Burundi: Kenny Claude Nduwimana says he fears for his safety: We are reaping what we have sown.

Burundi: Kenny Claude Nduwimana says he fears for his safety: We are reaping what we have sown.
Kenny Claude Nduwimana is this very influential member of the cndd fdd, a poorly educated boy who gave himself the right to insult Tutsi all day long on social media, accusing them of all evils. He was supported by the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye because no one dared to blame him. He was also financially supported by Hutu extremists in the diaspora. He had made himself a great man to such an extent that he threatened some not to set foot in Bujumbura again if he wanted to. People have heard his messages posted on social media where he even threatened members of the government with impeachment if they did not deal with this or that case as he wished. That is to say, he had protection from the very powerful men in the system. But, everything has its time. He was arrested one good day and was locked up in the dungeons of the National Intelligence Service. He was there for over a month and then was released. Some sources say his arrest was on the grounds of secrets he unknowingly revealed. He asked his diaspora financiers for money to buy cover material for a very important event that he did not have the instinct to hide. It was the presentation of the report of the TRC to the two combined chambers (Senate and Parliament). This is how the secret was disclosed. Some reports say that he also mismanaged funds received from the diaspora but also from local operators who supported his work on a daily basis. He made a lot of field runs to cover the activities of the TRC. And Nestor Bankumkunzi, president of the cnc (national communication council), seeing himself cornered by writings accusing him of remaining unresponsive to the publications of hate messages, insults, incitement to ethnic hatred and genocide, will say that ‘he does not recognize Kenny Claude Nduwimana as a journalist, when he was still visible in the images alongside the CVR staff covering his activities. Ridicule does not kill.
On leaving the SRN dungeons, Kenny Claude Nduwimana launched a cry of distress. He was allegedly poisoned by OPC1 Alfred Innocent Museremu who had forbidden his relatives to bring him food; he was forced to live only on food provided by the SNR. This message was picked up on one of the WhatsApp chat groups of many cnddfdd members. He said he feared for his life, firstly because of the poison he allegedly ate in the dungeon, but also because of his physical elimination by the SNR. It must be said that he was lucky enough to get out of these dungeons alive, perhaps because he is a member of the cnddfdd; many thousands of Tutsis and Hutus of the opposition who had the misfortune of passing there were killed and thrown into the rivers; theirs didn’t even see any corpses.
It is not out of cynicism that we remind him that we reap what we sow. This principle is found in the Bible, but it also applies in the field of agriculture. In the latter, we know that when we sow the corn, we cannot harvest the beans. It’s very simple. But, the principle is also biblical. 2 Corinthians 9: 6: “Know this, he who sows little will reap little and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully. “; Galatians 6.7: “Make no mistake about it: God is not being made fun of. What a man sows he will also reap. The general principle is true: you reap what you have sown. What applies to agriculture also applies to the choices of life. Many Old Testament verses also show that you reap what you have sown. In Proverbs 22.8, King Solomon wrote: “He who sows unrighteousness will reap calamity.” In Hosea 10:13, the prophet says, “Ye have cultivated evil, reaped sin. “In Proverbs 1: 31, wisdom is expressed:” They will be nourished by the fruit of their conduct and they will be satisfied with their own counsel. In each of these cases, we see that the principle that affirms that we reap what we have sown is linked to divine justice. Eliphaz also said to Job: “Those who ploy injustice and sow misfortune reap its fruits. ”(Job 4.8). Fortunately, this is not always the case because of the mercy of our God. Even though he loves us and always has compassion, he does not stop making us face up to our responsibilities. In ‘Exodus 22-23, God asks us not to harm widows and orphans. He says, “If you hurt them and they come to me, I will hear their screams. My anger will ignite and I will destroy you with the sword; it is your wives who will become widows, and your orphan children “.
URN HITAMWONEZA regrets that Kenny Claude Nduwimana was poisoned during his detention at the SNR and wishes him good recovery. But, we remind the Burundians in general and the members of the cnddfdd in particular, that we are all children of God because we were created in his image. No one therefore has the right to take the life of his neighbour. We also have the same rights and duties; mutual respect is essential to build a peaceful society. Those who believe that they will have peace after eliminating all those who are not of their ethnicity or political tendency are wrong on every point. They draw divine curses on themselves and will one day be held accountable for their actions. The satanic spirits which push them to kill their neighbours will push them tomorrow to kill their children; they will never have inner peace. To the Burundians, all together, let’s avoid evil, let’s not close our eyes to the misfortunes of our neighbours, tomorrow may be our turn. Let’s fight together all these killers so that they can join their rightful place so that they let us build our future together.

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