Burundi: Under different skies, they should resign.

Burundi: Under different skies, they should resign.
“They” we want to talk about are General President Evariste Ndayishimiye and Marshal Prime Minister Allain Guillaume Bunyoni. Generals around the world are the best strategists. The Burundians were fortunate enough to have them in impressive numbers. Today we are talking about the two great leaders of the military clique that is ruling the country. They should normally adopt strategies that can lead Burundians to fulfilment and development. Unfortunately, both officers have become big liars; officers who lie to the people have no honour to be called “general officers”, they should normally resign from their posts and go to justice.
We briefly remind our readers of the facts who have not had a chance to read our analysis on the case. These are two parastatal companies, Regideso and Onatel, which are said to be on the verge of bankruptcy (according to Evariste Ndayishimiye and Allain Guillaume Bunyoni). Some would have had the opportunity to hear the words and expressions used by the two top authorities of the country to show that the managers of the two companies have failed in their missions, that they are recording only remarkable losses. The two threatened to kick their staff and turn the companies over to other managers who would be able to turn a profit. President Ndayishimiye directly accused all Regideso staff, from the CEO to the orderly, of stealing the water and electricity money that the Burundian people had entrusted to them to manage. With all the excitement, he, at a public conference in December of last year, 2020, concluded that everyone will be kicked out and the company will be handed over to other capable managers. However, a few weeks later, the same president did not hesitate to sign a presidential decree number 100/011 of January 14, 2021, appointing the CEO of Regideso, Mr. Siméon Habonimana as Director of the Development Program of the Energy, Mines, Infrastructures and Social Housing. From the way he had publicly handled this Regideso case, there was reason to think that at least the CEO would be in jail the next day. Ridicule does not kill ; Here he is appointed to another post, juicier than the first (it depends on who appreciated) to thank him for a job well done.
Indeed, he did his job well because when he was handed over and taken over with the one who will succeed him at the head of this company, Mr Siméon Habonimana presented to the media and the staff a rather positive assessment of the company. On January 19, 2021, he said he will step down from management leaving a company debt free. “On his accounts there are 12 billion frbu and the state owes him 16 billion frbu,” he said. And Mr Siméon Habonimana to add that the company’s turnover rose from 56 billion in 2017 to 88 billion in 2018, then to 107 billion in 2019. Here is the balance sheet released by the CEO, publicly accused of theft as well as everything its staff by President Ndayishimiye, then dismissed a few weeks later. We are waiting to see the record of Onatel which has also been singled out by both the President and the Prime Minister.
URN HITAMWONEZA would not like to come back to this in detail, we have already shown in our previous editions, that these companies are being ruined by the power of Gitega himself. Everyone will see, with the balance sheet released by the former CEO of Regideso, that the state has a debt far greater than the amount the company has in liquidity. The onatel is probably going through the same situation. Where is the money from these parastatal companies going? Part of it is effectively debts of the state because water and electricity as well as telephone communications are used by its officials with the minimum of rigor possible. Another part goes into the accounts of individuals or the ruling party; money out of the company’s coffers with no proof, no trace.
But, what is it that makes people of such high responsibility lose their minds to say one thing to the public today and without shame or fear, go so far as to do just the opposite of what they have said the next day? What is at the root of this mismatch in the management of state affairs until a Director General openly denies without too much noise the words of a President of the Republic? We read on the tweeter account of the famous Willy Nyamitwe, in charge of communication at the presidency, that President Ndayishimiye spoke on January 17, 2021 with his Tanzanian counterpart John Pompe Magufuli and that they discussed subjects related to the two countries (without specifying which ones) and the region. Maybe it was to report back to him on the failed set-up to bring the two parastatals under the control of Tanzanian companies under the senior leadership like Magufuli, Kikwete and Mkapa. The visible part of the iceberg in this mafia affair is Tariq Bachir (called Thaluko) who supplies everything that is oil produced in Burundi.
We had already said it in one of our editions and we are not afraid to repeat it, the two leaders are jostled by the Tanzanian authorities who believe that time is getting a bit long without this military clique in power succeeding in to repay the entire debt that this country gave them to buy the weapons and all the necessary logistics during the rebellion period. It is for this reason that Magufuli is desperate to ensure that all of Burundi’s minerals go to processing factories in Tanzania instead of helping Burundi build its own factories. He wants at all costs to recover the money his country gave to these men. The Burundians risk waking up one day finding the country already annexed to Tanzania; became one of the provinces of this country. Time will tell.
URN HITAMWONEZA once again calls on the Burundians to come out of this silence and energetically denounce these acts of high treason posed by leaders without vision. Such repetitive contradictions by a President of the Republic also shame every Burundian, wherever he is. Those in the interior of the country are taken hostage; no right of expression, let alone demonstration. They should be understood. But, the Burundians of the diaspora (Hutus as Tutsis) should say no and loudly, to this descent into hell of our country. There are many leaders concerned about the future of all the Burundian people without exclusion. Let us do everything we can to peacefully drive out these incapable people so that they have time to answer for their actions before the competent courts and let the people enjoy the beauty and the riches of our country. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
Email: [email protected]  Twitter: URN HITAMWONEZA

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