Burundi: Why was the former President Ntaryamira Cyprien asked Lift on Juvenal Havyarimana’s plane when he had his own ?

Burundi: Why was the former President Ntaryamira Cyprien asked Lift on Juvenal Havyarimana’s plane when he had his own ?
We suspend our approach showing why and how the Imbonerakure militia of the CNDFDD has been put in place by a power that had an army and a police under its order, to talk about the relations that were between the genocidal powers of the two countries, the Burundi and the Rwanda.
It was April 6, 1994, over Kanombe in Rwanda, a plane carrying former Rwandan President Juvenal Havyarimana and former Burundian president, Cyprien Ntaryamira, as well as two of his ministers, all from Tanzania in peace talks, we will say. The next day, on April 7, 1994, the power of Juvenal Havyarimanaa begins the genocide of Tutsis Rwandan as he had planned; the crash of the aircraft was only a trigger. The extremist Hutu has risen, activated by the army, the administration, all Hutus officials as well as the Interahamwe militia and ransacked the whole country killing any Tutsi without distinction. Those who have escaped were saved only through the arrival of the RPF forces. It was the latter who were able to stop the genocide and push out of the country the genocidaires, at the head of which were the ex-Far (former Rwandan armed forces), some members of the French army who supported them as well as the militia Interahamwe.
Today, on April 7, 2021, Rwandans and their friends remember the 27th time Rwandan Tutsis that were killed only to be born Tutsis. An unnamed extremism.
The case is similar to the genocide of the Burundian Tutsis that took place 6 months, on 21 October 1993, after the assassination by a group of soldiers, former President Melchior Ndadaye. Almost even scenario: a planned genocide waiting for a trigger to be implemented. Nobody is unaware that it is all the administration and the state services (exclusively FRODEBU) who activated the Hutu population to slaughter the Tutsis without fear. People should be worried today by seeing that all the administration at the base, all key services in the country are occupied exclusively by CNDFDD members. The difference between the 1994 Rwanda and Burundi 1993 is that the Burundian army of the time was not part of those who killed like the ex-Far in Rwanda, she was in the camp of those who were doing everything to save Tutsis as did the RPF forces.
Many observers say that the two genocides should take place at the same time to finish, with the support of France, with the Tutsis of Burundi and Rwanda. The night of the assassination of President Ndadaye, the French Captain Paul Baril and the Intelligence Officer of the President Juvenal Havyarimana had spent their night in Bujumbura. Why this coincidence? Time will tell us. But, we cannot think that Melchior Ndadaye’s assassination planners are numerous; Just accuse the only Burundian officers and the Frames of the Uprona Party would be a mistake.
It is in this same questioning framework that one wonders, without clear answer, which pushed the Cyprien President Ntaryamira, who had replaced former President Melchior Ndadaye, to leave his plane leave for Bujumbura and take Lift in the Plane from former Rwandan President Juvenal Havyarimana. What should he go to do to Kigali? Why did not go to Kigali aboard his own plane if he still had business to deal with his Rwandan counterpart? Why Cyprien Ntaryamira had only two ministers who should accompany him and dare to separate from his order officer? This being a serious fault of Captain Cishahayo who agreed to leave alone the president; he represented not the person of Ntaryamira, but a presidential institution. Reason for which the captain should not execute this order because it was a manifestly illegal order.
We do not have clear answers to all these questions because those who should answer them died. But some hypotheses are released. The first is that President Ntaryamira would have been afraid that his plane could have come down above Bujumbura by his enemies and he preferred to make diversion, send the plane with the other members of the delegation to die alone. The Mobutu President of Zaire had launched an alert that the planes of the two presidents could have trouble on the return of Tanzania. The second is that President Havyarimana had information that his plane could come down and took President Ntaryamira as a human shield (believing that those who would have that project could not do it if they learned that he was with another president). The third is that President Havyarimana who had long planned the genocide of Tutsis Rwandan, wanted him to finalize this planning with his Burundian counterpart in Kigali, for execution to be done at the same time for both countries. The extremist Hutu of Burundi had already made a try in 1993, it only remained to adjust where they would have error, so that they end up with all Tutsis of Burundi. Coordination of actions between the two powers could provide them with expected results: putting an end to all Tutsis of Rwanda and Burundi.
Which of these assumptions is most likely? We have a lot of inclinations towards the last; What is motivated by the fact that President Ntaryamira dared to separate from his ordinance officer, which is not done. Even though the latter was Hutu like him, he had not yet complete confidence in FAB (Burundian armed forces) to treat in his presence of such genocide dossiers of Tutsis.
URN Hitamwoneza finds very regrettable that Hutus extremist groups, haunted by the spirit of ethnic exclusion, embark a whole people in ethnic baffles that only destroy the whole country and especially the peasant mass that lived in the good deal. It is time for the people to wake up and noticed that such leaders seek only their own interests and get rid of it. We need unifying leaders who highlight the general interest of their directed. And these genocidal extremist groups must be unmasked and treated at the height of crimes committed.

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