Burundi: The blind obedience of some CDS members is motivated by poverty and poor living conditions. (Second part)

Burundi: The blind obedience of some CDS members is motivated by poverty and poor living conditions. (Second part)
Military discipline consists of scrupulously following military regulations; respect for hierarchical managers is one of the points of this regulation. But, the leader must be respected. It is not by being violent, arrogant towards his subordinates that they will respect him. It is by his skill, his wisdom, the good example in deeds that his troop will infallibly attach themselves to him. The leader must also be concerned with the well-being of his men so that they work with motivation. The chiefs in Burundi are content to line their pockets instead of taking care of their constituents. Note: The Burundian corporal receives 84,570Francbu, that is to say 43 US dollars (at the rate of 1950frbu of the BRB) and 36 US $ at the rate of the commercial banks; the master corporal receives 126745frbu, or US $ 65 at the BRB rate and US $ 55 at the commercial bank rate. Know that the hundreds are never given to the military. For example, for the corporal who should have 84.570frbu, he only receives 84000Frbu. The paying officer tells him take it or leave it. Considering the too expensive cost of living, the skyrocketing prices of basic necessities, this money has no value.
Even those who are fortunate enough to participate in peacekeeping missions in Somalia or the Central African Republic, despite receiving this money in the sweat of their brow, the government keeps a very large part of what is paid to each military. In Somalia, the EU and the US donate US $ 1,028 for each soldier deployed on the ground; the government keeps US $ 400 and should give the military US $ 628. There again, the BRB which receives this money provides him with his due in local currency and at the very low rate (between 1900Frbu and 1950Frbu) while he could have more in Burundian franc, if he receives his dollar and changes it in the banks or in exchange offices (when they still existed; the government closed them all just to control the inflow and outflow of currency because there is a glaring lack of it). In the Central African Republic, each soldier receives US $ 1,350 from the United Nations. It is this sum that is paid to the Burundian government, which in turn gives the military, late, the equivalent of US $ 662 (money given in Burundian Francs, always at the BRB rate). Everyone understands that the cnddfdd power retains for each soldier on mission in the CAR, $ 688 usa. In order to make this bad decision, the Chief of Staff suggested that the military in the CAR should not hurt more than those in Somalia. However, the two missions are not the same; one is from the African Union, the other is from the United Nations. Imagine how much this discourages our men in the Central African Republic when they work with the peacekeepers of other countries who are better paid and on a regular basis.
Today, Burundi has defence and security corps led by illiterate, arrogant leaders (when there is a lack of arguments, physical force is used), with questionable morals. It is the practice of the rebellion that still runs through their veins.
These people parachuted from rebellion without any training, with the shame of occupying undeserved positions; with this inferiority complex that has been rewarded by having leaders in power who do not hesitate to cover up their faults, they believe themselves authorized to do anything with total impunity. They do not hesitate to loot, rape, kill or torture. Many had homes built within two years of their integration, others were keen to afford beautiful girls whenever the need arose. These are the kind of leaders who are at the head of this most specific institution in the country. The country’s image has suffered too much.
In peacekeeping missions, these same officers organized the diversion and sale of logistics intended for the men under their responsibility. Others have shown themselves incompetent in front of other countries, to such an extent that the country runs the risk of being withdrawn from these missions (today the country keeps its place only because these are very high risk missions, very few countries venture there). We are learning that soldiers in Somalia are complaining that they have insufficient and unbalanced nutrition compared to the jobs they do. The logistics reserved for them are diverted by the officers. Initially, they received the products from local suppliers to resell them later. The soldiers began to denounce these acts despite the risks involved. They then changed strategies. They receive a part and the rest is given in cash (in money) to these leaders. It is a very unpleasant situation to see truck drivers spending all day driving and not getting milk; it is consumed by those officers who stay in bed or sit at the desk all day; tells an angry soldier.
URN HITAMWONEZA calls on the military to respect the rules and to maintain discipline to protect the population, whether they are Burundian or that of the countries to which they go on a peacekeeping mission. We ask them instead to refuse illegal orders given by leaders without faith or law. The military must also intelligently denounce the actions of economic malfeasance observed with their leaders because this has negative repercussions on their mission. We will remain on their side to bring their voice to the bodies that can take decisions in their favour.

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