Burundi: Burundian refugees in Tanzania hope that President Samia Saluhu Hassan will not treat them as Magufuli did

Burundi: Burundian refugees in Tanzania hope that President Samia Saluhu Hassan will not treat them as Magufuli did
Dr. Chemist John Pump Joseph Magufuli died officially from heart attack on March 17, 2021. It was Vice President Samia Saluhu Hassan who announced his death; She has since been invested President of Tanzania in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic.
The cause of his death was the subject of a lot of polemics especially that the government had hidden on the people his state of health while the opinion suspected that he had been reached from Covid-19 for a long time. On February 27, 2021 was the last day he was seen in public; but the government has continued to say that he is well, that he is in its office, that he is very busy. Today, the official speech is that it has long had a heart problem for justifying that it is the real cause of his death. Quite possible. But, it should be thought that this problem would have been aggravated by Covid-19. He would not have been the first nor the last in this country to die from this pandemic. But, the Tanzanian authorities do not want to hear this as a result of how their leader has managed this global pandemic COVID -19. No barrier measures; prayer and traditional medications could arrange everything; The vaccine was even conceivable at Magufuli. Samia Saluhu Hassan seems to have understood the stake for a long time because she has been seen at the first hour of her power wear protective masks, with all his entourage. Maybe she can change this vision and treatment of the pandemic with the seriousness it takes.
It is this change in the way of treating the country’s records that Burundian refugees in its territory are waiting for it. They have been the unhappiest in the world since 2015 throughout the reign of President Magufuli, they hope Ms. Samia Saluhu Hassan will now instruct men under his responsibility to respect human rights in general and refugees in his territory in particular, in accordance with international laws concerning them.
They are the only refugees in the world to undergo cruel and inhuman treatment of the genus: refugees who are kidnapped in the camps to be arbitrarily imprisoned, either in Tanzania or conducted in the Burundi dungeons (a country they have fled) , others were killed and thrown into the Maragarazi river; still others, and there are many, were forced to return home while their safety was not guaranteed yet. It was the map of Magufuli and his son Evarist Ndayishimiye: Forcing all refugees to return to show the opinion that peace and security reign in Burundi. This constitutes a serious violation of refugee rights. A refugee voluntarily returns to his country when he feels that his safety will be guaranteed in the country he had fled.
Magufuli left the Burundian intelligence service as well as the Imbonerakure militia entering the refugee camps in his country, in complicity with his police, to mistreat those who had the chance to flee when they were chased by the same groups. These refugees say that it will be difficult for them to forgive Magufuli this sin he has committed, just wanting to support a criminal power that was only trying to kill them. While it is true that Magufuli wanted the CNDDFDD to stay in power to recover all that Tanzania has given the rebellion of the CNDDFDD, it was necessary to do so by respecting the rights of refugees.
Mom Samia Saluhu Hassan will not do as his predecessor; estimate Burundian refugees who stay in the camps in Tanzania. While it is true that it must also follow a program of the party in power, the CCM, which has very strong links with the CNDFDD, these refugees insistently ask that it is found, too, in disability. To convince his team about the need to ensure their safety, which she seeks at least another host country, in collaboration with UNHCR. Continue to treat them as Magufuli would also be a curse for his country and for his person because, the Bible tells us that God loves the vulnerable whose refugees. On the other hand, we remember that even Jesus, the Son of God, was refugee; He fleeing King Herod who wanted to kill him. But Herod of Burundi is still on the spot; He is also waiting for his fate.
URN Hitamwoneza once again reminds refugees, especially those in Tanzania, that they must keep their solidarity in demanding their rights. The country is not safe, the CNDDFDD killing machine is still on site. Today, it is the great criminals under international sanctions that have the power in their hands. They make kill who they want in total impunity and President Evariste Ndayishimiye is responsible for bombing the speeches with good intentions; to say that everything is going well in the country; Promise mounts and wonders while it’s not him who commands the performers. He never ceases to lament like his subordinates do nothing while if he really had power, the immediate reaction was to replace them. If it is not capable, that it stops crying before the public; He is shameful to the nation.
Burundians must know that the captain of the ship is incompetent; that there is great risk of seeing all drowned all at the same time if they do not get up as soon as possible to change him. It is also the best way to hunt Burundian’s Herod for the Calvary for Burundian refugees to end.

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