Burundi: The UN Security Council comforts Gitega’s power in its genocide project in the sub-region

Burundi: The UN Security Council comforts Gitega’s power in its genocide project in the sub-region.
As if seeking arguments to justify the decision taken on 4 December 2020 to remove Burundi from its political agenda, the UN Security Council dared to say in its communiqué that there had been ‘improvement of security in Burundi’ and that ”the elections of May 2020 were generally peaceful’. In addition to this, the UN calls on Gitega to fight human rights violations. Everyone remembers that the decision came after the refusal of the Burundian authorities to extend the presence of the office of the UN special envoy yet desired by Antonio Guterres. Why is the UN bowing to a very poor small country like Burundi? This is not for free; there is a hidden agenda for Burundi. The genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis was carried out in the open, the Security Council was aware of what was being prepared in this country where it even had its forces; he did nothing to save the Rwandan Tutsis. France, which is part of this council, supported by all means the government of Juvénal Havyarimana, which prepared and executed the genocide. The failure of Havyarimana’s genocidal power was the failure of France. It is the same country that, in violation of the sanctions imposed on Burundi since 2015 by the countries of the European Union, has already restarted military cooperation with the power of Gitega. The same facts may produce the same results; Burundians should expect disaster.
As in Rwanda, where the interahamwe had been seriously prepared ideologically and physically and well-armed, today Gitega’s military power feels comforted by this decision of the UN Security Council and is beginning to strengthen its imbonerakure militia to take action when the time comes.
According to well-informed sources, 08 weapons were distributed to the imbonerakure in the Maramvya area of Burambi commune in Rumonge province. This operation was reportedly supervised last week by Prime Ndayisenga, Maramvya area chief. It’s just a drop in the ocean because weapons were given to the imbonerakure on all the hills of the country, it was just a re-enactment.
This militia is of great importance to the power of the cnddfdd, it enjoys more confidence than the defence and security forces. For those who do not know it yet, these imbonerakure make the law all over the country; even the administration bends in front of them. They have the final say in front of the police and military. As a sign of thanks, the most active are regularly sent on peacekeeping missions to Somalia in military uniforms. On their return, they have money, they see themselves as military personnel capable of providing security both inside and abroad. It is for this reason that Evariste Ndayishimiye structured them in terms of battalions; purely military units. Remember that on November 21, 2020, at the close of the week of the cnddfd fighter, he gave the marching battalion (a term used by Neva to refer to the group of imbonerakure that was marching) a sum of 50 million frbu.
Why this emphasis placed more on imbonerakure than on the defence and security forces by the cnddfdd power? Simply because they are exclusively members of the ruling party, are not governed by any law and they respect all the orders (even the most illegal) of the military clique. They can arrest, torture and kill whoever they want under the cover of power, including members of the administration and defence and security forces.
This is the force on which the military clique in power relies most. When Antonio Guterres proposes his socio-economic reintegration, he does not know what he is talking about; Gitega’s power doesn’t care and says no word about it. And the Security Council calls for respect for human rights in Burundi under such conditions. And it’s not because he’s not aware of this situation, far from it. This means that he does not care about the lives of the Burundian people. Whether we kill each other or not, it’s our business. He is waiting for the disaster to happen as in Rwanda to wake up and think about sending response forces
URN HITAMWONEZA once again appeals to the people of Burundi to mobilize in an attempt to save what remains to be saved in our country. The large-scale genocide is being prepared, the Security Council, instead of preventing just showed us that our survival is not its concern by instead supporting the power that prepares it with its imbonerakure militia. We have to stand in the way, as soon as possible, to this power, before the disaster happens. Everyone must contribute to this project; otherwise, no one will be spared. The survival of the Burundian people depends on this.

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