Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye sends armed groups to disrupt the security of refugees in camps

Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye sends armed groups to disrupt the security of refugees in camps
He calls on refugees every day to return to their native land; peace and security is total; he will say. He is President Evariste Ndayishimiye. Paradoxically, he disrespects the same refugees by saying that the goats from their host country are worth more than them. This is probably why he dares to send armed groups to the camps to disrupt the security of the refugees; a disguised and dishonest way of getting them to force their way back.
Indeed, for a long time, the cnddfdd power has never left Burundian refugees in Tanzania alone. He has always sent imbonerakure, agents of the national intelligence service, in collaboration with the Tanzanian police to arrest all those who are shown to be opposed to the regime. Some were arrested, sent to prison in Tanzania, others were taken to the border and handed over to the Burundian intelligence service. The unlucky ones were killed and thrown into the Maragarazi
As if that were not enough, Gitega’s power sent teams of armed men to the refugee camps to attack the Burundians who took refuge there. For example, 07 armed people were arrested on 22/2/021 in zone 11 of Nyarugusu camp with the aim of disrupting the security of Burundian refugees. They had AK47 weapons and machetes on them. They said there are other armed people sent to other camps by Burundians to disrupt their security. Even though they are in the hands of the Tanzanian police, there is no indication that they will not be released anytime soon or if they are not already. Magufuli power is always behind the cnddfdd power in all its crimes and human rights violations, provided only that it remains in power and Magufuli can get back whatever his country gave the cnddfdd as a loan when it was still in the bush. It is for this reason that Magufuli supports the cnddfdd power even in mistakes, admitting to violating international refugee laws.
Another very telling example is that of an imbonerakure by the name of Peter Ndayishimiye who was arrested by Tanzanian police at Nduta refugee camp with a bag of flour containing two grenades dated October 22, 2020. He has been identified. He worked with the intelligence service in Muyinga. The police released him and he returned home after failing to disrupt security at Nduta refugee camp.
Since the start of 2021, refugee rights defenders have already identified 01 dead, 03 injured and 03 missing in refugee camps in Tanzania. A certain Issa was killed on January 12, 2021 in zone 7 in the Nduta camp; a woman of a certain Saidi was injured by armed men who came and stole goods from his home in zone1 on February 2, 2021, Saidi was able to flee; on the same date, Elias Ninganza from Nduta camp was kidnapped by the Tanzanian police; and Nadia Ingabire was reported missing on January 11, 2021; Denise Tuyishemeze, village1, reported missing on January 6, 2021. Let us add that 34 Burundians including 19 men, 8 women and 7 children were chased by Tanzania towards the Mugina border post in Makamba and given to PAFE Mugina on 11/2/021. The reason for this extradition was not mentioned.
URN HITAMWONEZA points out that Evariste Ndayishimiye does not call on Burundian refugees to return to the country for love. It is simply to show international opinion that there is total peace in the country because all the refugees have returned. That does not prevent him from settling accounts with some of them when they arrive in the country; which slows down the movement of those who remain behind. And now he starts sending them armed criminals to kill them or force them back. He believes that the world is not observing him and dares to want to relaunch cooperation with countries which still respect the principles of human rights. Once again, we call on the countries hosting Burundian refugees to respect their commitments and ensure the safety of those who do not yet feel safe in their country and who want to stay. For those countries that do not have the goodwill to provide the necessary protection to refugees, UNHCR should find another host country and a humane livelihood for them. Failure to do so simply means failing in one’s responsibilities.

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