Burundi: Evariste Ndayishimiye’s death squads are not disarming despite their boss’s diplomatic offensive.

Burundi: Evariste Ndayishimiye’s death squads are not disarming despite their boss’s diplomatic offensive.
Logically, at a time when President Evariste Ndayishimiye is on the diplomatic offensive to see if the European Union could resume cooperation definitively after so many years of sanctions, he should say stop to his death squads. Rather, we notice that they do not want to disarm at all. In his speech during his meeting with representatives of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps accredited to Bujumbura, President Ndayishimiye said: “ After the elections, which went well, we set about restoring confidence between the political actors ‘‘. It’s just a tantalizing speech as we are used to telling those who follow us, otherwise the reality is different. Tutsis and CNL members are persecuted every day, wrongly accused of disrupting the security of the country. These criminals sent by Evariste Ndayishimiye will say that they are safeguarding the security of the country while they commit crimes against humanity; crimes of genocide. The EU is aware of this. For those who do not have the time to follow what is happening in our country, we would like to share with you a few illustrative cases.
The most recent case is that of Nduwayezu Clément, member of the CNL of Agathon Rwasa, living in Rweza –Muyira-in rural Bujumbura, who has been missing since January 31, 2021. The tactics used by the executioners are the same: a phone call by a man whom the victim cannot suspect, then, he is arrested and handcuffed either by imbonerakure or by SNR agents. In the case of Nduwayezu Clément, Mpitabavuma Gédéon, Muyira zone chief, would be the first responsible for this kidnapping. His family looked everywhere, no trace. She fears he would already be killed. If so, the family will not even see a corpse as these criminals manage to throw it away from the victim’s place of origin. If they decide to throw it into water (lakes or rivers), they attach a large stone to the corpse so that it does not rise to the surface until it partially decomposes (no one will be able to recognize it in this state).
The second case is that of two young brothers Alexis Mworozi, 20 years old, who had just finished the humanities and Lionel Rwigema, 16 years old, from the 10th; They were arrested on January 30, 2021 at their home at Kiri hill in the Mariza zone in Rumonge by soldiers and police taken from several positions in the town of Burambi. These younger brothers were handcuffed and taken to the Gishiha police station. They are accused of having hidden their older brother Léon Bizoza who, according to these criminals, was repatriated from Rwanda and who brought a weapon. A shameless assembly and an unfounded pretext because if he got in by normal route, there was no way to get on the buses with a gun; if he had gone through illegal channels, he did not need to bring a weapon from Rwanda; In Burundi, arms abound everywhere, whoever needs them can find them anytime and anywhere. Let nothing happen to these innocent young people because in no way can they answer for the acts of their brother even if he had committed some crime. This is a criminal attitude that has never been seen elsewhere than during the reign of the cnddfdd. The military and police chiefs, as well as the local administration, are held accountable for whatever happens to these young people.
Recall that in Burambi, it has become a habit to kill people without prosecution: Deo Niyongabo alias Côme, ex fab, was killed on January 16, 2021 by the police; Protais Niyungeko was killed on January 18, 2021 after 4 days in police custody, was shot by police as he was about to show them a weapons cache; Egide Sindayigaya, a 60-year-old, died on January 25, 2021 following the torture inflicted on him by the police and SNR agents.
A third illustrative case is that of Dieudonné Mushirakure, CNL member and former soldier, originally from Nyamurenge hill, Makamba zone of Mwaro province. He was arrested on January 20, 2021 by the police on the injunction of Athanase Mpawenayo, zone chief and cnddfdd chief in Rusaka commune. He was transferred to Gérard Ndayisenga, SNR chief of Mwaro. His family has no trace of him since that day.
Members of the diplomatic and consular corps who listened to Evarsite Ndayishimiye’s speech and who are continuing their talks with Minister Albert Shingiro, should ask him whether this is how he is working to restore trust between political actors.
URNHITAMWONEZA believes that if Evariste Ndayishimiye is really behind these cases of gross human rights violations and continues to make such speeches, he is a true dishonest, hypocritical man, a criminal monster. And if he doesn’t know or can’t stop them, he’s just an extra, he has to resign. And if he chooses to sit in his presidential chair and continues to lie to Burundians and the international community, his days are numbered. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
Email: [email protected]  Twitter: URN HITAMWONEZA

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