a decision to dismiss all the municipal accountants after he has already hunted all tax collectors and taxes across the country by replacing them with others that he and his team selected. This gave a largely positive record, because the new tax collectors and taxes were able to collect a lot of money comparatively to the first.
At a meeting in Kayanza on 9 April 2021, examples of the communal taxes collected during what they called on the witness show that 160.704.709Frbu were collected during the month of March 2021, while only 110.253. 814Frbu were collected in March 2020 in the province of Kayanza; either, a surplus of 49.950.895Frbu. At the national level, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of the Interior announced that during the month of March 2020, an amount of 1.475.982.701Frbu was collected, while in March 2021, these are which were gathered; a surplus of 1.793.278.113frbu. These figures really show that there is a large amount of money that is regularly diverted as it should contribute to the development of municipalities and consequently to the country’s development. Where did this money come from? And who benefited from this surplus?
On the one hand, we believe that in order to collect such a large amount, the new tax collectors and taxes (the imbonerakure sent by Ndakugarika) have exercised greater pressure and threats on small traders (a game played with connivance with their leader); On the other hand, it is that this surplus would be paid to the various authorities who engaged these tax collectors and taxes (probably that Ndakugarika and his team were not number). In all ways, the colossal sums announced were not put in the unique pockets of these poor preceptors. They are not the first to build floors in the capital and at home on the hills. It is precisely the Bunyoni, the Ndakugarika and consort who are the first beneficiaries (they even refused to declare their property before their entry into office in accordance with the constitution of the Republic because they cannot justify the origin of the riches they own) and the poor are only buckles.
Today, the municipal accountants are dismissed without any rule of procedure, they are arbitrarily accused (without having the right to justify themselves) to establish an obstacle to the collectives of taxes and taxes; the preceptors were hunted like fools without a valid reason; all this under the coverage of ‘good governance’ ‘whereas in reality these measures hide other more extremist and genocidal targets that fall into the CNDFDD plan. General Gervais Ndirakobuca does not target anything other than hunting from their positions all who are not members of the CNDFDD and especially Tutsis, a way of depleting them before their physical extermination. The ethnic census made last year had only this objective.
Urnhitamwoneza recalls once again that the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye no longer knows on which foot dance in terms of public finances. The countries that once supported Burundi, particularly European and other countries no longer consider this power as credible following the serious violations of the human rights of which it is accused. Beyond that, it’s a power comparable to a family where the father is no longer respected by his wife and children, where everyone does what he wants without the father having the opportunity to punish them. Who can agree to invest in such disorder? To compensate for this gap, the military clique will do everything in its power to suck until the bone marrow the small taxpayer Burundian. And it will never stop saying that the country can finance this or that other activity with its own funds while the small peasant had to sell his goat or his small plot to pay, by constraint, multiple contributions asked him by this power in loss of speed. We must therefore unite our energies to think of all the strategies to get rid of this power that has become too heavy on our shoulders.

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