Burundi: Of national unity, there remains today only a political slogan (Seventh part).

Burundi: Of national unity, there remains today only a political slogan (Seventh part).
We are at the end of our analysis on the unity of the Burundians, based on the speech delivered by President Evariste Ndayishimiye on February 5, 2021. His speech was comprehensive and rich in advice; a speech by a head of state who loves his people and seeks their happiness based on security, justice and development. Unfortunately, it is clear that the president’s speeches are limited to words, that the reality of what is happening in Burundi and what is planned is different. This is called a lie; say what is contrary to reality. Lying to its people and to the international community becomes a real crime.
We have demonstrated in black and white that the unity of Burundians in reality does not exist. It is only in speeches. And Evariste Ndayishimiye, during his speech, pretended to show that he is the only one with good intentions, that the men and women around him would all be saboteurs of his good plans. This shows that either there is a problem between the top leaders of the state, or the ruling military clique is in a dishonest game to show good intentions while planning other things.
It is incomprehensible that the president declares good intentions but takes actions which really show that they are contrary to the principles and the spirit of national unity. When he says that a president must behave like the father of a family, that he must govern for all, he is the first to divide the people by favouring only the members of his party as if the others have no rights in Burundi, up to the right to life.
Today, we are using a report from the Iteka league and that of a study office on Burundi from February 5, 2021 entitled “ Between what the cnddfdd says and what he does, there is has an abyss! ”, to demonstrate that Evariste Ndayishimiye and the military clique chose the option of excluding all those who are not members of the cnddfdd from the management of the country. For example, the Iteka League, in its investigation, showed that the Hutu members of the cnddfdd occupy almost all positions of responsibility and that an insignificant number of positions are ceded to a few Tutsi members of this presidential party. In the field of health, for example, out of 673 heads of service (provincial doctors, heads of health districts, holders of health centres), 596 (88.6%) are Hutu members cnddfdd and 77 (11.4%) are Tutsi members of cnddfdd and only 0.1% are CNL members.
In the field of education, out of a total of 135 DPE (provincial directors of education) and DCE (municipal directors of education), 130 (96.3%) are members of the cnddfdd and 5 (3.7 %) only are members of Uprona; 124 (91.8%) are Hutu and 11 (8.2%) are Tutsi. In Justice (the services listed are the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the TGI, the courts of residence and the prisons). Out of a total of 185 executives identified, 142 (76.8%) are Hutu, 42 (22.7%) are Tutsi and 01 only Twa, all cnddfdd members. Regarding the Ministry of the Interior, Public Security and Community Development, the heads of departments concerned by the investigation are the governors and municipal administrators. Out of 18 governors, 17 (94%) are members of cnddfdd, and 1 (6%) is a member of Uprona; 15 (83%) are Hutu, 3 (17%) are Tutsi. Out of 118 municipal administrators, 116 (98%) are members of the cnddfdd, 2 (2%) are Uprona members. Among them, 32 (32%) are Tutsi and 80 (68%) are Hutu. In the Provincial Offices for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (BPEAE), the departments concerned are the BPEAEs and municipal agronomists. Out of a total of 122 executives identified, 120 (98.4%) are members of cnddfdd and 2 (1.6%) are members of Uprona; 98 (80.3%) are Hutu and 24 (19.7%) are Tutsi. Within the National Police, out of a total of 18 provincial police stations, 15 (83.3%) are Hutu and 3 (16.7%) are Tutsi and within the SNR (national intelligence service), out of 18 provinces, the report shows that 17 SNR leaders are Hutu and 01 Tutsi. At the level of the military camps and battalions, out of the 22 listed commanders, 18 (81.8%) are Hutu and only 4 (18.2%) are Tutsi. The pattern is almost the same in other sectors of the life of the country, starting with the presidency, the government, the national assembly, the senate, diplomatic reorientation and economic operators as shown in the report ” Between what the cnddfdd says and what he does, there is an abyss ” of the Study office on Burundi.
This is a gloomy picture which shows that Evariste Ndayishimiye only governs for his cnddfdd party, and that today, the Tutsis no longer have any positions of responsibility in the country. He is a real hypocrite who shows good intentions in his speeches while in practice he only excludes based on ethnicity and political leanings.
URN HITAMWONEZA continues to monitor all the facts and actions that prove that our leaders are only sowing divisions between Burundians by seeking only to gain the confidence of the Hutu social component and members of the cnddfdd in order to remain in power then that even these Hutus are starving like their Tutsi neighbours or members of other political groups. The fight is therefore common. We must all stand up to fight these leaders without a national vision, get rid of them as quickly as possible to build a good future for all because exclusion has always led us to endless conflicts.

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