Burundi: Prayer Crusades organized by CNDD -FDD is a tree that hides the forest!

Burundi: Prayer Crusades organized by CNDD -FDD is a tree that hides the forest!
For several years, the CNDD FDD has been organizing and controlling prayer crusades which, according to the analysis of the philosophers and theologian’s experts in the field, demolish the spirits, scramble the consciences, undermine the structures of all kinds by leaving injuries and incalculable burns in Burundian society.
This practice of the bloodthirsty, a running and despotic power of Gitega is a manipulation of the national consciousness, maintains a thick fog that gradually weave in brains and numb the warmest hearts.
Where does this passion come from to want to take an all a people with devastating mechanisms ravaging spirits? At first move, it is important to note that everything is done in violation of the principle of state secularism with all the consequences of the criminal order that we can imagine. Then the power of Gitega uses these Crusades to mask the State Crimes and the incompetence of its executives and leaders which is at the origin of evils of all forms that the Burundians, including the idiocy who did that the country is isolated and loses its image in the concert of nations.
This strategy is intimately linked to manic hate practices where the organizers of the aforementioned prayer crusades continue to deliver ethnic hatred messages. It will never be said enough that in its “divide and impera” politics the power of Gitega promotes infamy, discrimination and false ideas always ending in the blood and blood of others.
Well now, the CNDD-FDD also wants to install in Burundi religious fundamentalism in addition to ethnocracy, and to fully understand the terrorist dimension of this fundamentalism, it is enough to floe in the Pona Pharmaceuticals-Ephedrin file which reserves us from Surprises too unpleasant that Burundi could never be imagined one day endowed with the institutions indebberly determined to get involved in terrorism at the expense of a whole innocent people!
It is therefore undisputed and indisputable that the CNDD -FDD instituted prayer crusades in the same way as the passion to kill, loot and violate.
It is no secret that during the reign of the CNDD-FDD, despite the intensification of prayer crusades, the moral values have been crumbling, people have become accustomed to obey without understanding the point of justifying the need for kill, while this need cannot delete the command of God for not killing. And the miasma of this disastrous situation jump us in the figure all the claws outside, like a cat in the attack position!
To conclude, it says to emphasize that prayer is linked to the meaning of social responsibility within social tissues. Moreover, it is imperative in the straight line of God’s will aimed at the well-being of the human being that he has created in his image. Also, prayer is an undeniable source of inspiration and discernment for the construction of peace around us and with our neighbours. However, the CNDDFDD power has failed in the management of the country and social life and since its arrival, it has always been characterized by counter-values and pained violence, ethnic hatred and aggression in different forms even against neighbours.
Starting from the biblical principle that “Faith without work is dead”, Burundians do not need prayer crusades organized by kid’s kidnapers dressed in costumes of servants of God. Instead, they need a prayer of a nature to contribute to national refoundation, moral repair, restoration of human dignity and community harmonization.
Some might wonder why God does not cute criminals who take hostage the future of a whole nation! The silence of God in this situation does not mean that he has abandoned the Burundian people. God observes and knows the events lived by the Burundians in everyday life. In his nature, God intervenes as legislator first, then as supreme authority, even. That people are not mistaken, God is not like a blind one that a power failure leaves indifferent! He is Superman and disapproves of things based on evil. His will rests on the sovereign control of all things. As a result, it will save the Burundians and will not hesitate the day “J” to seriously strike the authors of injustice, misfortunes and big hallucinating frustrations installed in the spirits and imposed unfairly to Burundians in particular orphans, widows and poor!
For all useful purposes, we share the following verse we find in the Abdias book, verset 4: “When you have raised your nest like the eagle, and still you would have put it between the stars, I will throw you from there on the ground, says the LORD “. End of quote. It goes without saying that the eagle of Gitega, his daughters and son manipulators and pathological liars who have lost foot with the truth; that these authors of the crimes that bend the country and of any kind of misfortune inflicted in Burundians, not to mention the phenomenon says “Kurundarundanya” will not be able to escape the wrath of God, and therefore, to the punishment which will soon be inflicted, because all the conditions are already met.
Time will tell!!! WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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