Burundi: Gitega’s criminal power celebrates its diplomatic victory on the day of mourning for thousands of Burundians killed by elements of the CDS and its militia.

Burundi: Gitega’s criminal power celebrates its diplomatic victory on the day of mourning for thousands of Burundians killed by elements of the CDS and its militia
The dates of 11 and 12 December 2015 were days of misfortune for all Burundians, except for the criminals of the Cnddfdd who rejoice in killing innocent people. That night, gunmen attacked some military camps in the capital and rural Bujumbura. The death toll from these attacks is known by Colonel Baratuza Gaspard, then spokesman of the army, now commander of the Higher Institute of Military Cadres, Iscam, with a rank of Brigadier General, a sign of thanks given by the authorities to the criminals who stand out. He changed the toll of the innocent killed by the military, police and imbonerakure; which shows that these are figures that were dictated to him by these criminals. More than 500 innocent Burundians were killed by elements of the security forces and the imbonerakure militia.
Prime Niyongabo, Gervais Ndirakobuca aka Ndakugarika, , Gaspard Baratuza, Marius Ngendabanka, Marius Gahomera, Dominique Nyamugaruka, Nduwumukiza, (we allow ourselves to take away their ranks because they are criminals who do not deserve them), as well as other non-cited officials and members of the Special Brigade for the Protection of Institutions (BSPI), and police officers from the Institution Support (API); two units in charge of the protection of the President of the Republic, are the first responsible for these despicable crimes. Let them turn their thumbs today, but never forget that they will one day have to answer for the actions they have taken. The late President Nkurunziza , Adolphe Nshimirimana and Darius Ikurakure are already dead, but they too deserve to be tried and convicted for their actions. Let them not be considered heroes when they are would-be criminals.
Hundreds of innocent people were shot from their sleeping homes; women and girls were raped in front of their children by uniformed police officers in the Ngagara, Mutakura, Jabe, Nyakabiga and Musaga neighbourhoods. The next day, municipal government vans passed through these neighbourhoods to forcibly pick up these corpses and throw them into mass graves dug by the imbonerakure. Gaspard Baratuza was not ashamed to declare on the media that the people killed in the neighbourhoods were fighters who had attacked the military camps that would have hidden in the households and that these corpses were buried by the municipal services because were not recognized by the inhabitants of the neighbourhoods. Ridiculous doesn’t kill. This led to his refusal by the United Nations Secretariat General to participate in the peacekeeping forces in the Central African Republic.
To this day of bad memories of this crime committed by the cnddfdd power, he organized demonstrations to celebrate what they call ”a diplomatic victory”. They mobilized everyone, paralyzing all activities. The invitation statement specifies that those who do not participate in these demonstrations will be considered an enemy of the country.
Remember that it was on December 4, 2020 that the United Nations Security Council decided to remove Burundi from its political agenda. It will no longer be subject to regular analysis by this UN body; it is no longer on the list of countries that pose a security threat in the world. The council is wrong in saying that peace and security prevail in Burundi. Or he did it knowingly, just to caress the eagle in the direction of the feathers to tame it and then kill it. Otherwise, a weakness to this point before a criminal power would be unacceptable; a government that announced the “closure” by 31 December 2020 of the local office of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy to Burundi in February 2019 also expelled four experts from the World Health Organization (WHO). One has to wonder why the United Nations would kneel before such power.
Regardless of the motivation of the Security Council, taking such a decision is tantamount to strengthening a criminal power that continues to bereave the Burundian people and which mocks those who demand restorative justice because it has installed a system of impunity in the country, and international courts such as the ICC are only dragging their feet in front of thousands of cases that have been handed down to them by authorized bodies.
Today, reports by human rights organizations show 368 Burundians killed since the beginning of 2020, including 278 killed since Evariste Ndayishimiye took power. They are mainly members of the opposition party, CNL, members of the former Burundian armed forces considered by the government to be Tutsis to be slaughtered and young Tutsis. It is the genocide that continues. These organizations also report 59 missing persons (some of them probably killed), 182 arbitrarily imprisoned. ACAT – Burundi adds to these grisly tolls 33 women and girls who have been raped.
It is on these deaths and serious violations of human rights, in addition to those recorded on 11 and 12 December 2015 , that the military clique in power in Gitega is dancing today, celebrating the mere fact that the Security Council has declared that Burundi is no longer on its political agenda.
URN HITAMWONEZA knows that the requirements of this council will not be met by Gitega’s criminal power. It is for this reason that we once again call on peace-loving Burundians to take their destiny into their own hands. We must join forces to completely block the road to these unpunished criminals in order to drive them out of power and have the means to bring them to justice. This is the only way that all those who have lost theirs during these times of crisis will be able to grieve and grieve, and then put the energies together to build a good future for our country.

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