Burundi: Burundians want a change for the year 2021 which will begin soon.

Burundi: Burundians want a change for the year 2021 which will begin soon.
Our country, Burundi, a very beautiful country, does not deserve leadership without a vision of the future for our children. We have been able to show during this year which ends how Burundi is managed by a handful of men and women who only ride for their interests, who have never put forward the well-being of all Burundians in their whole. Rather, they excelled in ethnic and political divisions; since 2005 they have continued the genocide of Tutsis and Hutus of the opposition, for which they are almost in its final phase of preparation.
To start with the most recent period of 1993, we have shown that a genocide of Tutsis and Uprona Hutus was committed by extremist Hutus from Frodebu (see United Nations report S / 1996/682 of 22 August 1996). We had the opportunity to present to you some testimonies collected in the freshness of the facts from the survivors of this genocide who told us about how the genocide was prepared and executed by a 100% frodebu administration, lists of certain victims and of their executioners have been published.
We think we will be able to release, in the course of the year 2021, a detailed report, in the form of a book, which recounts the course of this 1993 genocide: how it was planned and executed, the lists of all the victims and executioners, hill by hill, across the country.
The impunity that followed this genocide meant that the same criminals joined the rebellion, supposedly to defend democracy after the assassination of the democratically elected president, Mechior Ndadaye. Rather, their objective was to continue the genocide in order to remove the embarrassing witnesses to everything they did in 1993. Returned through the front door through negotiations without having conquered any square meter of the territory, they subsequently won the elections of 2005 by terror and continued the genocide of 1993
Since 2005, Burundi has experienced a gradual genocide of Tutsi and Hutus of the opposition to this day. The cnddfdd military clique destroyed all political parties and the party is now establishing itself as a state party. All decisions are taken within the permanence. The once reputed professional defence and security corps have been divided and the most zealous among them are now following orders, not from the military hierarchy as it should be, but within the party. Hence, they are like ineffective bodies on which the military clique no longer relies. This is why the imbonerakure militia was instituted as a formidable force (which even controls the police), which carry out all the orders given by the upper sphere of the state aimed at eliminating, torturing, imprisoning all those who do not adhere to their ideas. The Tutsis and opposition Hutus who remain free in the country live in panic fear, their projects have all been ruined to reduce them to beggars in front of these criminals who are waiting for them in the turn to eliminate them, already weakened at the slightest whistle. This moment is very near, especially since the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye has just finalized the census of all civil servants, both public and private. Its objective is to continue to starve these Tutsis by excluding them from certain posts on the pretext that there are many there, but also and above all, the census aims to better locate them so that when the time comes, imbonerakure and interahamwe do not are not mistaken when the time comes to eliminate them.
This moment is approaching because all the preparations are almost at the end: the imbonerakure are on all the hills, with the means of communication and the weapons, they have completed the identification of all the families of the Tutsis and the Hutus of the cnl. On top of that, as with frodebu in 1993, the entire administration is occupied by members of cnddfdd. Burundi claims to be a democratic country, but we have shown that it is a nameless dictatorship. At the head of state, at the prime minister’s office, at the ministry of public security, interior and community development, at the head of the National Assembly, there are soldiers as well as in certain provinces of the country, without forgetting that even at the level of the administration at the base referred to above, there are demobilized cnddfdd. What is left to finalize genocide for a regime that has it in its plans? And yet, to the astonishment of all those in the know, European countries and the United Nations in general are approaching this power to support it as if they do not see all these facts.
The year 2020 is coming to an end, we are starting 2021. We ask these countries to stop providing multifaceted support to this genocidal power, otherwise they will be responsible for what will happen tomorrow. To all the forces of order, we ask you to ensure your respect, to refuse illegal orders contrary to your noble mission. To all Burundians, we ask you for solidarity to fight together the evil, the lie that is eating away at our dear Nation. We must fight in this year that begins against all those leaders who have only manipulation, lies, hatred, genocide ideology as their only weapon to stay in power and push us further into misery. Together against the forces of evil, we will win; truth and good will eventually triumph.
URN HITAMWONEZA wishes you the best wishes for the year 2021; May it be for all Burundians and all those who follow us, a year of rediscovered peace, happiness and prosperity.

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