Burundi: Is Burundi a democratic or dictatorial state(Part 2)

Burundi: Is Burundi a democratic or dictatorial state
(Part 2)
We are continuing our process of making the public see that the democracy sung in Burundi is not one; that the Burundians live in a nameless dictatorship for some and in a rampant genocide for others.
If we take the simple definition of democracy as a power of the people by the people and for the people, we quickly realize that democracy risks being limited to elections. The people choose their representatives and they rule on behalf of the people who elected them, but they do not govern for the people because the people do not benefit from them. He was telling the truth Fred Lafrite by declaring that democracy in the current state of things is an illusion which serves to protect the minority of the rich and the powerful '' The people remain miserable, only the elected officials fill their pockets and do not remember more than those who brought them to power. They will remember the importance of the lower classes as new elections approach. In the meantime, they multiply enticing speeches, good intentions without any concrete action. Otherwise, we would not find in Burundi, in the 21st century, poorly covered primary schools, without doors or windows, where students are still sitting on stones in class for lack of desks benches when Prime Minister Allain Guillaume Bunyoni buys state-of-the-art vehicles for his wife and daughter for every festive occasion (birthday or graduation) In La Baule, June 20, 1990, François Mitterrand gave the order to African countries to introduce European-style multiparty systems in their States and they plunged their peoples into it with their eyes closed because it was the sine qua non for benefit from French aid. He said in his speech: "France will link all its efforts to contribute to the efforts that will be made to move towards more freedom". However, he was convinced that exporting European-style parliamentary democracy to Africa, where the rules of law are still in its infancy and where the political issues come down to the sharing of Western manna (public aid, private donations and royalties from forest companies, mining and oil) was the bearer of all dangers. Countries that had enjoyed flawless stability for 30 years as a one-party party began to get into serious trouble after entering this system. Now France and the other European states have achieved their objective: to destabilize and weaken these states in order to easily infiltrate and plunder them. Democracy has thus become the power of the numerical majority because Africans, unprepared for this kind of system, do not elect leaders on the basis of appreciation of the company projects presented, but on the basis of ethnic or clan affiliation. This is how this sometimes uneducated majority, inexperienced in the management of state affairs, will seek only to crush the minority which had kept power and the country in stability. This is why Albert Camus would like "democracy not to be the law of the majority, but the protection of the minority"; so that the will of the people is not necessarily the will of the greatest number as John Stuart Mill says in his work De la liberté (1859) ” which considered that “ the tyranny of the majority ” is the one of the evils against which society must protect itself. The example of Rwanda could not have been more eloquent where the large number of Hutus, supported by France, organized and carried out a genocide of the Tutsi minority.
France has learned nothing from Rwanda’s lesson because it continues to support genocidal leaders, simply because they have been “elected” by the majority. We are talking about Burundi where the same majority voted for a change during an electoral process of May 2020, but a military clique in power led by Evariste Ndayishimiye decided otherwise by staying in power by force of arms. Is it the majority democracy advocated by France? Why has France, like the other European countries, turned a blind eye to this eye-catching reality and started to support this power, which, however, is preparing a genocide in Burundi?
URNHITAMWONEZA believes that the countries that support Burundi should know that one day they will be held responsible for having played a decisive role in the genocide which is now reaching its final phase of preparation. The Burundians must think of arresting by all means these criminals and bringing them to justice and thus consider setting up a democratic system adapted to the realities of our country.

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